Manel - Teresa Rampell - Sweet Adela DJ Remix - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Manel - Teresa Rampell - Sweet Adela DJ Remix

Teresa Rampell - Sweet Adela DJ Remix
Teresa Rampell - Sweet Adela DJ Remix
El gos devia bordar quan has sortit, Teresa Rampell
The dog must have barked when you left, Teresa Rampell
No ho admetràs, però et veus en el mirall de l'ascensor i et trobes guapa
You won't admit it, but you see yourself in the elevator mirror and you think you look beautiful
Uns amics fan sonar el clàxon des de l'altra banda del carrer
Some friends honk their horn from across the street
Mmmm, so d'un motor accelerant sobre el Pont de Vallcarca
Mmmm, the sound of an engine revving on the Vallcarca Bridge
Que soni un rock'n'roll, que baixin les persianes tots els comerciants
Let a rock'n'roll play, let all the shopkeepers lower their blinds
Que hi hagi una conversa tonta sota una lluna clara
Let there be a silly conversation under a clear moon
El barri dorm tranquil aliè a que hagi arribat el dia gran
The neighborhood sleeps peacefully, unaware that the big day has arrived
Mmmm, la cara de la Teresa s'il·lumina quan un cotxe ve de cara
Mmmm, Teresa's face lights up when a car comes towards her
Ve de cara
Comes towards her
Uns macarres us saluden al semàfor i somrius
Some thugs greet you at the traffic light and you smile
I mentre arrenquen, el més xulo, abans que se'l mengi la nit
And as they drive off, the coolest one, before the night swallows him up
Et mira als ulls i juraries que diu que ve l'Amor, que ve l'Amor
Looks into your eyes and you'd swear he says that Love is coming, that Love is coming
Que ve l'Amor ressonant com un exèrcit de timbals!
That Love is coming, resonating like an army of timpani!
L'Amor ja es va propagant com un incendi forestal!
Love is already spreading like a wildfire!
Teresa Rampell, avui l'Amor, per fi, retorna a la ciutat!
Teresa Rampell, today Love finally returns to the city!
Camina decidida entre billars, Teresa Rampell
Walk confidently among the pool tables, Teresa Rampell
Detecta els forasters mentre t'apropes a la vostra taula
Detect the strangers as you approach your table
Desplaça tot el teu talent, conscient de cadascun dels moviments
Deploy all your talent, aware of every move
Mmmm, és el ball del teus malucs, el balanceig de les arracades
Mmmm, it's the dance of your hips, the swaying of your earrings
I ja no importen tant i semblen lluny tots els desastres que hagis fet
And they don't matter so much anymore and all the disasters you've done seem far away
I passa un enemic i feu les paus amb un brindis de cubates
And an enemy passes by and you make peace with a toast of Cuba Libres
I, mentre et cantem, milers d'homes al món amb gavardina, de passeig
And, as we sing to you, thousands of men in the world in trench coats, strolling
Mmmm, somien en trobar una dona amb la teva cara
Mmmm, dream of finding a woman with your face
A les teles interrompen uns minuts els videoclips
On the TVs, they interrupt the music videos for a few minutes
I ara hi surt un periodista estressat pels teletips
And now a stressed journalist appears on the news tickers
I no hi ha volum, però juraries que diu que ve l'Amor, que ve l'Amor
And there's no volume, but you'd swear he says that Love is coming, that Love is coming
Que ve l'Amor ressonant com un incendi de timbals!
That Love is coming, resonating like a fire of timpani!
L'Amor ja es va propagant com un virus tropical!
Love is already spreading like a tropical virus!
Teresa Rampell, avui l'Amor, per fi, retorna a la ciutat!
Teresa Rampell, today Love finally returns to the city!
L'Amor retorna, Teresa, i ja diries que el comences a notar
Love returns, Teresa, and you'd say you're starting to feel it
És a les mans de la gent, és als joves quan ballen
It's in people's hands, it's in young people when they dance
I reconeixes una força antiga i sense discussió t'hi entregaràs
And you recognize an ancient force and without discussion you will surrender to it
I furgaràs els seus racons per revelar el poder que s'hi amaga
And you will delve into its corners to reveal the power that hides within
L'Amor retorna, Teresa, i ja diries que el comences a notar
Love returns, Teresa, and you'd say you're starting to feel it
I ets un nàufrag que ha decidit tastar l'aigua salada
And you're a castaway who has decided to taste the salt water
I ets un nàufrag que ha decidit tastar l'aigua salada
And you're a castaway who has decided to taste the salt water
I ets un nàufrag que ha decidit tastar l'aigua salada
And you're a castaway who has decided to taste the salt water
L'aigua salada
The salt water

Writer(s): Arnau Vallve Socies, Guillem Gisbert, Marti Maymo Tomas, Roger Padilla

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