Depuis qu'on est parti dmasse jmange rien que du fuel, pi pour navoir faut jouer du coude avec la foule, C'est lbordel total jtentre les mouches, le mal. de mer, pi les criptébé qui sorte dla cale
Since we left en masse, I've been eating nothing but fuel, and to avoid that, you have to elbow your way through the crowd. It's total chaos, I tell you, the flies, the seasickness, and the crypt keepers coming out of the hold.
Toute les hommes son sul pont, c'est leur dla priere
All the men are on deck, it's their prayer time.
Jessais d'comprendre, jrévise les mots qu'jai apprit hier
I'm trying to understand, I'm revising the words I learned yesterday.
Jpensse a ma mere, jessais decrire, mais lgros
I think of my mother, I try to write, but basically
Sque jressend jai po eux dmots pour le d'écrire
What I feel, I don't have the words to describe it.
I faut que jboive de l'eau avant qu'vire sénile
I need to drink some water before I go senile.
Jremonte un seau attacher a une corde pitcher dans lnil
I pull up a bucket tied to a rope, thrown into the Nile.
Jme ressend revivre, jdivague quand arrive au rythme des vagues, yen a qui sprésente "Armale"
I feel revived, I wander as I arrive to the rhythm of the waves, some people introduce themselves, "Armale".
Aralene qui mdit, ques'tu fou ici t retarder ou suicidère pour calmer l'athmosphere jrépond chu les deux.
Aralene who tells me, are you crazy to be here, are you late or suicidal? To calm the atmosphere, I reply both.
Bin non chu vnu pour lsoleil pi aprendre un peu c koi lproblème mon chum jtrop curieux?
No, I came for the sun and to learn a little bit about what the problem is, my friend, am I too curious?
Spa sa qu'jveux dire, bien au contraire du va découvrir notre hospitaliter légendère, On est un peu méfiant mes snormal
That's not what I mean, on the contrary, you'll discover our legendary hospitality. We're a little suspicious, but it's normal.
A force de sfaire accuser d'être l'axe du mal
We're tired of being accused of being the axis of evil.
Mais rgarde le charme qui strouve derrière un voile
But look at the charm that lies behind a veil.
La liberté dans sa bipe a poil, imposer vos valeurs spo une sage décision
Freedom in its purest form, imposing your values is not a wise decision.
C'est dla crosse comme le protocole des sage décillons
It's a rip-off like the protocol of the wise, let's open our eyes.
Sa sers l'église jveut po savoir si lpape la lue, Chaque foi qu'sa fuck on met a faute sul peuple élu
It serves the church, I don't want to know if the pope has read it. Every time it fucks up, we blame it on the chosen people.
On plonge le pays dans une total islamisation, pour nous ses sa ou bien la coke a collanisation
We plunge the country into total Islamization, for us it's that or Coke colonization.
Notre fassons de sbattre est peu-etre mauvaise, ya dtrop de "snirobaraque" pas assez du gauche avaise
Our way of fighting may be bad, there are too many "yes-men" and not enough left-wingers.
Il nous exploite en sdisans qu'on a ldos large mais qui vienne sul pont jte ljure on ljete au large.
They exploit us by telling us that we have broad shoulders, but let them come on deck, I swear we'll throw them overboard.
La foi, le choix, la voix des Oprimer, le flo prit par mes cordes vocal abimer
Faith, choice, the voice of the Oppressed, the flow taken by my damaged vocal cords.
La salive gaspiller sur le chemin qui reste a faire, c'est la traversé du lac nasser
The saliva wasted on the road ahead, it's the crossing of Lake Nasser.
C'est la foi, le choix, la voix des Oprimer, le flo prit par mes cordes vocal abimer
It's faith, choice, the voice of the Oppressed, the flow taken by my damaged vocal cords.
La salive gaspiller sur le chemin qui reste a faire, c'est la traversé du lac nasser
The saliva wasted on the road ahead, it's the crossing of Lake Nasser.
Armale mets pas tout lmonde dans lmeme paket
Armale, don't put everyone in the same basket.
