mao - 想い出回廊 - traduction des paroles en anglais

想い出回廊 - maotraduction en anglais

Path of Memories
Path of Memories
PSP用ソフト「薄桜鬼 ~幕末无双录~」挿入歌
Insert song for PSP game "Hakuoki ~Shinkai Fuuunroku~" (Rumbling Records of the End of the Shinsengumi)
Song: mao
Hey, what if like a bird
We could fly freely,
With you to the sky we long for
I'd fly away
Even if we can't return to yesterday
People dream of tomorrow
Engraving earnest history
ただひとつの命 果てるまで
Just one life until the end
どこへでも どこまでも行けると そう信じて
Believing we can go anywhere, as far as we want
慟哭の暗を駆け抜け ここに辿り着いた
We've run through the darkness of sorrow, and now we've reached here
めぐりめぐる 想い出たち
Memories circling, circling
光帯びて 生き交う回廊で
Come to life in the radiant corridor
そっと この手伸ばせば
If I quietly reach out this hand,
あの日のままに なだれ込む
I'll be flooded with them like that day
その烈しさ 優しさが
That fierceness and gentleness
儚くても 確かめあった
Though ephemeral, I've confirmed them
Days I'll never forget
胸の奥 咲き続けている
Continue to bloom deep in my heart
I don't need anything else
Bearing the same pain
We've stained countless blades
紅蓮の哀しみよ 風になれ
Oh, crimson sorrow, become the wind
いつの日も いつまでも一緒に そう願って
Wishing to always, always be together
動乱の波にあらがうように ともに歩んできた
Like resisting the turbulent waves, we've walked together
時を超える 想いたちが
Memories that transcend time
繋いでゆく 終わらぬ物語
Connect and form an endless story
そっと 振り向けばほら
If you gently turn around, look
ふたつ并んだ 足跡が...
There are two sets of footprints...
飛べないから この足で
Since I can't fly, I'll use these feet
一歩一歩 踏みしめ歩く
Treading with each step
耳をすませば あなたの足音が
If I listen closely, I can hear your footsteps
想い出の回廊 今も響く
On this path of memories that echo

Writer(s): 磯谷 佳江, 安瀬 聖, 磯谷 佳江, 安瀬 聖

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