Marash & Dave - Real - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marash & Dave - Real

Ech ha agfange texte met drizehni
I started writing lyrics at thirteen
Paar dommi Sätz of e Schuelblock
A few stupid sentences on a school notepad
Ohni Ahnig vo egendöppis aber deför gnueg Bock
No clue about anything but enough drive
Det scho gwösst dasi ue wot
I already knew what I wanted back then
Nüt met Studio
Nothing with a studio
De Schrank bem Kolleg esch mini Booth, Bro
My buddy's closet is my booth, bro
Egendöppis ufgnoh, nonimol de Stemmbroch
Recorded something myself, never mind the voice breaking
Emmer no so chendlech
Always so childish
Eher s Gägeteil as dass den scho de King besch
Rather the opposite, like I'm already the king, you know
Doch ech gebe ned uf
But I didn't give up
Fahre met föfzehni ganz elleige dör das Land för es paar Beats ond es paar Features ond Connections
At fifteen, I drove across the country all by myself for a few beats and a few features and connections
Emmer onderwägs in Bern, Chur, Brig, Glarus
Always on the road in Bern, Chur, Brig, Glarus
Zöri, Solothurn, Aarau, hauptsach doss
Zurich, Solothurn, Aarau, the main thing is that
Mini Mama frogt mech: Wo besch jetze weder gsi?
My mom asks me: Where were you again?
Be no es Chend doch eigeständig wie mer au nome cha si
Still a child, but as independent as you can be
Läbe ned wie d Schuelkamerade
Don't live like my classmates
Zu Salitos-Ziite ben ech a Hip Hop Jams gfahre
During Salitos times, I went to hip-hop jams
Sit drizehni wot ech nome das won ech jetzt ha
Since I was thirteen, I've wanted what I have now
Ech schaffe emmer för das Ziel
I always work towards that goal
Ond du seisch mer ech seg ned real aso bitte
And you tell me, I'm not real, please
Kiddies labred mech ah ond froged: Wie hesch du das gschafft?
Kiddies talk to me and ask: How did you do it?
Was han ech scho gschafft, frog mech das eher i paar Johr
What have I accomplished? Ask me again in a few years
Alles oder nüt, ech ha nor das Gfühl
All or nothing, I just have the feeling
Mer möched das gross ond wenns ned klappt eschs ned för nüt, för nüt
We want it big, and if it doesn't work out, it's not for nothing, for nothing
Du mosch de Eini onder Tuusig si för d Lüüt
You have to be one in a thousand for the people
Aber je meh fo dene wo dech denn könned
But the more of those who know you then
Desto weniger möged sie ders gönne
The less they want to grant it to you
Ond ech weiss was mer so seid, Bro
And I know what you're saying, bro
Wäg esch voller Stei, nor das es weisch
The path is full of stones, only you know that
Met drizehni emmer no es Kiddie a dem Mikrofon
At thirteen, always a kiddie on the microphone
Text wie ne König, aber Stemm wie ne chliine Goof
Lyrics like a king, but voice like a little goof
Darom rapp ech nor in Internet-Fore
That's why I only rap in internet forums
Verbrenge stondelang met Battles, ha no nie eis verlore
Spend hours battling, never lost one
Ond mine Brüeder frogt öb ech Loscht ha en Song zmache
And my brother asks if I want to make a song
Met em Mic won er becho hed of sine Gebortstag
With the mic he got for his birthday
Emmer echli schüüch gsi, ned gärn of de Bühni
Always been a little shy, don't like to be on stage
Mini Jungs mached Shirts met mim Name drof
My boys make shirts with my name on them
Erschte Gig ond mini Clique esch det
First gig and my clique is there
Ech be ne Woche nervös ond nachhär eschs de Shit
I'm nervous for a week and afterwards it's the shit
Füüf Releases doss, alli gratis
Five releases so far, all for free
Mer esch Gäld egal, ech wett nor am Start si
Money doesn't matter to us, I just want to be at the start
Wot met mine Jungs vo Bühni zu Bühni renne, mine Traum läbe ond eifach de Bescht si
I want to run from stage to stage with my boys, live my dream and just be the best
Merci, allne wo mer hälfed
Thank you to everyone who helped me
Ohni euch schaffis ned ond wenns mol nach ufe god
Without you, it wouldn't work, and if things ever go up
Ech schwöre ech nemm alli met
I swear I'll take everyone with me
Ech nemm alli met, aber säg mer nor: Wo döre gods?
