Mani feat. Omul Mihai - Eu-S Terminator (Bonus Track) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mani feat. Omul Mihai - Eu-S Terminator (Bonus Track)

Eu-S Terminator (Bonus Track)
I'm a Terminator (Bonus Track)
Di când am o gagioalî pi la Termocom
Since I got a chick from Termocom,
Ni-am tras calorifer şi la balcon
I got a radiator on my balcony too,
S-îmblăm şi pi-acolo cu curu gol
And we walk around there naked,
Di când am o gagioalî pi la Termocom
Since I got a chick from Termocom.
Di când am fraţî pi la ULIM
Since I got brothers at ULIM,
Restanţâli noastri duc şî vin
Our debts come and go,
Noi numa-mblăm şi chiuim
We just walk around and drink,
Di când am fraţî pi la ULIM
Since I got brothers at ULIM.
Di când nanu′ s-o pus vameş la Palanca
Since my dad became a customs officer at Palanca,
Nouî ni-i ghini când la tăţi li sari planca
We don't care when everyone loses their patience,
Nu mai avem problemi cu banca
We don't have any problems with the bank anymore,
Di când nanu' s-o pus vameş la Palanca
Since my dad became a customs officer at Palanca.
Cumnatu′ meu lucreazî-n SIS
My brother-in-law works at the SIS,
Aşa cî-n viaţa asta multi ni-am permis
So we've allowed ourselves a lot in life,
Şi ni-am deschis tăt şi-o fost închis
And open everything that's been closed,
Di când cumnatu' meu lucreazî-n SIS
Since my brother-in-law has been working at the SIS.
Când badia meu lucra La DîTCCA
When my uncle worked at the DîTCCA,
El îndeobşti înregistra tăt şi-i chica
He generally recorded everything and snitched,
Nouî permisuri ni disena
We designed permits for ourselves,
Când badia meu lucra la DîTCCA
When my uncle worked at the DîTCCA.
Da' şel mai ghini stă mama în tăti
But the biggest problem I have with everyone
Şăsî ani di închisoari, bisnafturu′ mă-tii!
Is my mother's six years in prison for smuggling,
Şi când o laudî la tilivizor, tăţi o iubesc parcî-i-şî mama lor
And when she's praised on TV, everyone loves her as if she were their mother.
Eu îs plin di şer şi-s plin di plumb, am în schinari un şurub!
I'm full of evil and I'm full of lead, I have a screw in my ass!
Eu cred tu ştii, de fapt ştii precis
I think you know me, you know me well,
Nu tem di nicâ c′am în spate'un SIS
I'm not afraid of anyone, I have the SIS behind me,
D-am să-ţi spun aşa, confidenţial
I'll tell you this, confidentially,
ştii cum banii vin şi cum îi tăt normal
To let you know how money comes in and how everything is normal.
Acum am partid şî nu ni-i nicâ
Now I have a party and I don't care about anyone,
C′am furat pân-acu' câte′o bucăţâcâ
Because I've stolen a lot of money little by little,
Tăţi tem di mini eu-s brutal
Everyone is afraid of me because I'm brutal,
Da' banii vin, aşa tăt normal
But the money comes in, so everything is normal.
Când îi ai, poţi faşi şi vrei
When you have money, you can do what you want,
Ne-am luat câteva partidi, tătî media-i pi banii mei
We've taken several parties, all the media is paid by my money,
Multe-am facut, îs tari şmecher
I've done a lot, I'm a tough guy,
Terminator îs eu, da′ nu Schwarzenegger
I'm the Terminator, but not Schwarzenegger.
Îs mari familist, chiar dacâ am amanti
I'm a great family man, even though I have lovers,
Eu pot am bani, şini ari bani, poati
I can say I have money, because it's possible that you have money too,
Mulţi ştiu eu's criminal, da' banii vin, aşa tăt normal
Many people know that I'm a criminal, but the money comes in, so everything is normal.
Moldova′i ţara mea, ap′ aşa şî esti
Moldova is my country, that's what it is,
Restu' au doar şi-ni cadi printri dejiti
The rest of you have and it just falls through your fingers.
Nimeni nu ştii câţi bani am şi n-o ştii şi-i drept
Nobody knows how much money I have and they won't know, and that's fair,
C-am tăt înscriu pi alti numi, eu′s diştept
Because I keep registering it in other names, I'm smart.
Lumea-i proastâ şi asta-i tari ghini
The world is stupid, and that's really annoying
Eu nu's primu′ la care-o sî-nchini
I'm not the first one you'll bow down to.
Da' eu ştiu şi ştiu, şî ştiu şi-i principal
But I know it, and it's the main thing,
Când banii vin, atunşi îi tăt normal!
When the money comes in, then everything is normal!
Eu îs plin di şer şi-s plin di plumb, am în schinari un şurub!
I'm full of evil and I'm full of lead, I have a screw in my ass!

Writer(s): Mani

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