Check moi jcomme les Haissien telement jpaket
Check me out, I'm like the Haitians, I'm so packed.
Des states dleur musique pop de cul, dleur fast food de cul, pi dleur osti dfilm de cul
From the States, their shitty pop music, their shitty fast food, and their fucking shitty movies.
Check jc que leur systeme yer controverser
Check it out, I know that their system is controversial.
Pi qu'pour l'instorer de sang peu jamais troverser
And that to install it, blood can never cross too much.
Qui va faire la paix avec e greluche comme polpot
Who's going to make peace with a chick like Pol Pot?
Qu'apres y vont jouer les sainte-nitouche qui aime po l'pot
That afterwards they'll play the innocent ones who don't like the pot.
Mais depuis ltemp dla prohébission dalcool, on sconsole avec notre plus grosse exportation agricole
But since the time of alcohol prohibition, we console ourselves with our biggest agricultural export.
On traverse les lignes par avion, par bateau
We cross the lines by plane, by boat.
Meme a pieds la nuit avec des voie sac a dos
Even on foot at night with sacks on our backs.
Sa nous raport gros, la GRC tolère si tu flash po trop, tu tcheck de quoi ta l'aire
It pays us big, the RCMP tolerates it if you don't flash too much, you look like what you are.
Ta souvu ton désire davoir les poche bien bourer
You remember your desire to have your pockets full.
Pi moi sa ma tellement fait plaisir de pouvoir les fourer
And me, it made me so happy to be able to screw them.
Sincerement ques'tu mdit "Arlamalé"
Sincerely, what did you say "Arlamalé"?
La vériter faut la chercher pour savoir ou a l'et
The truth must be sought to know where it is.
Strop facile dire les states ses le mal incarner, avant d'juger lvoisin spo mauvais dse rgarder
It's too easy to say the States are the evil incarnate, before judging the neighbor it's not bad to look at yourself.
La guerre ici sa fait 20 ans qu'sa dure
The war here has been going on for 20 years.
Stun autre pays riche exploiter par des ordures
Another rich country exploited by scum.
Squi tconcerne, c'est que les profit appartienne a talisman une compagnie de pétrole canadienne
What concerns you is that the profits belong to Talisman, a Canadian oil company.
Indirectement ton pays massacre des innocent
Indirectly your country is massacring innocent people.
Pi dmande moi po si ya dautre exemple innocent
And don't ask me if there are other innocent examples.
Meme ta buisness de weed que tu trouve fantastique, suis la meme logique que toute la marde que tu critique
Even your weed business that you find fantastic, follows the same logic as all the crap you criticize.
Écoute le gros, jdaccord avec toi c plate mais on fait squon peu c quoi toi t parfait
Listen big guy, I agree with you it sucks but we do what we can, are you perfect?
Jdit qui faudrait peu-etre s'unire pour obtenir réparation mais meme chez nous sa parle toujour de séparation
I say that we should perhaps unite to obtain reparation but even here we always talk about separation.
Toute des pouri plein d'dossier compromettant, i nous donne jamais rien mais y nous en promette tant
All rotten people full of compromising files, they never give us anything but they promise us so much.
Ya tu encore quelqun qui se dmande a koi sa serre
Is there anyone left who wonders what's the point?
Un aller simple pour la traversé du lac nasser
A one-way ticket for the crossing of Lake Nasser.
La foi, le choix, la voix des Oprimer, le flo prit par mes cordes vocal abimer
Faith, choice, the voice of the Oppressed, the flow taken by my damaged vocal cords.
La salive gaspiller sur le chemin qui reste a faire, c'est la traversé du lac nasser
The saliva wasted on the road ahead, it's the crossing of Lake Nasser.
C'est la foi, le choix, la voix des Oprimer, le flo prit par mes cordes vocal abimer
It's faith, choice, the voice of the Oppressed, the flow taken by my damaged vocal cords.
La salive gaspiller sur le chemin qui reste a faire, c'est la traversé du lac nasser
The saliva wasted on the road ahead, it's the crossing of Lake Nasser.
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