Marcelo feat. Kiza Iskaz - 20 000 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marcelo feat. Kiza Iskaz - 20 000

20 000
"Maligna mladež. Dijagnoza: grozan poraz.
"Malignant youth. Diagnosis: a terrible defeat.
Oroz: bum! Uzrok smrti: ubijeni u pojam. Svi.
Weapon: boom! Cause of death: killed in spirit. All of them.
Kako do posla, ako u radu je spas?
How to get a job, if salvation lies in work?
Ima neka tajna veza... al' ne za sve nas.
There's some secret connection... but not for all of us.
Pa rolamo parole i guslamo gesla.
So we roll out slogans and chant mottos.
Dok Titanik tone, mi mu još sisamo vesla."
While the Titanic sinks, we're still sucking on its oars."
To kažu zle jezičine i potplaćeni besram!
That's what the evil tongues and the underpaid shameless ones say!
Al' ja znam da stiže sreća, jer stižu radna mesta!
But I know happiness is coming, because jobs are coming!
Imaću svojih dva'es' 'iljada, pa ću s tim da živim kao čovek.
I'll have my twenty thousand, and with that I'll live like a human being.
Malo i ja da se iživljavam, da isfuravam sve svoje snove.
I'll get to indulge a little too, to flaunt all my dreams.
Obići ću najzad svet uuu, to mi je vazda ćef!
I'll finally travel the world uuu, that's always been my thing!
Posetiću Pirot, Bor, možda čak i Majdanpek.
I'll visit Pirot, Bor, maybe even Majdanpek.
I napakon mogu da imam auto, mogu da biram aute:
And finally I can have a car, I can choose cars:
Autocenzuru, autosugestiju, samo autoritet ne.
Self-censorship, autosuggestion, just not authority.
I napokon mogu da kupim gajbu, rešim životno pitanje!
And finally I can buy a crib, solve the life question!
U gajbi ima 15 piva, to nisam im'o za sitan keš!
There are 15 beers in the crib, I didn't have that for small change!
U radnji Patrijaršije mogu da kupim džepnog sveca.
I can buy a pocket saint in the Patriarchate's shop.
Kulturu imam besplatno, jer na Trgu je Ceca.
I have culture for free, because Ceca is on the Square.
Videću more na netu, ako mi net ne iseku sutra.
I'll see the sea on the net, if they don't cut off my internet tomorrow.
Za hranu nema frke, pošto jedem se iznutra.
There's no problem with food, since I eat myself from the inside.
Pa sam malo malaksao, zvaću hitnu, sad ću...
So I'm a little weak, I'll call an ambulance, now I will...
A, da. Fon je isključen. Nisam imao za račun...
Oh, right. The phone is disconnected. I didn't have money for the bill...
Dvadeset hiljada razloga da glasam
Twenty thousand reasons to vote
Za priliku do šanse da se eventualno nadam.
For a chance to hope, maybe.
Ostajem ovde da se u radosti gušim,
I stay here to choke on joy,
Da sa dušom u nosu nosim sebe na duši.
To carry myself on my soul with my soul in my nose.
Dvadeset hiljada razloga za listić.
Twenty thousand reasons for a ballot.
Kako da prelomim? Svi ste tako isti.
How can I decide? You're all so alike.
Verujem svakoj vašoj zabrinutoj faci.
I believe every one of your worried faces.
Držim vas za reč, kao vi mene u šaci.
I take your word for it, like you hold me in your fist.
Za koji sat biću ćale. Stiže lagano ta uloga:
In a few hours I'll be a dad. That role is coming slowly:
Sa više uloga kroz život njoj da budem poluga.
To be a lever for her with more roles through life.
Nervoza. Sam u stanu. Samo čekam da mi jave.
Nervousness. Alone in the apartment. Just waiting for them to let me know.
Naša mala porodica sada imaće tri glave,
Our little family will now have three heads,
K'o aždaja, kao zmaj kojeg otima princeza,
Like a dragon, like a dragon that a princess steals,
Jednim pokretom prstića, jednom ivicom svog keza.
With one movement of her finger, with one edge of her cash.
Doći će u dvorac koji zapravo nije moj,
She will come to a castle that is not actually mine,
Jer sa dva'es' hiljada na metar ne mogu da budem svoj.
Because with twenty thousand I can't own a meter.
Pa, reci ti, gospodine, što hapsiš i obećavaš,
So, tell me you, sir, who arrests and promises,
Kako se vade nova bosa deca iz tih mećava?
How do you get new barefoot children out of those storms?
