Manillio - +4132 Irgendwo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Manillio - +4132 Irgendwo

+4132 Irgendwo
+4132 Somewhere
Es wähit en andere Wind im Quartier, wenig isch no glich syt du furt bisch.
In the neighborhood a different wind blows, little is still the same since you've been gone.
S'isch für au würklech vüu gsy, d'
It really has been a lot,
Jungs si scho lang nümme stüu gsy - wi Stummfisch.
The boys have long since stopped being quiet.
So vüu Unsinn wird näbesächlech, wenn es Läbe ändet und so sitz i, wo mir jewils gsässe si, hoff s'isch e jensitig, gschmacklose, schlächte Witz - Fuck!
So much nonsense becomes irrelevant, when a life ends and so I sit, where we used to sit, hoping its just some corny, tasteless, bad joke - Fuck!
Mir si no immer do, hei no kei Kids, doch üs chli i Griff becho.
We're still here, no kids yet but we've gotten a little bit of a grip.
Du weisch, chli isch chli, au si irgendwo.
You know, little is little, somewhere...
Scho no Füürwärchstarter aber mit drü Täg Kater.
Still fire starters, but with three days of a hangover.
Augeringe i hübsche Farbe u Sporthobbies womer wägem Hüftspäck mache.
Dark circles under my eyes in pretty colors and sport hobbies which we do because of our love handles.
U mängisch wenni richtig Usgang latsche, lisi di Name ufere Huusfassade.
And sometimes when I really go out, I read the names on the house fronts.
I ha mi gfrogt, wis dir goht, aber di nid erreicht und drum ufs Bändli gredt: "
I wondered how you were doing, but couldn't reach you and so I said on the answering machine: "
Probieres wider i paar Täg, bis denn."
Try calling again in a few days, until then."
I hätt dir gärn aglütte
I would have loved to call you
I hätt dir gärn aglütte
I would have loved to call you
I hätt dir gärn aglütte - aber was zwüsche üs klafft isch nid e Zahnlücke, i cha ke Zahu drücke und au ke Name ufem Handy, wo macht dass du am Ändi vor Leitig öpis seisch wie: "
I would have loved to call you - but what separates us isn't a gap in my teeth, I can't squeeze my teeth together or a name in my phonebook, which would make you say something like "
Aues klar hüt?"
Everything clear today?"
Es weiht en andere Wind im Quartier aber s'meischte isch no glich syt du furt bisch.
A different wind blows in the neighborhood, but most things are still the same since you've been gone.
Und dsch genau was mir Angst macht, d'
And you know exactly what scares me,
Lüt si churz truurig, denn zrugg i däm Brachland.
People are sad for a short while, and then go back to their fallow land.
Rede au Tag und haub derwär, nach dr Andacht bim Sauzgebäck.
They also talk during the day and cry in the evening, while praying with pastries.
Acht bis füüf Gramm die Fotos, dr Liliegruch vo de Cherze, d'
The photos are eight by five grams, the smell of lilies from the candles,
Anektote bim Familieschluuch.
Anecdotes from at the family gatherings.
Doch für üs bisch do, klar gits Unterschiid aber us de Auge heisst imfau nid usem Sinn.
But for us you're here, of course there are differences, but from the eyes it doesn't mean out of mind.
Mir füue d'
We fill
Bächer, lääre die haube us, hebese uf di höcher aus e Aupeflug.
The cups, drink them, lift them up higher than a flight of eagles.
Si ab und zue vo aune guete Geister verloh, i meines null esoterisch, do weisch du dervo.
They get lost every now and then by all the good ghosts, not esoteric in my opinion, you know about that.
Doch mir hei di bi üs, so bisch stets no do, nöch am Härz wines Stethoskop - und dsch für immer.
But we have you with us, so you're always here, near our hearts as a stethoscope - and forever.
I ha mi gfrogt, wis dir goht, aber di nid erreicht und drum ufs Bändli gredt: "
I wondered how you were doing, but couldn't reach you and so I said on the answering machine: "
Probieres wider i paar Täg, bis denn."
Try calling again in a few days, until then."
I hätt dir gärn aglütte
I would have loved to call you
I hätt dir gärn aglütte
I would have loved to call you
I hätt dir gärn aglütte - aber was zwüsche üs klafft isch nid e Zahnlücke, i cha ke Zahu drücke und au ke Name ufem Handy, wo macht dass du am Ändi vor Leitig öpis seisch wie: "
I would have loved to call you - but what separates us isn't a gap in my teeth, I can't squeeze my teeth together or a name in my phonebook, which would make you say something like "
Aues klar hüt?"
Everything clear today?"

Writer(s): Joachim Piehl, Manuel Liniger

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