Manu Guix - Temps Passat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Manu Guix - Temps Passat

Temps Passat
Time Gone By
Era un home fet de somnis
I was a man made of dreams
Que esquivava realitats
Who dodged reality
S′envoltava de mentides
I surrounded myself with lies
Que per ell eren veritats
That were truths to me
Maleïda soledat
Cursed loneliness
En aquella cantonada
At that corner
Contemplava el temps passar
I watched the time go by
Era com si l'enyorança
It was as if the longing
D′un passatge molt llunyà
Of a very distant passage
No el deixés tirar endavant
Would not let me move forward
I es deixava vèncer
And I let myself be defeated
I aferrant-se a un món inventat
And clinging to an invented world
Ho veia tot amb els ulls aclucats
I saw everything with my eyes closed
I vivia la vida dins el seu cap
And I lived my life in my head
Recordant el temps passat
Remembering the time gone by
Després de molts anys veient-lo
After many years watching him
Assegut al mateix banc
Sitting on the same bench
Vaig atrevir-me a preguntar-li
I dared to ask him
Que és el què li va passar
What happened to him
De cop va començar a parlar
Suddenly, he started talking
Mmm contenint els ulls humits
Mmm containing his moist eyes
Em va començar a explicar
He began to explain to me
Va ser en aquesta cantonada on fa temps es va enamorar
It was at this corner that he fell in love a long time ago
De fet encara ho està
In fact, he still is
I va agafar embranzida
And he took impulse
Desfilava la vida al meu davant
Life paraded before my eyes
Feia massa temps que s'ho estava guardant
He had been keeping it for too long
No va deixar-se ni un sol detall
He did not leave out a single detail
Va explicar-me la història d'amor més bonica del món
He told me the most beautiful love story in the world
I va plorar recordant il·lusions
And he cried remembering illusions
Quan ella hi era tot era millor
When she was there, everything was better
Tot era fàcil i res feia por
Everything was easy, and nothing was scary
S′inventaven un món
They invented a world
Fet a mida pels dos
Tailor-made for both
Ella se′l va estimar tant
She loved him so much
Fins que la memòria la va abandonar
Until memory abandoned her
Sempre se'n van els que no haurien de marxar mai
Those who should never leave always leave
Des d′aleshores viu sol assegut sempre al mateix banc
Since then, he has lived alone, always sitting on the same bench
I vivia la vida dins el seu cap
And I lived my life in my head
Recordant el temps passat
Remembering the time gone by
Era un home fet de somnis
I was a man made of dreams
Que esquivava realitats
Who dodged reality

Writer(s): Manu Guix Tornos

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