Manel - Desapareixíem Lentament - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Manel - Desapareixíem Lentament

Desapareixíem Lentament
We Were Disappearing Slowly
Vaig entrar a la festa,
I entered the party,
L'amfitrió em va presentar els convidats.
The host introduced me to the guests.
Vaig cridar "he vingut a començar de zero",
I exclaimed "I've come to start from scratch",
Vaig acomodar-me en un sofà.
I settled myself on a sofa.
Des de la finestra es veia el parc on
From the window you could see the park where
S'avorrien uns adolescents.
Some teenagers were bored.
Vaig pensar ¿on dorm?,
I wondered where I would sleep,
¿Què veurà quan es llevi?
What would I see when I get up?
Mentre desapareixíem lentament.
As we were disappearing slowly.
Vaig comprar-me un saldo de trompeta,
I bought myself a trumpet credit,
Assajàvem cada nit.
We rehearsed every night.
Estava tocar, però preferia
It was okay to play, but I preferred
Barallar-me amb els veïns.
To fight with the neighbors.
Ahhh, mireu, un E Major volant,
Ahhh, look, an E Major flying,
Escapant-se per damunt del celobert.
Escaping over the skylight.
Vaig escriure-li alguna cançó, ¿i què?
I wrote him some songs, so what?
Mentre desapareixíem lentament.
As we were disappearing slowly.
Vaig pujar a un arbre
I climbed a tree
Amb l'ambició de veure el Llobregat.
With the ambition to see the Llobregat River.
Les branques eren guerxes i del pes
The branches were crooked and from the weight,
Se'n van tombí, tombar.
They bent and fell.
Les noies joves de la vila
The young girls of the village
Se'm van quedar mirant de lluny, rient.
Stared at me from a distance, laughing.
Ahhh, la vida podia ser difícil
Ahhh, life could be difficult
Mentre desapareixíem lentament.
As we were disappearing slowly.
Vaig trobar una dona,
I found a woman,
Vam llogar un apartament prop de Gavà.
We rented an apartment near Gavà.
Què vam ser ella i jo tot aquell temps
What were she and I all that time?
Em temo que no us ho sabré explicar.
I'm afraid I can't explain it to you.
Mai vaig dir-li en què pensava
I never told her what I was thinking
L'hemisferi més cabró del meu cervell.
The most stubborn hemisphere of my brain.
Una brisa fresca a la platja deserta,
A fresh breeze at the deserted beach,
Mentre desapareixíem lentament.
As we were disappearing slowly.
L'ajudant del mag va treure el vel
The magician's assistant removed the veil,
I allà seguíem, morts de fred.
And there we were, freezing to death.
El públic amb raó emprenyat
The audience, quite rightly annoyed,
Reclamava que li tornessin els diners.
Demanded their money back.
El productor abraçava la cartera
The producer hugged his wallet
I deia "paciència, senyors meus;
And said "patience, gentlemen;
Les paraules màgiques funcionen
The magic words work,
Però aquest parell desapareixen lentament".
But this pair is disappearing slowly".
El del teatre demanava calma dient
The man from the theater asked for calm, saying,
"Tranquils, res és tan pur ni net;
"Be calm, nothing is so pure or clean;
Les paraules màgiques funcionen,
The magic words work,
Però aquest parell desapareixen lentament".
But this pair is disappearing slowly".

Writer(s): Marti Maymo Tomas, Roger Padilla Gutierrez, Guillem Gisbert Puig, Arnau Vallve Socies

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