Manel - Ja Era Fort - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Manel - Ja Era Fort

Ja Era Fort
Already strong
Llavors ja era fort i no perdia mai la calma
Then I was already strong and I never lost my cool
I em divertia tot i havia après a saludar-te
And I had fun even though I had learned to greet you
Content i exhibint la més radiant de les rialles,
Happy and showing the most radiant of smiles,
Tocant-te com els forts,
Touching you like the strong,
Els éssers als que és impossible ferir.
Beings who are impossible to hurt.
No ploris, nen, que no sabré què dir.
Don't cry, my boy, because I won't know what to say.
No ploris, nen, que ets més bonic quan rius.
Don't cry, my boy, because you're more beautiful when you laugh.
Llavors ja era fort i dominava les paraules
Then I was already strong and I mastered words
I construïa mons perfectes on no m'importava
And I built perfect worlds where I didn't care
Ni amb qui has dormit avui,
Nor who you slept with today,
Ni què faràs demà a la tarda,
Nor what you will do tomorrow afternoon,
Ni penso algunes nits
Nor do I think some nights
Que ets massa semblant a qui busco per a mi.
That you are too similar to who I'm looking for for myself.
Qui gosarà sentir que el protegeix
Who would dare to feel that he is protected
La conca d'unes mans mortes de fred?
By the basin of hands frozen with cold?
I el dia va arribar, aquell que amb força ja esperava
And the day arrived, the one I had been waiting for with force
—Els que han vingut avui,
—Those who came today,
Demà també podran anar-se'n.
Tomorrow they will also be able to leave.
No em va caler ni un plor,
I didn't need a cry,
Ni encendre ciris a cap àngel.
Nor light candles to any angel.
Llavors ja era fort,
Then I was already strong,
I un fort no t'havia de perseguir.
And a strong man should not chase you.
O és que vostè no està d'acord amb mi?
Or do you disagree with me?
Qui vol un conte trist per 'nar a dormir?
Who wants a sad story to 'go to sleep?

Writer(s): Marti Maymo Tomas, Roger Padilla Gutierrez, Guillem Gisbert Puig, Arnau Vallve Socies

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