I'm taking everyone with me, but just tell me: Where is it going?
Ech wott nome före go
I just want to move forward
Wenn e Traum hesch, de mosch das halt dörestoh
If you have a dream, then you have to go through with it
Ech ha veles mösse öber mech ergoh loh
I had to overcome a lot
Aber boy do log ufgäh dasch es No-Go
But boy, giving up is a no-go
Wenni säge der die Hater hend mech chalt glo
If the haters tell you they left me cold
Esch das nor halbwohr
That's only half true
Es send es paar Johr voller Sälbstzwiifel ond Dänkkrise vergange
A few years of self-doubt and mental crises have passed
Aber alli die wo gredet hend chömed jetzt hinder d Schlange
But all those who talked are now behind the line
Sie wend Features ond Feedbacks, mer esch das gliich
They want features and feedback, I don't care
Ech mach nüt, es ged Liebi nor ellei för mis Team
I'm not doing anything, there's only love for my team
Kämpfed emmer wiiter, üsi Auge ofs Ziel
Keep fighting, our eyes on the goal
Jede hed Fokus ond verlürt das do nie
Everyone has the focus and never loses it
Wenn das fühlsch, dass du lebsch, dech das interessiert
If you feel that you are alive, that it interests you
Chom met de Clique of Schrett ond Trett
Come with the clique step by step
Wenn no länger druf wartisch, de verschwende mer nie
If you don't wait for it anymore, we never waste it
Kene det osse esch au nor chli eso real wie mer
No one out there is as real as we are
Kiddies labred mech ah ond froged: Wie hesch du das gschafft?
Kiddies talk to me and ask: How did you do it?
Was han ech scho gschafft, frog mech das eher i paar Johr
What have I accomplished? Ask me again in a few years
Alles oder nüt, ech ha nor das Gfühl
All or nothing, I just have the feeling
Mer möched das gross ond wenns ned klappt eschs ned för nüt, för nüt
We want it big, and if it doesn't work out, it's not for nothing, for nothing
Du mosch de Eini onder Tuusig si för d Lüüt
You have to be one in a thousand for the people
Aber je meh fo dene wo dech denn könned
But the more of those who know you then
Desto weniger möged sie ders gönne
The less they want to grant it to you
Ond ech weiss was mer so seid, Bro
And I know what you're saying, bro
Wäg esch voller Stei, nor das es weisch
The path is full of stones, only you know that
Honderti vo Gigs hender üs mettlerwiil
Hundreds of gigs behind us now
Mer send emmerno die Gliiche
We're still the same
Emmerno broke ond au wemmer nüt verdienet
Still broke, and even if we don't earn anything
Möchemer die Arbet emmer no wel mer sie liebed
We still do the work because we love it
Stahne of de Open Air - Bühne ond werde nervös
We stand on the open-air stages and get nervous
Be in Gedanke das ech vorher mis Idol gse ha
Thinking that I saw my idol before
Ha ne Traum sit ech Kiddie be
I've had a dream since I was a kid
Schaffe jede Tag bes ech alles ha bes zom Logeplatz
Working every day until I have everything until retirement
Ech ghöre die Mengi
I hear the crowd
Sie rüeft üse Name
They call our name
Spöre mine Härzschlag bes zo mim Hals
I feel my heartbeat up to my throat
Genau det beni gfange
That's where I'm caught
Alles voller Lüt
Everything is full of people
Jede einzelni vo üch, wo das alles met üs fühlt
Every single one of you who feels all this with us
Esch en Teil vo dem Ganze
Is part of the whole
Ohni euch wäre mer nüt
We would be nothing without you
Mer send am Afang vo de Reis, chömed alli met
We are at the beginning of the journey, come with us
Wärded veles zäme gse bes zom Ändi vo de Gschecht
We will see a lot together until the end of the story
Es esch mängisch liecht aber hüüfig esch es schwär
It's sometimes easy, but often it's hard
Doch egal wie vel so steihert send, mer bliibed of em Wäg
But no matter how many obstacles there are, we stay on track
Mer hend no nüt gschafft
We haven't achieved anything yet
Mer hend erscht üse Wäg bestomme
We have only determined our path
Zäme üses Ziel avisiert ond üses Züüg packt
Set our goal together and packed our gear

Writer(s): David Largier, Marash Pula, Sean Ferrari, Sven Zibung

Marash & Dave - Gold
date de sortie

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