Mani - Moldavian Dream - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mani - Moldavian Dream

Moldavian Dream
Moldavian Dream
Am avut un vis şi-l povestesc lu′ Sanea, un prieten bun
I had a dream and I'm telling it to Sanea, a good friend of mine
Parcă se făcea eram în casa de nebuni
It seemed like I was in the madhouse
Și a-ncăput acolo toată ţara, mitica
And the whole country, the mythical one, had gotten there
Ţin minte tot, nu ca de obicei, nica
I remember everything, not like usual, dear
Erau hrăniţi cu resturi din bucate
They were fed with food scraps
Toate erau stricate, dar le spuneau că-s delicate
All spoiled, but they were told they were delicacies
Ei credeau şi mâncau pân' la urmă bucăţica
They believed and ate the tidbits eventually
Parcă nu mergea. Dar ce ziceau? Nica
It seemed to work. But what did they say? Dear
Dacă cineva se revolta
If someone revolted
Imediat îi izola, cu tranchilizante-i îndopa
They were immediately isolated; they were stuffed with tranquilizers
Ziceau că-s nebuni, atâta explica, asta era politica
They said they were crazy, that was the explanation, that was the policy
Dar restul ce făceau? Nica
But what did the rest do? Dear
Cam nimeni nu se implica
Almost nobody got involved
Erau pacienţi ascultători, făceau ce li se indica
They were obedient patients, they did what they were told
Medicii se bucurau cu toată clica
The doctors rejoiced with the whole gang
toată ţara asta, practic reprezintă nica
That this whole country, in practice, represents dear
Şi simţeam parcă-i vis
And I felt like it was a dream
n-are cum fie realitate. Unde, ce am omis
That it couldn't be reality. Where, what did I miss
Dar parcă mi-a dat cineva în cap cu sticla
But it was like someone hit me in the head with a bottle
C-am încercat trezesc. Şi? Nica
When I tried to wake up. And? Dear
This is moldavian dream, moldavian
This is the Moldavian dream, Moldavian
This is moldavian dream, moldavian
This is the Moldavian dream, Moldavian
This is moldavian dream, moldavian
This is the Moldavian dream, Moldavian
This is moldavian dream, moldavian
This is the Moldavian dream, Moldavian
Erau doar câţiva psihiatri
There were just a few psychiatrists
Și-au împărţit pacienţii, mai întâi de toate
And they divided the patients, first of all
Cu ajutorul lor ei îşi făceau capica
With their help they lined their pockets
Da′ oamenii ce-aveau din asta, a? Nica
But what did the people get out of it, huh? Dear
Şi făceau scheme de farisei
And they made pharisaical schemes
Ca se urască nebunii între ei
So that the madmen would hate each other
dacă îs uniţi, explodează mămăliga
Because if they are united, the polenta will explode
Ştii ce se va alege din ei? Nica
Do you know what will become of them? Dear
Şi uite le reuşea
And look, they succeeded
Nebunii între ei au început a se mânca
The madmen started to eat each other
Şi-au trecut anii, dar istoria se repeta
And years passed, but history repeated itself
Ce-au învăţat din toată treaba asta? Nica
What did they learn from all this? Dear
Unii refuzau ia dozele
Some refused to take the doses
Dar medicii îi speriau cu diagnozele
But the doctors scared them with the diagnoses
Au cultivat în ei cât au putut frica
They cultivated fear in them as much as they could
Şi ce făceau pacienţii? Cum crezi? Nica
And what did the patients do? What do you think? Dear
Nicâ, nicâ, nicâ, nicâ, nicâ
Dear, dear, dear, dear, dear
Lumea asta din cauza asta este cam calică
The world is a bit crippled because of this
Şi-n momentul cela ştii la ce m-am gândit
And at that moment you know what I thought
Noi chiar suntem nebuni, şi-atuncea m-am trezit
We really are crazy, and then I woke up
This is moldavian dream, moldavian
This is the Moldavian dream, Moldavian
This is moldavian dream, moldavian
This is the Moldavian dream, Moldavian
This is moldavian dream, moldavian
This is the Moldavian dream, Moldavian
This is moldavian dream, moldavian
This is the Moldavian dream, Moldavian
Sanea-i-n State, da, tare departe
Sanea is in the States, yes, far, far away
El se află acolo de vreo 4 ani jumate
He has been there for about 4 and a half years
Și mi-a povestit coşmarul lui de aseară
And he told me his nightmare from last night
El a visat se află-n ţară
He dreamed that he was in the country

Writer(s): Mani

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