mao - キミニエム - traduction des paroles en anglais

キミニエム - maotraduction en anglais

Kimi ni Miem
結ばれた糸 信じること
The connected thread, to believe
Why is it so difficult to believe it?
滲む景色が灰色の雲に覆われる 息ができなくて
The hazy scenery is covered by gray clouds, making it hard to breathe.
壊れていった 気づかぬうちに 音もたてず崩れた
It broke, without me noticing, it collapsed silently.
When did it happen that I could not say anything anymore?
どうしたらいいのか分からず... 立ち尽くす
I don't know what to do... I stand still.
Because your sigh is so scary
わたし... 微笑んだ
I... smiled.
どんなにも無意味でも なす術がないの... そばにいたくて
Even if it's meaningless, I can't help it... I want to be by your side.
生まれた寂しさを 抱きしめて今日も眠るの
I embrace the solitude I was born with and go to sleep again today.
The memories I decorated my room with
Every last one of them are precious fragments
But why? My chest feels like it's being constricted.
Thoughts start to overflow.
夢をみていた 哀しみのない 閉ざされた世界では
I was dreaming of a world without sadness, a closed-off world.
In that world, I walk side-by-side with the me from back then.
久しぶりに見れたキミは... 笑顔だった
The you I saw again after a while... were smiling.
How can we, the two of us, go back to that day?
どうか... 教えてよ
Please... tell me.
もしも同じように想っているなら... なんて願いは
If you happen to feel the same way... this wish of mine
幻と消えるの 叶わない願い消してよ
will vanish like an illusion. Erase this unfulfilled wish.
Our farewell
近づいてること わかっているから
is closing in, I understand that
わたし... 微笑んだ
I... smiled.
半端な優しさなどもう欲しくないの... 早く気づいて
I don't want your half-hearted kindness anymore... Hurry and realize it.
生まれた寂しさに 今日もまた胸を焦がすの
I burn my chest with the solitude I was born with, again today.

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