Niggas bheki phoo im twice as hot as your 16's and i ain't even 32
Niggas bheki phoo im twice as hot as your 16's and i ain't even 32
Im getting plenty boos paying food see me on the avenue
Im getting plenty boos paying food see me on the avenue
Baking you for a little piece of advice left over MacDonald fries
Baking you for a little piece of advice left over MacDonald fries
You want me if i take steak from your kidney nini ngfaku mfutho zinga khipi yebo ngsuke ma plazini ang briki but i aint being a bitch nigga only bitch niggas they don't mix this
You want me if i take steak from your kidney nini ngfaku mfutho zinga khipi yebo ngsuke ma plazini ang briki but i aint being a bitch nigga only bitch niggas they don't mix this
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