Manel - Les restes - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Manel - Les restes

Les restes
The Remains
Durant la construcció d'un pàrquing
During the construction of a car park
Sota la Plaça del Mercat
Under the Market Place
Han aparegut les restes d'un sarcòfag
The remains of a sarcophagus have appeared
Es desconeix el seu origen
Its origin is unknown
No han transcendit gaires detalls
Not many details have been revealed
Però l'Ajuntament informa
But the Town Council reports
Que el jaciment podria incloure
That the site could include
Peces de gran valor cultural
Pieces of great cultural value
Tot i així, un testimoni
However, a witness
Que es manté en l'anonimat
Who remains anonymous
Està posant en dubte la versió oficial
Is questioning the official version
A última hora de la tarda
At the end of the afternoon
Només quedaven dos treballadors
There were only two workers left
El cap d'obra ha fet un crit perquè apaguessin el motor
The foreman shouted for them to turn off the engine
Quan ha vist un objecte que brillava en el subsòl
When he saw an object shining in the subsoil
I s'ha apropat per agafar-lo, ignorant els protocols
And he approached to pick it up, ignoring protocols
Li ha volgut treure la terra i l'ha fregat amb les mans
He tried to remove the soil and rubbed it with his hands
I l'objecte que brillava ha començat a tremolar
And the object that was shining began to tremble
I de dins n'ha sortit un geni enorme, i s'ha agenollat
And from within emerged a huge genie, who knelt down
I li ha dit "amo, el que desitgis, jo puc fer-ho realitat"
And said to him "master, whatever you wish, I can make it come true"
I el cap d'obra, en silenci
And the foreman, in silence
Després de pensar una estona
After thinking for a while
Finalment s'ha pronunciat
Finally spoke
Sempre he volgut tenir un superpoder
I have always wanted to have a superpower
Sempre he volgut tenir un superpoder
I have always wanted to have a superpower
I si pogués tenir un superpoder
And if I could have a superpower
Seria el de provocar a qui jo volgués
It would be the power to make anyone I want
Que li comenci a regalimar pel front
To start drooling from their forehead
Oli de sobrassada com si fos suor
Pepperoni oil as if it were sweat
Si pogués tenir un superpoder
If I could have a superpower
Seria el de provocar a qui jo volgués
It would be the power to make anyone I want
Que li comenci a regalimar pel front
To start drooling from their forehead
Oli de sobrassada com si fos suor
Pepperoni oil as if it were sweat

Writer(s): Arnau Vallve, Guillem Gisbert, Marti Maymo, Roger Padilla

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