Malique - Diam - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Malique - Diam

Di bawah mentari ataupun purnama malam
Under the sun or the full moon's light
Teruskan menerkam walau lampu limpah padam
Keep on attacking even when the floodlights fade
Dalam hujan ribut walau cedera dan luka
In the stormy rain, despite wounds and scars
Teruskan menghayun walau dua mata buta
Keep on swinging even with two blind eyes
Wake up
Wake up
Bangun harimau bangun
Wake up, tiger, wake up
Jangan tidur lagi
Don't sleep anymore
Seteru sudah datang
The enemy has arrived
Bangun (bangun)
Wake up (wake up)
Bangun (bangun)
Wake up (wake up)
Bangun harimau bangun (bangun)
Wake up, tiger, wake up (wake up)
Padang keramat ini
This sacred field
Jangan digadaikan
Do not mortgage it away
(Verse 1)
(Verse 1)
Sfera pun berpusing, musim demi musim
The spheres keep turning, season after season
Di padang bertuah ini ku masih bermukim
On this blessed field, I still reside
Bumi yang ku huni ini baktinya keramat
The earth I inhabit, its devotion is sacred
Sakti dan keramat, ku pastikan selamat
Powerful and sacred, I ensure its safety
Di sinilah duniaku tempat berhabitat
Here is my world, my habitat
Tempat terbentuknya peribadi juga sifat
Where personality and character are formed
Hubungan diikat, minat ligat dipergiat
Bonds are tied, interests keenly pursued
Tempat belajar memikat dan tendangan lipat
A place to learn charm and flying kicks
Harimau sekawan aku chill tidak porak
With my fellow tigers, I chill, avoiding chaos
Pemain, penyokong tak lupa pasukan sorak
Players, supporters, not forgetting the cheering squad
Kita mungkin tiada darjat, tapi banyak bakat
We may not have status, but we have plenty of talent
Budak flat juga mampu 'tuk berjasa pada rakyat
Flat kids are also capable of serving the people
Jadi harimau sekalian, bulatan, perhatian
So tigers, gather around, pay attention
Kapitan bisikkan titipan unit perisikan
The captain whispers the intelligence unit's message
Asah kuku taring kerna sikit lepas Isyak
Sharpen your claws and fangs because shortly after Isyak
Musuh mahu datang rompak bumi yang dipijak
The enemy will come to plunder the land we tread on
(Bangun harimau bangun)
(Wake up, tiger, wake up)
(Ulang korus)
(Verse 2)
(Verse 2)
Rombongan mereka besar lengkap bomoh pawang
Their entourage is large, complete with shamans and sorcerers
Datang 'tuk mencemar rumput dan meroboh gawang
Coming to defile the grass and demolish the goalposts
Lagak bersahaja, berjenaka dan ketawa
With a casual demeanor, joking and laughing
Seolah-olah harimau malaya tidak bahaya
As if the Malayan tigers pose no threat
Ini padanag kami tiada siapa boleh ambil
This is our field, no one can take it
Yang mencabar sedia 'tuk dicakar dan dicarik
Those who challenge are ready to be clawed and torn apart
Susun yang terbaik, sebelas, mulakan randik
Arrange the best, eleven, start the raid
Siapa menang dabik, kalah tabik, balik, tiada timbal balik
Whoever wins takes the victory drum, the loser salutes, goes back, no turning back
Di bawah mentari ataupun purnama malam
Under the sun or the full moon's light
Teruskan menerkam walau lampu limpah padam
Keep on attacking even when the floodlights fade
Dalam hujan ribut walau cedera dan luka
In the stormy rain, despite wounds and scars
Kita tetap kan menghayun walau dua mata buta
We will keep on swinging even with two blind eyes
Tiada wang bertaruh, bertarungnya demi maruah
No money at stake, fighting for honor
Demi aspirasi warga tanah tumpah darah
For the aspirations of the people of our homeland
Jangan ingkar titah raja, bangkit dari dengkur
Do not disobey the king's command, rise from your slumber
Dari mati dalam tidur baik dalam tempur
Better to die in battle than in sleep
(Bangun harimau bangun)
(Wake up, tiger, wake up)
(Ulang korus)
(Verse 3)
(Verse 3)
Yang di hadapan pastikan terus maju
Those in front, make sure to keep moving forward
Yang di belakang pastikan terus kukuh
Those behind, make sure to stay strong
Mereka datang macam tamu, kita jamu
They come like guests, we'll entertain them
Mereka datang macam musuh kita ...
They come like enemies, we'll ...
(Ulang korus)
Di bawah mentari ataupun purnama malam
Under the sun or the full moon's light
Teruskan menerkam walau lampu limpah padam
Keep on attacking even when the floodlights fade
Dalam hujan ribut walau cedera dan luka
In the stormy rain, despite wounds and scars
Teruskan menghayun walau dua mata buta
Keep on swinging even with two blind eyes
Bangun (bangun)
Wake up (wake up)
Bangun (bangun)
Wake up (wake up)
Bangun harimau bangun (bangun)
Wake up, tiger, wake up (wake up)
Padang keramat ini
This sacred field
Jangan digadaikan
Do not mortgage it away

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