Manel - La serotonina - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Manel - La serotonina

La serotonina
Em va pujar la febre l'altre dia
My fever went up the other day
I van trucar a uns doctors especialitzats
And they called in some specialist doctors
En extreure la pedra de la bogeria
In removing the stone of madness
En fer brollar la font de la felicitat
In making the fountain of happiness gush forth
I va venir un malson mentre m'adormien
And there came a nightmare as I fell asleep
Va dir sóc teu, tu ets meu, no t'escaparàs
It said I'm yours, you're mine, you won't escape
Vaig dir molt bé, malson, però els malsons què somien?
I said very well, nightmare, but what do nightmares dream of?
No puc dir que es quedés gaire impressionat
I can't say it was very impressed
Després recordo, en despertar-me
Then I remember, on waking up
La llum incandescent d'un flaix i
The incandescent light of a flash and
Prenent nota del gran miracle
Taking note of the great miracle
Científics ianquis i cubans
Yankee and Cuban scientists
I em puja la serotonina
And my serotonin is rising
Em puja la serotonina
My serotonin is rising
(Em puja la serotonina)
(My serotonin is rising)
Com la marea quan arriba
Like the tide when it comes in
(Als peus cansats de tot el dia)
(To the feet tired from all day)
Com una nena que s'enfila
Like a girl climbing
(A un arbre ple de mandarines)
(A tree full of tangerines)
Em puja la serotonina
My serotonin is rising
(Ai, em puja la serotonina)
(Oh, my serotonin is rising)
Se'm va apropar un amor, un que jo tenia
A love that I had approached me
Va preguntar xicot, què et va passar?
He asked boy, what happened to you?
Vaig dir no t'ho creuràs, una tonteria
I said you won't believe it, a piece of nonsense
Tenia una pedra dins del cap
I had a stone in my head
Se'm va apropar un futur que construíem
A future that we were building approached me
Vaig dir cabró, que que ens ho hauríem passat
I said you jerk, how well we would have had it
Va contestar gent millor que tu em volia
He replied people better than you wanted me
No puc negar que el futur digués la veritat...
I can't deny that the future was telling the truth...
La bona nova ja s'escampava
The good news was already spreading
Més enllà dels regnes cristians
Beyond the Christian kingdoms
Ja s'estripaven llibres d'Història
They were already ripping up History books
Que havien quedat desfasats
Which were now outdated
I em puja la serotonina
And my serotonin is rising
Em puja la serotonina
My serotonin is rising
(Em puja la serotonina)
(My serotonin is rising)
Com la marea quan arriba
Like the tide when it comes in
(Als peus cansats de tot el dia)
(To the feet tired from all day)
Com una nena que s'enfila
Like a girl climbing
(A un arbre ple de mandarines)
(A tree full of tangerines)
Em puja la serotonina
My serotonin is rising
(Ai, em puja la serotonina).
(Oh, my serotonin is rising)
Com el preu de la gasolina
Like the price of gasoline
(Em puja la serotonina)
(My serotonin is rising)
Com les balenes quan respiren
Like whales when they breathe
(Em puja la serotonina)
(My serotonin is rising)
és una fràgil trapezista
She's a fragile trapeze artist
(Em puja la serotonina)
(My serotonin is rising)
és una intrèpida alpinista
She's an intrepid mountaineer
(Em puja la serotonina)
(My serotonin is rising)
Mami, mira amunt, mami mira amunt
Mommy, look up, mommy look up
(Que hi ha un satèl·lit que ens espia)
(There's a satellite that's spying on us)
És King Kong a l'Empire State
It's King Kong on the Empire State
(És un còndor que segresta un nen)
(It's a condor kidnapping a child)
Les velles es xapen de riure
The old women are laughing out loud
(I enganxa més que l'heroïna)
(And it's more addictive than heroin)
Em puja la serotonina
My serotonin is rising
(Ai, em puja la serotonina)
(Oh, my serotonin is rising)

Writer(s): Marti Maymo Tomas, Roger Padilla Gutierrez, Guillem Gisbert Puig, Arnau Vallve Socies

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