Marc Parrot - Veles e Vents - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marc Parrot - Veles e Vents

Veles e Vents
Veles e Vents
Veles e vents han mos desigs complir,
My wishes are driven by wavering winds,
Faent camins dubtosos per la mar.
Charting dubious courses across the sea.
Mestre i ponent contra d'ells veig armar;
Master and west come armed against them, I see;
Xaloc, llevant, los deuen subvenir
Southeast, east—they must take my side
Ab llurs amics lo grec e lo migjorn,
With their allies the Greek and the south,
Fent humils precs al vent tramuntanal
Humbly entreating the north wind's grace
Que en son bufar los sia parcial
To favor their breath and steady my pace.
E que tots cinc complesquen mon retorn.
So these five powers may grant my safe return.
Bullirà el mar com la cassola en forn,
The sea will churn as a cauldron over fire,
Mudant color e l'estat natural,
Changing color and its nature's will,
E mostrarà voler tota res mal
Threatening great harm with every swelling billow
Que sobre si atur un punt al jorn.
Should I linger on its surface even a day.
Grans e pocs peixs a recors correran
Fish great and small will scurry and flee,
E cercaran amagatalls secrets:
Seeking refuge in hidden nooks and crannies;
Fugint al mar, on són nodrits e fets,
Fleeing the sea where they were born and bred,
Per gran remei en terra eixiran.
Seeking safety on the rescuing shore.
Amor de vós jo en sent més que no en sé,
My love for you, my lady, I feel more than I know,
De què la part pitjor me'n romandrà;
Though the bitterest part remains ever concealed;
E de vós sap lo qui sens vós està.
Only those who are parted from you understand.
A joc de daus vos acompararé.
To a game of dice I liken your love.
Io tem la mort per no ser-vos absent,
I fear death only for the absence it brings,
Perquè amor per mort és anul·lat:
For love is extinguished when the body dies;
Mas jo no creu que mon voler sobrat
But I cannot believe that my love's intense flame
Pusca esser per tal departiment.
Could be extinguished by such separation.
Jo gelós de vostre escàs voler,
I am jealous of your meager affection,
Que, jo morint, no meta mi en oblit.
Lest, when I am gone, you cast me from your thoughts.
Sol est pensar me tol del món delit,
This fear alone robs me of joy,
Car nós vivint, no creu se pusca fer:
For while we live, I cannot imagine such a thing.
Aprés ma mort, d'amar perdau poder,
After my death, you will lose the power to love,
E sia tost en ira convertit.
And your feelings will swiftly turn to anger.
E, jo forçat d'aquest món ser eixit,
And when I am forced to depart from this world,
Tot lo meu mal serà vós no veer.
My greatest torment will be not seeing you.
Amor, de vós jo en sent més que no en sé,
My love for you, my lady, I feel more than I know,
De què la part pitjor me'n romandrà,
Though the bitterest part remains ever concealed;
E de vós sap lo qui sens vós està:
Only those who are parted from you understand.
A joc de daus vos acompararé.
To a game of dice I liken your love.

Writer(s): Raimon

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