Marcelo - Baba! (feat. Kendi) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marcelo - Baba! (feat. Kendi)

Baba! (feat. Kendi)
Granny! (feat. Kendi)
Želi da crknem. Il' bar da pukne mi čir.
She wants me dead. Or at least to have an ulcer.
Da mi se smrkne. Mnogo smetam joj živ.
For my life to turn dark. My being alive bothers her so much.
Što me tol'ko mrziš, bako, šta sam ti kriv?
Why do you hate me so much, granny, what have I done to you?
I ja sam star kao ti...
I'm as old as you...
Verse 1:
Svađa se u Maksiju. Mršti se u pošti.
She argues in Maxi. Frowns at the post office.
Mrzi te sa klupe na kojoj vošti mošti.
She hates you from the bench where she polishes bones.
Kornjačaju tiho, gledaju urokljivo,
They turtle-walk quietly, glancing with an evil eye,
Ali odaje ih kuk škljoca k'o Pinokio.
But their hunch gives them away it clicks like Pinocchio.
Tenzioner uvek, sem kad oće da se žali:
Always a hypertension patient, except when she wants to complain:
Tad je ljupka k'o Rahela. A piči k'o Ferari
Then she's as sweet as Rachel. And speeds like a Ferrari
Kad trči da glasa, u susret novom dobu:
When she runs to vote, towards a new era:
Rukom uz Ivicu, jednom nogom uz Slobu.
One hand with Ivica, one foot with Sloba.
(Baba!) Njeni brci su antene
(Granny!) Her whiskers are antennas
Za hvatanje trača koje natenane ždere.
For catching gossip that she leisurely devours.
(Baba!) Kusa sto tableta na dan,
(Granny!) She pops a hundred pills a day,
Pa tako urađena priča da si ti narkoman.
So under their influence she tells everyone you're a drug addict.
Skenira ti goste, želi podatke što jasnije,
She scans your guests, wants the clearest data,
Lupa u radijator da namerno pričaš glasnije.
Bangs on the radiator to intentionally make you talk louder.
Javlja se na hodniku, cvrkuće i guče,
She appears in the hallway, chirping and cooing,
A dok gledaš poštu otruje ti kuče.
And while you're looking at the mail she poisons your puppy.
Ide k'o puž, farsa čista, bab-baba ljiga.
She walks like a snail, pure farce, granny-granny slime.
A kad vidi bus, odjednom nindža plus ABA liga.
But when she sees a bus, suddenly she's a ninja plus ABA league.
Mljacka dok pričaš zato što tako guta ti reči i snima!
She smacks her lips while you talk because that's how she swallows your words and records them!
Dokone Babe, skraćeno DB. Ima cilj da...
Idle Grannies, DB for short. Her goal is to...
...crknem. Il' bar da pukne mi čir.
...kill me. Or at least to give me an ulcer.
Da mi se smrkne. Mnogo smetam joj živ.
For my life to turn dark. My being alive bothers her so much.
Što me tol'ko mrziš, bako, šta sam ti kriv?
Why do you hate me so much, granny, what have I done to you?
I ja sam star kao ti...
I'm as old as you...
Deli ti pridike šakom i kapom,
She lectures you left and right,
Dok udara štakom o plafon.
While hitting the ceiling with her cane.
Ima 27 mačaka na gajbi.
She has 27 cats in her flat.
Padne joj šećer, pa mora da zajmi,
Her sugar level drops, so she has to borrow,
Jer paranoiše, k'o i svi hipohondri.
Because she's paranoid, like all hypochondriacs.
Ta bi našla dlaku i u mitohondriji.
She would find a hair even in a mitochondrion.
Žali se na pritisak, pati od reume...
Complains about pressure, suffers from rheumatism...
Al' kako onda uvek deda prvi umre?
But then how come grandpa always dies first?
"Hahahah!" smeje se. "Hahahah!" smeje se... NIKAD.
"Hahahah!" she laughs. "Hahahah!" she laughs... NEVER.
Ne, ona se ne smeje nikad.
No, she never laughs.
Al' gega se na ritam i melodiju bita: BA-BA-BA-BAAA.
But she sways to the rhythm and melody of the beat: BA-BA-BA-BAAA.
Ima me na zubu i kad joj je proteza u tegli,
She has a grudge against me even when her dentures are in a jar,
A ja fin, kulturan, cegere joj teglim!
And I'm kind, polite, carrying her heavy bags!
Samohrana baba izvadi sisu i podoji unuka...
A single granny takes out her breast and feeds her grandson...
Okej... ne rade babe bas takve stvari... mozda sam preterao malo...
Okay... grannies don't really do things like that... maybe I exaggerated a bit...
Baba! Svuda ima bar jedna takva. (U troli, u radnji, na spratu!)
Granny! There's at least one like that everywhere. (On the trolley, in the store, upstairs!)
Baba! Vrača da ti umre majka. (I jede golube u parku!)
Granny! She curses your mother to die. (And eats pigeons in the park!)
Ljubičasto-sedefasta kosa, kol'ko grozno... (aman, baba...)
Purple-pearly hair, so awful... (come on, granny...)
Pa zar tako u doba pozno? (Cccc!)
Is that how you do it in your twilight years? (Tsk!)
U busu nije posustajala, (baba!)
She wouldn't give up her seat on the bus, (granny!)
Na sedištu se ustajala. (baba!)
She stood up on the seat. (granny!)
Čak ti i trudnica ustajala, (baba!)
Even a pregnant woman stood up for you, (granny!)
Jer ti imas usta laja-va...
Because you have a barking mouth...
I kada pleteš, pretiš iglom, (baba!)
And when you knit, you threaten with the needle, (granny!)
I mrziš nas k'o niko! (baba!)
And you hate us like no one else! (granny!)
Ovih dana, biću tvoj Ras-kolj-ni-kov!
These days, I'll be your Raskolnikov!
Zove 194 svakog drugog dana,
She calls 194 every other day,
Pa kad neko stvarno umire, onda kasne pola sata.
So when someone really dies, they're half an hour late.
Ej... što, bre, babo, to?
Hey... why, granny, why?
Stvarno želiš smrt svakom.
You really wish death on everyone.
Što nas tol'ko mrziš, bako?
Why do you hate us so much, granny?
Stalno vičeš TIŠE, TIŠE...
You always yell QUIETER, QUIETER...
Stvarno ne znam tiše da dišem!
I really can't breathe any quieter!
I uvek sladoled na kugle gljiže.
And always slurps ice cream scoops.
I na šlagere se uvek njiše...
And always sways to pop hits...
I ova pesma njoj je nebitna,
And this song is irrelevant to her,
Jer je odrasla uz Elvisa.
Because she grew up with Elvis.
Što me tolko mrziš, bako,
Why do you hate me so much, granny,
Šta sam ti ja kriv, alo? BABA!
What have I done to you, hello? GRANNY!

Writer(s): Aleksandar Jovanović šljuka, Marko šelić, Rade Raid Sklopić

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