Budućnost garantuje ta zagarantovana suma.
The future is guaranteed by that guaranteed sum.
Igramo se milionera dok kroz džepove promaja duva,
We play millionaires while the draft blows through our pockets,
Za million dinara! Kako na kraj sa dva'es' hiljada?!
For a million dinars! How to make ends meet with twenty thousand?!
Zapravo bas tako, kraj je kad ti tol'ko pripada.
Actually, that's exactly it, it's the end when you're entitled to that much.
Daj sad taj million, pa da zapalimo preko:
Now give me that million, so we can light up and leave:
Radiću i za dve hiljade, al' eura, k'o NEKO.
I'll work for two thousand too, but euros, like SOMEONE.
Dvadeset hiljada razloga da glasam
Twenty thousand reasons to vote
Za priliku do šanse da se eventualno nadam.
For a chance to hope, maybe.
Ostajem ovde da se u radosti gušim,
I stay here to choke on joy,
Da sa dušom u nosu nosim sebe na duši.
To carry myself on my soul with my soul in my nose.
Dvadeset hiljada razloga za listić.
Twenty thousand reasons for a ballot.
Kako da prelomim? Svi ste tako isti.
How can I decide? You're all so alike.
Verujem svakoj vašoj zabrinutoj faci.
I believe every one of your worried faces.
Držim vas za reč, kao vi mene u šaci.
I take your word for it, like you hold me in my fist.
Naša rak-rana je rana raka, smrt pre vremena.
Our cancer is the wound of cancer, death before its time.
Svi smo ćao s 30, sagoreli bez kremena.
We're all ciao at 30, burned out without flint.
I slabo čujemo ispod tona bremena čemera
And we can barely hear under the weight of misery
Vaše govore o sreći, dok listamo oglase za kelnera.
Your speeches about happiness, while we browse ads for waiters.
SVI ste već vladali, i zajedničkim silama
You've ALL ruled, and with combined forces
Osakatili vredne da date noge zmijama.
Crippled the worthy to give legs to snakes.
I da je istina ono sve vraća, sve se plaća,
And if it were true that everything comes back, everything is paid for,
Ne bi vam dao glas ni sinhronizator crtaća.
I wouldn't give you my vote, not even a cartoon dubber.
U najboljoj si snazi, kad ćeš ako ne sad
You're in your prime, when will you if not now
U ogledalu da ugledaš ugled, a ne glad?
See dignity, not hunger, in the mirror?
Kad dobiješ posao, više nikom nisi tema.
When you get a job, you're no longer anyone's topic.
Toliko je nezaposlenih da treba da si srećan.
There are so many unemployed that you should be happy.
De, da otvorimo temu. Šta te tamo čeka?
Come on, let's open the topic. What awaits you there?
Neredovnih 20 'iljada kod nadobudnog šefa.
An irregular 20 thousand with an arrogant boss.
Ništa žalba, ništa otkaz, samo kletva golje
No complaints, no resignation, just the curse of the poor
Da će drugi za 19 'iljada da rmbači bolje.
That someone else will work harder for 19 thousand.
Radi k'o crnac, radi k'o crv. Da zaliješ nadu propišaj krv.
Work like a black man, work like a worm. To water hope piss blood.
U ratu sa ratama, rintaj za rentu. U ritama ritaj se, rodi mečku.
In a war with installments, work your ass off for rent. Kick your ass, give birth to a bear.
I veruj da biće bolje, jedino možda ne baš danas,
And believe that it will get better, maybe just not today,
Mešaj posao i nezadovoljstvo i rani sina, pak šalji da glasa.
Mix work and dissatisfaction and give birth to a son, then send him to vote.
Jer, tako se bira budućnost doduše, možda ne baš naša,
Because that's how the future is chosen well, maybe not exactly ours,
Ali je sveta građanska dužnost svetla budućnost foteljaša.
But it's the sacred civic duty, the bright future of the armchair politicians.
A što sam tu? Sine, loš sam primer da se tešiš.
And why am I here? Son, I'm a bad example to comfort yourself with.
Volim zemlju slepo k'o žena muža koji je pijan leši.
I love the country blindly like a wife loves a husband who's a drunkard.
Ali, veruj mi, to je primer sve ređi...
But, trust me, that's an increasingly rare example...

Writer(s): Marko šelić, Rade Raid Sklopić, Zoran Stefanov

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