Manotas feat. Bodka 37 - Pistolas y Carriolas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Manotas feat. Bodka 37 - Pistolas y Carriolas

Pistolas y Carriolas
Guns and Strollers
La mujer da vida y el hombre muerte
Woman gives life, and man death.
Tendrás que nacer de nuevo pa' volver aver que,
You’ll have to be born again to see that
Unos nacen y otros mueren
Some are born and others die.
Eterna historia existir entre pistolas y carriolas,
Eternal story to exist between guns and strollers,
Entre pistolas y carriolas,
Between guns and strollers,
Ente pristolas y carriolas,
Between guns and strollers,
Entre pistolas y carriolas.
Between guns and strollers.
Amanecer soleado en este edén terrenal,
Sunny sunrise in this earthly Eden,
Mamá toma café la nena come cereal,
Mom is drinking coffee, the baby is eating cereal,
La abuela se persigna es una mañana especial
Grandmother crosses herself, it’s a special morning
Por que la nieta de sus ojos empieza maternal,
Because the apple of her eye is starting motherhood.
Parece que fue ayer que le cambiaba el pañal,
It seems like yesterday she was changing her diapers,
Y hoy tiene que soltarla en este mundo bestial,
And today she has to let her go in this bestial world,
Y sabe bien lo que espera casi conoce el final
And she knows well what awaits her, she almost knows the ending
De esta tragicomedia que llamamos respirar,
Of this tragicomedy we call breathing.
Por algo bien que sabe con su hija fue igual
She knows it well because it was the same with her daughter
Adolescente incandescente nunca supo escuchar,
An incandescent adolescent, she never knew how to listen,
Y antes de los diecisiete le toco ser mamá,
And before seventeen she had to become a mother.
Desfile de carriolas en el multifamiliar
A parade of strollers in the apartment building
Mandan las mamás solteras en este carnaval
Single mothers rule in this carnival.
Tienen fuego en las caderas aun saben soñar
They have fire in their hips, they still know how to dream.
No quieren estar solas pero dime ¿en quien confiar?
They don’t want to be alone, but tell me, whom to trust?
Si los machos son fantasmas que fingieron amar.
If men are ghosts who pretended to love.
La mujer da vida y el hombre muerte
Woman gives life, and man death.
Tendrás que nacer de nuevo pa' volver aver que,
You’ll have to be born again to see that
Unos nacen y otros mueren
Some are born and others die.
Eterna historia existir entre pistolas y carriolas,
Eternal story to exist between guns and strollers,
Entre pistolas y carriolas,
Between guns and strollers,
Ente pristolas y carriolas,
Between guns and strollers,
Entre pistolas y carriolas.
Between guns and strollers.
Amanecer soleado en este edén terrenal,
Sunny sunrise in this earthly Eden,
El café se puso helado nadie quiso tomar,
The coffee got cold, no one wanted to drink it.
La abuela se hace antigua es una noche especial
The grandmother gets old, it is a special night
Por que mataron a su hijo y hoy lo van a velar,
Because they killed her son, and today they are going to watch over him.
Parece que fue ayer que lo escuchaba jugar,
It seems like yesterday that she listened to him play,
Y hoy tiene que enterrarlo y no ha podido llorar,
And today she has to bury him and she hasn’t been able to cry,
Pues sabe bien lo que le espera al matón al criminal
Because she knows well what awaits the killer, the criminal
En la bien conocida fabula del bien contra el mal,
In the well-known fable of good versus evil.
Por algo bien que sabe su marido fue igual
She knows it well because it was the same with her husband
Otro adulto sin estudios que murió por metal
Another uneducated adult who died for metal,
Por que cambiar el plomo en plata es una alquimia letal
Because turning lead into silver is deadly alchemy.
Desfile de carrozas en el multifamiliar
A parade of hearses in the apartment building
¿Ataúd o narcofosa?¿Donde va a descansar?,
Coffin or mass grave? Where will he rest?
La muerte escribe en prosa
Death writes in prose
Y aquí vino a buscar algún alma deseosa
And here she came to look for some soul desirous
De encontrar un hogar en un verso en una linea de su obra estelar.
Of finding a home in a verse, in a line of her stellar work.
La mujer da vida y el hombre muerte
Woman gives life, and man death.
Tendrás que nacer de nuevo pa' volver aver que,
You’ll have to be born again to see that
Unos nacen y otros mueren
Some are born and others die.
Eterna historia existir entre pistolas y carriolas,
Eternal story to exist between guns and strollers,
Entre pistolas y carriolas,
Between guns and strollers,
Ente pristolas y carriolas,
Between guns and strollers,
Entre pistolas y carriolas.
Between guns and strollers.
Media noche despejada en este edén terrenal
Clear midnight in this earthly Eden,
Jose Alfredo en las bocinas y unos tragos de mezcal
Jose Alfredo on the speakers and a few sips of mezcal.
La abuela se persigna vivir es especial
Grandmother crosses herself, living is special
Por que la visito el sobrino que se acaba de graduar
Because her nephew, who just graduated, visited her.
Un ingeniero en la familia ¿quién lo fuera a esperar?
An engineer in the family, who would have thought?
Y su hermana esta en la escolta ya lo quiere emular
And his sister is in the escort, already wants to emulate him.
No todo es negativo en esta jungla infernal,
Not everything is negative in this infernal jungle,
Y puede que su nieta se feliz al final,
And maybe her granddaughter will be happy in the end,
Y que su hija se motive y también sepa triunfar,
And that her daughter will be motivated and also know how to succeed,
Y que los machos hagan plata sin tener que matar
And that men make money without having to kill.
La historia no esta escrita vale la pena luchar
History is not written, it’s worth fighting
Llorar, sonreír, intentar, fracasar
Crying, smiling, trying, failing.
Carrozas o carriola, pistola o pañal
Hearses or strollers, guns or diapers,
Tiene la piel correosa la gente del lugar,
The people of the place have leathery skin,
La muerte no trae prisa sabe que va a ganar
Death is in no hurry, she knows she's going to win
Dicen que perder apesta pero peor es no jugar.
They say losing sucks, but not playing is even worse.

Manotas feat. Bodka 37 - Pistolas y Carriolas
Pistolas y Carriolas
date de sortie

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