Mamborap - Barrio Plateado - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mamborap - Barrio Plateado

Barrio Plateado
Silver Neighborhood
Lovi rapa llena de rap a que por razones puro chiki-bapa
Love rap, full of rap, that for reasons, pure little-daddy
De supererue y nadie es una capa chiki-bapa chiki-bapa
From a surplus and nobody is a little-daddy cape little-daddy little-daddy
Lovi rapa llena de rapque por razones puro chiki-bapa
Love rap, full of rap, that for reasons, pure little-daddy
De supererue y nadie es una capa chiki-bapa chiki-bapa
From a surplus and nobody is a little-daddy cape little-daddy little-daddy
Dime quien quienes son los que se animan e imaginan
Tell me who are the ones who dare and imagine
La tarima en la esquina donde crecio pa arriba desde abajo
The stage in the corner where I grew up from the bottom
Dedicacion al cien por ciento puro corazon
One hundred percent dedication pure heart
Son distintas personas
They are different people
Reacciona de mi zona equilibra la situaciona que la horas
React from my area, balance the situation, that the hours
Si que aqui se hacen solas
Yes, here they are made alone
Las horas te deseo las bendiciones por las que mi barrio llora
Hours I wish you the blessings for which my neighborhood cries
Al barrio se le respeta y la police lo inyecta
The neighborhood is respected and the police inject it
El ritmo de adentroooo
The rhythm from insideooo
Donde la vida intenta demostrar que es cierta
Where life tries to prove that it is true
La opcion de ser peor o mejor que hoy y ayer
The option to be worse or better than today and yesterday
Apliquele practiquele que empezamos de pike
Apply it, practice it, we started from pike
Y gemir por lo que si se dice en vida ya se rige
And moan about what is said in life already rules
Enseña robo y delincuencia todo el dia en la poblacion
He teaches robbery and delinquency all day in the town
Pero eso es lo que muestra la television
But that's what television shows
Vine como oxigeno inserbible a corregir lo creian eras primero
I came as an unserviceable oxygen to correct what you thought you were first
Vamos poniendo patines a garabatos infantiles
Let's put skates on childish scribbles
Para el barrio se definen como ejemplo
For the neighborhood they are defined as an example
Codo a codo como no
Side by side as no
Poner la fuerza ancestral
Putting the ancestral force
Como tierra que se pavimento
Like earth that was paved
Dando un quiebre al clima
Giving a break to the weather
Rimas van por la avenida
Rhymes go down the avenue
Definen la diciplina de mi barrio plateado
They define the discipline of my silver neighborhood
Mucha gente no tiene la suerte
Many people are not lucky enough
De surgir en el barrio aunque sude mucho la frente
To emerge in the neighborhood even if he sweats a lot on his forehead
Tuve que nacer aki en pobla para tenerte
I had to be born here in town to have you
Y poco a poco conocerte
And little by little to get to know you
Pura adrenalina djexpress que grafitero en la esquina
Pure adrenaline djexpress that graffiti artist on the corner
Que asi se usa la calle esta activa mi sangre latina
That's how the street is used, my Latin blood is active
Decoro pa la vena que es el corazon
Decor for the vein that is the heart
Ohm abajo el pantalon la chapa del guanaco tambien el porton
Ohm down the pants the guanaco's sheet also the gate
Luchando para sonar de los mas boom
Fighting to sound the most boom
Desodorante tinto una calcetada plumon
Red deodorant a down sock
La noche esta fresca esta dosis de algunos hacen que se amanezca
The night is cool this dose of some make it dawn
Mientras la orquesta arman la fiesta todos rien locos de la fiesta
While the orchestra put together the party everyone laughs crazy about the party
El humo hace que los hongos aparezcan
The smoke makes the mushrooms appear
No hay vulneravilidad mi brouh
There is no vulnerability my brouh
Cuando en la mente se tiene musica hip hop my love
When you have hip hop music in your mind my love
Sin money en mi barrio plateado
Without money in my silver neighborhood
Ciego sordo y mudo siempre
Blind deaf and mute always
No hay vulneravilidad mi brouh
There is no vulnerability my brouh
Cuando en la mente se tiene musica hip hop my love
When you have hip hop music in your mind my love
Sin money en mi barrio plateado
Without money in my silver neighborhood
Ciego sordo y mudo siempre
Blind deaf and mute always
Ehh ohhhh sube sube la mano no te vas a cansar
Ehh ohhhh up up your hand you're not going to get tired
Ehh ohhhh el barrio pide hip hop y no vamo a parar
Ehh ohhhh the neighborhood asks for hip hop and we're not going to stop
Ehh ohhhh va a rebotar con el impacto a entonce escucha este canto
Ehh ohhhh it's going to bounce with the impact so listen to this song
Y dice ehh ohhhh es instrumental
And it says ehh ohhhh it's instrumental
Fenomenal dando que hablar por este barrio
Phenomenal giving something to talk about in this neighborhood
Y asi me dan mas ganas de ver la vida
And so they give me more desire to see life
Pasar en el barrio bajo el sol y las estrellas
To spend time in the neighborhood under the sun and the stars
Y asi me dan mas ganas de ver la vida
And so they give me more desire to see life
Pasar en el barrio bajo el sol y las estrellas
To spend time in the neighborhood under the sun and the stars

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