Manu Guix - La Nota Constant - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Manu Guix - La Nota Constant

La Nota Constant
The Constant Note
És la nota constant
You are the constant note
Sempre va per davant
Always going ahead
Pots canviar-li l′entorn
You can change your environment
Que no es mourà d'on està
But you will not move from where you are
És un pèndol movent-se
You are a swinging pendulum
Pels racons del teu cap
In the corners of your head
Que no sap controlar-la
That does not know how to control it
Quan de sobte fa un salt
When suddenly it makes a jump
Mentre va improvisant
While improvising
Posa a prova les lleis
Tests the laws
D′un llenguatge
Of a language
Que mai coneixerà suficient
That I will never know enough
Demostrant que l'espai
Demonstrating that the space
Que ens ocupa és immens
That takes us is immense
I de sobte ens sorprèn
And suddenly surprises us
I es deixa vèncer pel moviment
And lets herself be overcome by the movement
Corre per l'escala sols un moment
Runs for the scale just a moment
Però aquesta llibertat, no la convenç
But this freedom, does not convince her
I segueix insistint
And she keeps insisting
En un joc malaltís
In a sick game
Que pot portar a obsessionar-te
Which can lead to obsession
Mentre ella és feliç
While she is happy
I aconsegueix que tu pensis
And she gets you thinking
Que viuries millor
That you would live better
Si no tinguessis tanta informació
If you didn't have so much information
I quan vol pujar un to
And when she wants to go up a tone
Trencant l′esquema anterior
Breaking the previous scheme
I qualsevol predicció
And any prediction
I torna a deixar-se vèncer pel moviment
And lets herself be overcome by the movement again
T′ofereix un joc que ara és diferent
Offers you a game that is now different
Pot semblar que no sap on va
It may seem that she does not know where she is going
Però sap molt el que vol i aprofita el temps
But she knows very well what she wants and takes advantage of the time
I de cop segueix un camí ascendent
And suddenly follows an ascending path
Canviant els paisatges i les sensacions
Changing landscapes and sensations
Ella va buscant el lloc adient
She is looking for the right place
Sabent-se la clau de les emocions
Knowing herself as the key to emotions
Però en el fons la seva ànima mana
But deep down her soul commands
No vol perdre quietud
Does not want to lose stillness
No és qüestió de confiança
It is not a matter of trust
Sinó d'actitud
But of attitude
Mentre el seu suport
While his support
Dansa i es va hipnotitzant
Dances and becomes hypnotized
Ella va com si res
She goes as if nothing
Fent-se la interessant
Playing the interesting
Però res dura per sempre, tot un final
But nothing lasts forever, everything has an end
No ha sigut capaç de ser fidel
She has not been able to be faithful
Però no hi ha qui la guanyi a ser lleial
But no one can beat her at being loyal
Agafa impuls i s′omple d'aire
Gains momentum and fills with air

Writer(s): Manu Guix Tornos

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