Manel - Pla quinquennal - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Manel - Pla quinquennal

Pla quinquennal
Five-Year Plan
Dormies mig agafada al meu braç,
You sleep, holding on to my arm,
Ha sonat un clàxon de cotxe encallat,
A car horn honked, stuck in traffic,
Has obert un ull mandrós i callat
You opened a sleepy and silent eye
I has tornat al teu somni privat.
And you returned to your private dream.
Pujava el cafè i ens he recordat
The coffee was rising and I remembered
Ballant a una platja amb barrets mexicans,
Dancing at the beach with Mexican hats,
La cara que feies al'nar girant
The face you made on the sand
Crec que era de felicitat,
I think it was happiness,
Crec que era de felicitat.
I think it was happiness.
De moment no et riuré més les gràcies,
For now I will not laugh at you anymore,
Per una vegada he entès el que cal.
For once, I got it.
Passi-ho bé, que m'esborro del mapa
Have a good time, I'm disappearing from the map
Per perpetrar a l'ombra un gran pla quinquennal.
To perpetrate in the shadows a great five-year plan.
Sento que et despertes, i et vinc a buscar,
I feel you waking up, and I come to you,
Nena tens cafè, vols que torri pa?
Darling, do you want coffee, will I toast the bread?
Al diari res massa estimulant,
Not much encouraging news in the newspaper,
Mica en mica ja et vas despertant.
Little by little, you're waking up.
I fumes mirant els cotxes passar,
And you're smoking, looking at the cars go by,
T'entregues a l'aire dens del veïnat,
You surrender to the dense air of the neighborhood,
Penso en proposar que baixem al far,
I'm thinking of proposing we walk to the lighthouse,
Jo que mai he estat home de mar,
I, who never was a man of the sea,
Jo que mai he estat home de mar.
I, who never was a man of the sea.
El primer any compraré una corbata
The first year I will buy a tie,
Ben llarga estampada amb colors crus,
Very long, printed with raw colors,
I, el segon, els millors professors europeus
And, in the second, the best European teachers
M'ensenyaran a fer el nus.
Will teach me to tie the knot.
Pel tercer guardo l'antologia
For the third, I am saving the anthology
Dels grans octosíl•labs que parlen de tu
Of great octosyllables that speak about you
I, pel quart, l'edició limitada folrada amb vellut.
And, for the fourth, the limited edition with velvet lining.
I el cinquè ens creuarem per l'Eixample
And the fifth, we will meet at the Eixample
I demanarem taula en un bar de menús.
And we will ask for a table at the menu bar.
Trauré pit, ensenyant la corbata, i llavors, bonica,
I will puff out my chest, showing the tie, and then, pretty one,
Dependrà de tu.
It will be up to you.
I el cinquè ens creuarem per l'Eixample
And the fifth, we will meet at the Eixample
I demanarem taula en un bar de menús.
And we will ask for a table at the menu bar.
Trauré pit, ensenyant la corbata, i llavors, bonica,
I will puff out my chest, showing the tie, and then, pretty one,
Dependrà de tu.
It will be up to you.
I llavors tot dependrà de tu.
And then everything will depend on you.

Writer(s): Arnau Vallve Socies, Guillem Gisbert Puig, Marti Maymo Tomas, Roger Padilla Gutierrez

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