Marc Parrot - Sinfonia Número 7 en Colors - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marc Parrot - Sinfonia Número 7 en Colors

Sinfonia Número 7 en Colors
Symphony Number 7 in Colors
Ha plogut sobre el meu cap
Rain has fallen on my head
Hi ha crescut herba molt fresca
And made the grass grow luscious
He sortit a passejar
I have gone outside to walk
Amb la testa florida i verda
With my head covered with flowers and grass
Perquè també s'hi han fet flors
For flowers have also grown upon it
Com si jo fos una gerra
As if I were a vase
Després ha sortit el sol
Then the sun came out
I he sentit olor de terra
And I smelled the scent of the earth
Fixa't jo, quin cap més verd
Look at me, my head is so green
Quina enveja, quina enveja!
How enviable, how enviable!
Papallones i ocellets
Butterflies and birds
S'hi posen, i les abelles
Land on it, and bees
El vent m'ha dut grans de blat
The wind has brought me grains of wheat
I com que ja és primavera
And since it is now spring
Les espigues s'han llevat
The ears have risen
Per damunt dels brins de l'herba
Above the blades of grass
I han cobert les flors del foc
And they have extinguished the fire of the flowers
Car també han crescut roselles
For roses have also grown
I per fer-me un cap tot d'or
And to make my head all gold
El sol m'ha pansit la gespa
The sun has scorched my grass
Fixa't jo, quin cap més groc
Look at me, my head is so yellow
Quina enveja, quina enveja!
How enviable, how enviable!
Papallones i ocellots
Butterflies and birds
S'hi posen, i les abelles
Land on it, and bees
L'estiu m'ha dut la calor
Summer has brought me heat
I ha arribat el temps de sega
And the time for the harvest has come
I he anat a cal segador
And I have gone to the reaper
Vinc perquè em segueu la testa
Come reap my head
Podeu segar tot el blat
You can harvest all the wheat
Però per res ni una rosella
But not one rose
I he sortit al carrer gran
And I have come out into the street
Amb la testa ben vermella
With my head very red
Fixa't jo, quin cap vermell
Look at me, my head is so red
Quina enveja, quina enveja!
How enviable, how enviable!
Papallones, grans ocells
Butterflies, big birds
S'hi posen, i les abelles
Land on it, and bees
Oh, quina enveja em tens!
Oh, how you envy me!
Oh, quina enveja em tens!
Oh, how you envy me!
Oh, quina enveja em tens!
Oh, how you envy me!
Les roselles s'han pansit
The roses have withered
La tardor no donzelles
Autumn has no maidens
I els meus cabells blancs i fins
And my hair, white and fine
Han omplert de nou la testa
Has once again filled my head
L'hivern m'ha cobert de neu
Winter has covered me with snow
M'ha robat les flors i l'herba
And robbed me of my flowers and grass
I el fred m'ha fet presoner
And the cold has made me a prisoner
Amb el cap blanc com la pedra
With my head as white as stone
Fixa't jo, quin cap més blanc
Look at me, my head is so white
Quina enveja, quina enveja!
How enviable, how enviable!
Ni papallones ni ocells
Not even butterflies nor birds
S'hi posen, ni les abelles
Land on it, not even bees
On és la pluja, on és?
Where is the rain, where is it?

Writer(s): Pau Riba

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