Manel - Arriba l'alba a Sant Petersburg - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Manel - Arriba l'alba a Sant Petersburg

Arriba l'alba a Sant Petersburg
Dawn breaks in Saint Petersburg
Ara Babú es nota menys marejada
Now Babú is feeling less seasick
No es quedarà gaire més
There's not much longer to go
Ja abaixa els ulls que miraven pensant
She lowers her gaze that was looking, thinking
Quin ambient més estrany, crec que hi estaré
What an odd atmosphere, I think I'll be fine
I és cert, ella es pensava que es quedaria
And it's true, she had thought she would stay
És cert que s'ho va pensar
It's true that she thought about it
Feia un dia clar, les famílies passejaven
It was a clear day, the families were strolling
Havien trobat un tauró mort a la platja
They had found a dead shark on the beach
Ara Babú ha sortit a la plaça
Now Babú has gone out onto the square
Agraeix la potència del vent
She's grateful for the power of the wind
Que escampa els anys malgastats
That's scattered the years wasted
L'alcohol de la sang, les mirades dels quiosquers
The alcohol in her blood, the glances of the kiosk owners
I troba el seu amulet dins de la butxaca
And she finds her amulet in her pocket
Babú agafa fort l'amulet
Babú holds the amulet tight
Ja hi ha el llum encès quan arriba a Sadovaya
The light is already on when she gets to Sadovaya
Pensa on anirà, asseguda a l'andana
She thinks where she will go, sitting on the platform
I com necessitaria una idea
And how she would need an idea
Com mai abans, ho ha d'admetre
Like never before, she has to admit it
Babú necessita una idea
Babú needs an idea
Una bella i sòlida idea
A beautiful and solid idea
S'obre el vagó i els secretaris mudats
The carriage opens and the uniformed secretaries
Esprinten pujant les escales
Sprint up the stairs
Es corden l'abric, compren premsa i xiclets
They fasten their coats, buy newspapers and chewing gum
I s'allunyen de la plaça
And walk away from the square
Lliscant per l'asfalt,mares mortes de son
Dead mothers sliding on the asphalt, sleepy
Ballarines tornant a casa
Dancers going home
I velles que creuen en mals esperits
And old women who believe in evil spirits
I nenes que resen perquè els creixin els pits
And little girls who pray that their breasts will grow
Enmig del canal un vell oficial
In the middle of the canal an old official
Avui debuta a la llanxa
Makes his debut on the launch today
I li fa molta mandra, però haurà d'aturar
And he's very lazy, but he'll have to stop
Uns lituans que corren massa
Some Lithuanians who are running too fast
Hi ha algú que es planteja un repte imossible
There's someone who's setting an impossible challenge
Hi ha algú que emet un udol inaudible
There's someone who's emitting an inaudible scream
Hi ha taxistes que badallen
There are taxi drivers yawning
Hi ha un home que espera que pixi el seu gos
There's a man waiting for his dog to pee
Hi ha un floc de neu a la tomba d'un metge famós
There's a snowflake on the grave of a famous doctor
Cables elèctrics, balcons esquerdats
Electric cables, cracked balconies
Angles rectes, pintura blanca
Right angles, white paint
I nius de cigonyes a dalt dels teulats
And storks' nests on the rooftops
I llençols amb lletres brodades
And sheets with embroidered letters
I, al fons, ja s'eleven les plaques d'acer
And, in the background, the steel plates are already rising
A les grues de les drassanes
On the cranes in the shipyards
Darrera, al Bàltic, brillant com fanals
Behind, in the Baltic, shining like streetlights
Meduses que entren en aigües internacionals
Jellyfish entering international waters

Writer(s): Marti Maymo Tomas, Roger Padilla Gutierrez, Guillem Gisbert Puig, Arnau Vallve Socies

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