Malique feat. Joe Flizzow - 2010 Masih Hip Hop (Remastered) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Malique feat. Joe Flizzow - 2010 Masih Hip Hop (Remastered)

2010 Masih Hip Hop (Remastered)
2010 Still Hip Hop (Remastered)
Masa berlalu zaman berubah
Time flies everything changes
Dia berubah mereka berubah
It changes, they change
Orang berubah semua dah berubah
People change everything's already changed
Tapi, aku masih hip hop
But, I'm still hip hop
Dah sepuluh raya masih ada gaya
Ten years have passed still got the swag
Rancangan berjaya joe kita hampir kaya
Dreams succeed, Joe we're almost rich
Too phat dah bersara senegara terpedaya
Too Phat already retired the whole country was swindled
Mereka bina kerjaya kita dah bina empayar
They build their career, we build our empire
Rakit-rakit sekarang kita dah belayar
We used to build a raft, now we sail
Sakit-sakit sekarang kita dah dibayar
We used to suffer, now we're paid
Mereka masih satu show dua ribu
They still do one show for two thousand
Kita masih belanja duit show tahun dua ribu
We still spend money like it's two-thousand
Masih flow macam tahun dua ribu
Still flow like it's two-thousand
Masih funky for the fellas, huh, mereka jealous
Still funky for the fellas, huh, they're jealous
Dengan dua budak sihat
With two healthy kids
Ingat dah tamat riwayat
Thought it was the end
Kita balik ketawa sambung hikayat, check
We're back and laughing, continue the story, check
Kalau ku pergi tunggu ku pastikan kembali
If I leave wait, let me make sure I come back
Analogi taksi bila beraksi
Like a taxi in action
Dari bermula ke kini lagu jadi legasi
From the beginning till now the songs become a legacy
Ku macam tangan sentiasa di sisimu
I'm like a hand, always by your side
Masih hip hop ku tetap rock
Still hip hop I still rock
Masih boleh pop lock top rock
Still can pop lock top rock
Headspin, Windmill, Flare Air Tracks
Headspin, Windmill, Flare Air Tracks
Masih beli Air Force dan Air Max
Still buy Air Force and Air Max
Tin aerosol masih cari dinding
Aerosol paint still looking for a wall
Boombox dentum jiran masih bising
Boombox thumping the neighbours are still noisy
Old school aksesori ku diskman
Old school accessory my diskman
Headphone, backpack, tuala putih, wrist band
Headphones, backpack, white towel, wrist band
Check it out bling hayun lenggok-lenggok
Check it out bling swing, sway, sway
Di KL masih cun awek masih mahu tengok
In KL still handsome babe still wanna look
SG masih kerek mata air pandang
SG still stylish, look at me carefully
Di JKT kumasih keren tapi tambah gantang
In JKT, I'm still cool, but even more handsome
Hip hop yeah aku masih lagi
Hip hop yeah I'm still here
Masih hip hip hop masih tip top
Still hip hip hop, still top
Dari dulu sampai ke kini dan sampai ke mati
From then till now and until I die
Hip hop sentiasa di hati
Hip hop is always in my heart
Apa boleh buat Flizzow suka buat
What can I do? Flizzow likes to do
Benda yang kritik kata orang tak boleh buat
Things that are criticized, others say it can't be done
Gua tetap rap walau mereka belot
I still rap even though they abandon me
Kita jalan terus mereka jalan belok-belok
We go straight, they go crooked
Lirik masih elok telok Kuala Lumpur
Lyrics still good Kuala Lumpur
Swagger orang Johor wajib siar wajib tonton
Johor swag, must broadcast, must watch
Dua album solo 5 pengiktirafan
Two solo albums, five recognitions
Tapi yang lebih penting respect dari masyarakat
But what's more important is respect from society
Dan komunitasi hip hop terima kasih
And the hip hop community, thank you
Kerana tidak dengar dan percaya spekulasi
For not listening and believing the speculations
Joe Flizzow dan Malique kembali kolabori
Joe Flizzow and Malique back to collaborate
Hello industri inilah sambungan dominasi
Hello industry, this is the sequel of dominance
Ku ulang sekali lagi
I'll say it again
Ku hip hop sampai mati
I'm hip hop till I die
Walau sekarang hip hop uzur tapi masih belum terkubur
Even though now hip hop is old, but it's not buried yet
Boleh panggil kami doktor pakar bedah rapper plastik
You can call us plastic rapper surgeons
Troy/McNamara Nip Tuck, Thoo Phat masih hip hop
Troy/McNamara Nip Tuck, Thoo Phat are still hip hop

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