Majself feat. Grizzly - Ticho - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Majself feat. Grizzly - Ticho

Vítam ťa v džungli,??? jak Mauglí
Welcome to the jungle, ??? like Mowgli
Prechádzam mestom a pohľady cítim na šiji jak čepeľ
I walk through the city and feel the stares on my neck like a blade
Zamkíňam duše, kamenné srdcia
Locking souls, hearts of stone
V očiach horí mesačná krajina
In my eyes burns the lunar landscape
Prešli roky odkedy som zdvihol ten fucker a bye bye
Years have passed since I picked up that fucker and bye bye
Zadaní chcú hrať pexeso, iní pre lóve zoberú aj??
The taken ones want to play memory games, others for love will take even??
Je tu hluk, nevyhneš sa??
There's noise here, you can't avoid??
Mne to nevadí, veď je to ako espresso
It doesn't bother me, it's like espresso
Som v tom, pontón nemením, žijem raz
I'm in it, I'm not changing the pontoon, I live once
Ale ty, zmenila večnosť si
But you, you've changed eternity
Pálim ten papier jak dogmu
I burn that paper like a dogma
Zasebou nechávam peklo
I leave hell behind me
Ideme spolu jak tandem
We go together like a tandem
Nebojím sa toho, že tu spadnem na zem
I'm not afraid to fall to the ground here
Pri tebe dokonalý partner
With you, the perfect partner
Chránim tvoju kožu, panter
I protect your skin, panther
Všade ťahá ma to za tebou jak spodný prúd
Everywhere I'm pulled towards you like an undercurrent
Vaše oči ako keby Berlín múr
Your eyes as if the Berlin Wall
Energia medzi nami, precítená hlbinami
Energy between us, felt by the depths
Tvoje rany, moje pery, verný muž
Your wounds, my lips, faithful man
A tak to bude vždy, nemôžeš nám vlastne nič
And it will always be like this, you can't actually do anything to us
Šťastie nezabijú??, pre vás je to záhada jak??
Happiness won't kill??, for you it's a mystery like??
Sme búrka, kvapky aj dážď, kvapky v nás, plnia nám cievy
We are a storm, drops and rain, drops are in us, filling our veins
Jedno telo, jedna duša, naveky spojení v mieri
One body, one soul, forever united in peace
Za sebou mám tisíc míľ s tebou zmenili mi život, život, život
I have a thousand miles behind me with you they changed my life, life, life
Počul som tie hlasy stáť, ale ostali len ticho, ticho, ticho
I heard those voices stand, but they were only silent, silent, silent
Máme silu spolu ísť, spolu hýbať celým svetom, svetom, svetom
We have the strength to go together, to move the whole world together, world, world
Nemusíš byť s nami ty, ale ani my s tebou, s tebou, s tebou
You don't have to be with us, but neither do we with you, with you, with you
Náš svet plný len mien
Our world full of names
Je polnoc, ja nespím
It's midnight, I'm not sleeping
Počuť to ticho je prestíž
Hearing that silence is prestige
V mieche mám zimnicu, kolotoč pocitov, odkedy došla si ty
I have chills in my spine, a carousel of emotions since you arrived
Vraj úteky z raja, atrament, sépie, raja
They say escapes from paradise, ink, cuttlefish, paradise
V očiach vás štípeme, tak ako??
We sting in your eyes, like??
Sme vinní snáď, lebo sme utiekli dvaja? (Čo?!)
Are we guilty perhaps, because we ran away together? (What?!)
Náš svet, chladný jak sarnie
Our world, cold as a barn
Náš svet zvuk jak árie
Our world sounds like an aria
Náš štít je viera a ne čierna diera
Our shield is faith and not a black hole
Voči vám necítime ani sentiment
We don't even feel sentiment towards you
Nechceme tabletky, Matrix
We don't want pills, Matrix
Aj tak sme mali všetky
We had them all anyway
Keď padneš, si pri mne, ja pri tebe
When you fall, you're with me, I'm with you
Pre teba zmenil som veštby
For you I changed the prophecies
Vraveli, že to nevydrží ani rok, ale dnes spolu máme dieťa
They said it wouldn't last even a year, but today we have a child together
A všade, kade ideme tak cítiť našu silu, do oči to vanie ako prievan
And everywhere we go you can feel our strength, it blows in your eyes like a draft
Vraj, vraj to chceli zničiť (Čo?!), vypáliť, Vietnam
They say, they say they wanted to destroy it (What?!), burn it down, Vietnam
Sme ako živé zrkadlo, keď za vašu lásku platí prachy??
We are like a living mirror, when ?? pays for that love of yours
Jebať na zvuky sirén, za to, že naše oči iné
Fuck the sounds of sirens, because our eyes are different
Za to, že sa dotýkame hocikde a hocikedy
Because we touch anywhere and anytime
Kedykoľvek, kedy to len ide, no a čo?
Whenever, whenever it's possible, so what?
Kúpte si lieky z piraní
Buy yourself piranha medicine
Dýchajte na seba kyanid
Breathe cyanide on each other
Vaše ticho je náš trón a náš svet plný mien
Your silence is our throne and our world full of names
Za sebou mám tisíc míl s tebou zmenili mi život, život, život
I have a thousand miles behind me with you they changed my life, life, life
Počul som tie hlasy stáť, ale ostali len ticho, ticho, ticho
I heard those voices stand, but they were only silent, silent, silent
Máme silu spolu ísť, spolu hýbať celým svetom, svetom, svetom
We have the strength to go together, to move the whole world together, world, world
Nemusíš byť s nami ty, ale ani my s tebou, s tebou, s tebou
You don't have to be with us, but neither do we with you, with you, with you
Aj keď vonku prší dážď z očí, my vždy máme leto, leto, leto
Even if the rain is pouring from our eyes outside, we always have summer, summer, summer
To, čo máme medzi sebou nepochopíš nikdy jebo, jebo, jebo
What we have between us you will never understand idiot, idiot, idiot
Náš svet plný len mien
Our world full of names
Náš svet plný len mien
Our world full of names
Náš svet plný len mien
Our world full of names
Náš svet plný len mien
Our world full of names

Writer(s): Michael švehla, Milan Macko

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