Manel - Per la bona gent - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Manel - Per la bona gent

Per la bona gent
For the Good People
Tres portes tinc a ca meva
Three doors I have in my house
Obertes a tots es vents
Open to all the winds
La que està oberta per tu
The one that's open for you
L'altra per la bona gent
The other for the good people
La que està oberta per tu
The one that's open for you
L'altra per la bona gent
The other for the good people
Aquí estic
Here I am
En ple control dels meus instints, lluint
In full control of my instincts, showing off
Coartades que et contrastaran
Alibis that will contradict you
Un parell d'amics
A couple of friends
Vinc protegint
I've been protecting
Les nostres lleis des de petit, tranquil
Our laws since I was a child, don't worry
Que en cap arma hi
On no weapon will you
Trobaràs empremtes dels meus dits
Find my fingerprints
I és cert que no vaig fer-ho
And it's true that I didn't do it
No en seria capaç
I wouldn't be capable
I és cert que aquella nit
And it's true that that night
No era a la ciutat
I wasn't in the city
Però afina les preguntes
But refine your questions
Afina les preguntes
Refine your questions
Que encara no he dit si sóc bo
Because I haven't said yet if I'm good
Encara no saps si sóc bo
You still don't know if I'm good
Encara no he dit que m'inspiri una idea
I haven't said yet if an idea inspires me
Que em mogui una gran convicció
If a great conviction moves me
Encara no saps si amb el meu pas
You still don't know if with my steps
Pel món faig que sigui una mica millor
Through the world I make it a little better
Tres portes tinc a ca meva
Three doors I have in my house
Obertes a tots es vents
Open to all the winds
La que està oberta per tu
The one that's open for you
L'altra per la bona gent
The other for the good people
Conec l'argot
I know the slang
De la comunitat, em trobaràs
Of the community, you'll find me
Dins d'una casa respectable
Inside a respectable house
Gaudint de ser estimat
Enjoying being loved
Encaixo mans
I shake hands
Domino els tons
I master the tones
Arrufo el nas quan veig
I wrinkle my nose when I see
Comportaments que m'han
Behaviors that have
Semblat del tot inadequats
Seemed to me totally inappropriate
I és cert que no vaig fer-ho
And it's true that I didn't do it
No en seria capaç,
I wouldn't be capable,
Comprova-ho a les
Check it on the
Càmeres de seguretat
Security cameras
I afina les preguntes
And refine your questions
Afina les preguntes
Refine your questions
Que encara no he dit si sóc bo
Because I haven't said yet if I'm good
Encara no saps si sóc bo
You still don't know if I'm good
Encara no saps si calculo
You still don't know if I calculate
Els meus actes buscant una retribució
My actions seeking a reward
Encara no he dit si sóc bo
I haven't said yet if I'm good
Encara no saps si sóc bo
You still don't know if I'm good
Encara no saps si dedico la força
You still don't know if I dedicate my strength
Si oriento les meves accions
If I direct my actions
Cap a una banal subsistència
Towards a banal subsistence
O si estic perseguint algun superior
Or if I am pursuing some higher good
Mireu l'Innocent Malvat
Look at the Innocent Evil
Ve tot cofoi i amb el barret
He comes all smug and with his hat
Fent un gran gest ha saludat
With a grand gesture he greeted
A una noia i a un soldat
A girl and a soldier
Se'n ve l'Innocent Malvat
Here comes the Innocent Evil
Remena el cul, somriu a tots
He shakes his ass, smiles at everyone
Flagell del mal humor
Scourge of bad mood
Assot dels desviats
Whip of the deviants
Garant de la Veritat
Guarantor of Truth
I qui deu ser?
And who could he be?
On va, d'on ve? Què vol? Què té?
Where is he going, where does he come from? What does he want? What does he have?
I què carai li han explicat
And what the hell have they told him
Que li provoca aquests nivells d'hilaritat?
That causes him this level of hilarity?
Encara no saps si soc bo
You still don't know if I'm good
Encara no he dit si soc bo
I haven't said yet if I'm good
Encara no saps si em domina la mandra
You still don't know if laziness dominates me
Si estic espatllat per la por
If I'm crippled by fear
Encara no he dit si tinc l'ànima pura
I haven't said yet if I have a pure soul
O si em vencen les baixes passions
Or if I'm overcome by base passions
Encara no saps quants minuts
You still don't know how many minutes
Necessito que lloïs aquesta cançó
I need you to praise this song
Encara no he dit si la joia
I haven't said yet if the joy
Dels altres em porta només alegria
Of others brings me only joy
O em fa brollar dins un verí
Or makes a poison spring up inside me
Una metzina, una forma subtil de dolor
A poison, a subtle form of pain
Tres portes tinc a ca meva
Three doors I have in my house
Obertes a tots els vents
Open to all the winds
La que està oberta per tu
The one that's open for you
L'altra per la bona gent
The other for the good people
La tercera per la mort
The third for death
Que la tancarà el meu temps
That my time will close

Writer(s): Maria Del Mar Bonet Verdaguer, Roger Padilla Gutierrez, Marti Maymo Tomas, Guillem Gisbert Puig, Arnau Vallve Socies

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