Mamerto Martinez - Que Ves en la Pared - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mamerto Martinez - Que Ves en la Pared

Que Ves en la Pared
You See on the Wall
Que ves en la Pared.
What do You See on the Wall.
Que ves en la pared pequeño rey que ves en la
What do you see on the wall, little king, what do you see on the
Pered pequeño rey que ves en la pared oh rey.
Wall little king, what do you see on the wall oh king.
Quisiste romper las cuerdas que te unían al Dios Vivo
You wanted to break the strings that united you to the Living God
Desterrarlo de tu imperio y echarlo en el olvido
To banish Him from your empire and cast Him into oblivion
Le declaraste la guerra, usando sus utensilios
You declared war on Him, using His utensils
Profanaste el tesoro del Dios viviente de ese gran Rey
You profaned the treasure of the living God of that great King
Mostraste tu desenfreno bajo efectos del vino
You showed your debauchery under the effects of wine
Con todas tus concubinas y con tus grandes amigos
With all your concubines and with your great friends
Y te divertías en grande hasta que llego el mensaje
And you had great fun until the message arrived
De aquella mano extraña que escribía en la pared
From that strange hand that wrote on the wall
Que ves en la pared pequeño rey que ves en la pered
What do You See on the Wall little king, what do you see on the wall
Si lo puedes leer pequeño rey que dice en la pared
If you can read it little king, what does it say on the wall
Fuiste pesado en balanza y te han encontrado falso
You were weighed in the balance and found wanting
Tu reino es traspasado seras cortado pequeño rey
Your kingdom is passed over, you will be cut off little king
Vinieron todos los magos, los caldeos y adivinos
All the magicians, Chaldeans, and soothsayers came
Y querían interpretarte la escritura del Dios Vivo
And they wanted to interpret the writing of the Living God for you
Mas no era mano de hombre la que allí había escrito
But it was not the hand of man that had written there
Era el dedo Divino que escribía en la pared
It was the Divine finger that wrote on the wall
Se acordaron del profeta que ya había sido olvidado
They remembered the prophet who had already been forgotten
Porque un día se hizo notorio con señales y milagros
Because one day he became notorious with signs and miracles
Vino Daniel finalmente y leyo al pequeño rey
Daniel finally came and read to the little king
Su sentencia de muerte que estaba escrita en la pared
His death sentence that was written on the wall
Que ves en la pared pequeño rey que ves en la pered
What do You See on the Wall little king, what do you see on the wall
Si lo puedes leer pequeño rey que dice en la pared
If you can read it little king, what does it say on the wall
Fuiste pesado en balanza y te han encontrado falso
You were weighed in the balance and found wanting
Tu reino es traspasado seras cortado pequeño rey
Your kingdom is passed over, you will be cut off little king
Que ves en la pared pequeño rey si lo puedes leer pequeño rey
What do You See on the Wall little king if you can read it little king
Que dice en la pared oh rey.
What does it say on the wall oh king.
Fuiste pesado en balanza y te han encontrado falso
You were weighed in the balance and found wanting
Tu reino es traspasado seras cortado pequeño rey
Your kingdom is passed over, you will be cut off little king

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