Malique feat. Nukilan - Bukan Mudah (feat. Nukilan) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Malique feat. Nukilan - Bukan Mudah (feat. Nukilan)

Bukan Mudah (feat. Nukilan)
Not Easy (feat. Nukilan)
Hampir lelah hampir jatuh diri ini
My dear, I've been through it, I've come close to the end
Bila separuh semangat tiada di sisi
My strength is low, and I've lost my guiding friend
Tak mengapa ku tempuhi dugaan
But I forge ahead, no matter the pain
Bukan mudah berjalan berseorangan
It's not easy, walking this path alone
Tubuh yang mengah lesu, berkais dan melombong
My body aches and my mind's exhausted
Pulang menapak laju dalam langkah yang melonjong
I struggle to find my way, lost and exhausted
Yang menegur khabarku, berpaling bukan sombong
People pass me by, their gazes cold
Titikku kini satu senyumkan yang dah melolong
My smile is a mask, hiding the pain that unfolds
Kadang terkena pedang bermata dua kurebah
Sometimes I'm struck by misfortune's blade
Sedang terleka pandang permata disengat lebah
Lured by pretty things, then stung by heartache's raid
Biarpun lelah, lara takkan gundah dalam lemah
But even when I'm weak, I won't give in
Ku sedar bukan mudah diludah beransur kebah
I know it's not easy, to rise above the din
Pecah jari-jemari tekan tubi pensil kayu
My fingers tremble as I grip my pencil tight
Resah harianku telan ubi berkipas bayu
My daily struggles, a constant fight
Bangkit hadap mentari biar terik ku tak layu
I face the sun, no matter how strong
Berlari kerah lagi selagi ku dirgahayu
As long as I live, I'm determined to keep moving on
Tiada yang ringan dalam hal yang dititik-beratkan
Nothing worthwhile comes easy, it's true
Tekanan, perjalanan jadi pengalaman beratkan
Pressure and trials, they help us grow and renew
Bermula dari angan bergiat sampai ke tua
From dreams of youth to the wisdom of age
Masih terngiang suara ibu membisik petua
My mother's words still guide me, a gentle sage
Hampir lelah hampir jatuh diri ini
My dear, I've been through it, I've come close to the end
Bila separuh semangat tiada di sisi
My strength is low, and I've lost my guiding friend
Tak mengapa ku tempuhi dugaan
But I forge ahead, no matter the pain
Bukan mudah berjalan berseorangan
It's not easy, walking this path alone
Berjaya melangkah pagar kawat berduri
I've pushed through barriers, with every ounce of might
Percaya, adakah hidup ini berjuri?
Trust me, this life is not always as it seems
Sentiasa dihakim, dihukum darah sendiri
Judged and condemned by those I hold dear
Berjasa pun dihakim, dihukum jasa dicuri
Even my kindness is met with doubt and fear
Bersuara lantang ku tiada cara dipertengah
My voice is silenced, my opinions ignored
Berdiri tegak aku nak diendah hingga megah
I stand tall, determined to be heard
Berdiam diri pula dibakar hati disergah
If I stay silent, I'll be consumed by the fire
Menyiram benih cita nak bercambah bukan mudah
Nurturing my dreams is a constant struggle, it's true
Ke langit tidak sampai ke bumi tidak terpijak
Neither heaven nor earth will welcome me, it's through
Sesak nafas tergapai, maka tangkis dengan bijak
I gasp for breath, but I fight back with all my might
Mana langit kujunjung di situ bumi kupijak
I'll reach for the heavens, and keep my feet on the ground
Usaha yang kan usung pergerakan harus bijak
My efforts will bear fruit, if my path is sound
Bersedia di zahir mahirkan dari dirantai
Prepared for the unknown, breaking free from chains
Usah endah yang diraptai gusar hilang nak bersantai
Ignore the distractions, focus on my gains
Rujuklah awal akhir sebelum merempuh badai
Consider every angle before taking the leap
Demi yang menanti jangan sekali maruah digadai
For those who depend on me, my honor I'll keep
Hampir lelah hampir jatuh diri ini
My dear, I've been through it, I've come close to the end
Bila separuh semangat tiada di sisi
My strength is low, and I've lost my guiding friend
Tak mengapa ku tempuhi dugaan
But I forge ahead, no matter the pain
Bukan mudah berjalan berseorangan
It's not easy, walking this path alone
Dengarkan, fikirkan, zikirkan, dikirkan
Listen, think, reflect, and consider well
Serapah pejuang-ulang sehingga mahkota dijulang
The warrior's mantra, until victory's bell
Dari putih mata, biar putus tunjang putih tulang
From the whites of my eyes, to the marrow of my bones
Walaupun terbuang, dampar dasar cerun curam suram
Even if I'm cast aside, I'll find my way home
Kalau hati bercahaya pasti temui jalan pulang
If my heart stays true, I'll never be alone
Tukar orientasi, modifikasi modus operandi
Change my perspective, shift my approach
Digantikan cogan, gantikan slogan hidup lataif nan mati
Replace old beliefs, embrace a new direction
Diasahkan taji, kibarkan panji-panji ingati janji-janji
Sharpen my skills, raise my banner high
Serikandi masih menanti-nanti di menara candi
My beloved waits for me, beneath the temple sky
Ya, menara candi
Yes, the temple sky
Masih menantikanmu di menara candi
She waits for me beneath the temple sky
Hampir lelah hampir jatuh diri ini
My dear, I've been through it, I've come close to the end
Bila separuh semangat tiada di sisi
My strength is low, and I've lost my guiding friend
Tak mengapa ku tempuhi dugaan
But I forge ahead, no matter the pain
Bukan mudah berjalan berseorangan
It's not easy, walking this path alone
Damba domba putih atau domba emas jati
Do you desire a pure lamb or a golden one?
Hanya satu punya sakti tikam hati-hati
Only one possesses the power to pierce your heart
Patah-patah yang bercambah menambah risiko
Broken pieces can heal, but they increase the risk
Muncul kemenangan bila terhapusnya ego
Victory emerges when ego is dismissed

Writer(s): Malique, Tripdisz, Kmy Kmo

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