Marcelo - Filter (feat. DJ Raid, Ministar Lingvista, Flip-Flop, Timjah) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Marcelo - Filter (feat. DJ Raid, Ministar Lingvista, Flip-Flop, Timjah)

Filter (feat. DJ Raid, Ministar Lingvista, Flip-Flop, Timjah)
Filter (feat. DJ Raid, Minister Lingvist, Flip-Flop, Timjah)
Ovoj sceni treba filter, svi krem, a stila nigde, pizde!
This scene needs a filter, everyone's cream, but no style anywhere, bitches!
Geto pishtolji igre, sikter! Stikom za klince plitke
Ghetto pistol games, get lost! Stick for shallow kids
Moj flow-pedigre: teshka artiljerija,
My flow-pedigree: heavy artillery,
Masakr za skill shto vredi kol'ko smeshna bizuterija!
Massacre for skill that's worth as much as funny costume jewelry!
Inspiracija svuda - rima puna sveska, stizu Gremija!
Inspiration everywhere - rhymes filling notebooks, Grammys coming!
Do juche me mrze, a danas poput peshka, lizu meni ga!
Yesterday they hated me, today like a pawn, they lick it for me!
Tebi premija kad ubodesh punch je!
You get a prize when you land a punchline!
Afro-pelcer, a nashe face.
Afro-scion, and our faces.
Shkart i feler! Ovo lichan pik je
Discard and defect! This is a personal pick
Na sve te dechje slichne spike!
On all those childish similar spikes!
"Ringe ringe raja" sistem, iste priche valjash, prike,
"Ringe ringe raja" system, same stories you're rolling, tricks,
Nigde niste! Tajac! Filter kad stigne, zbrishe ko tvister!
You're nowhere! Silence! When the filter arrives, they vanish like a tweeter!
CHelo de Facto te secira! Sprechi ga nechim sad!
CHelo de Facto dissects you! Stop him with something now!
Rechita sechiva vechita pretnja sam!
Rechita's incisors, I'm an eternal threat!
Stereofrik nikad stereotip! Deremo bit i tvoj demo skill,
Stereofrik never a stereotype! We tear up the beat and your demo skill,
Kao chernobil, izmutirao stil - 'ajmo deco shpirnt, stize pedofil!
Like Chernobyl, mutated style - let's go kids, run, the pedophile is coming!
I - vec dat mat, vi ste hteli rat, i kad tad biste sveli gard
And - checkmate already, you wanted war, and sooner or later you would have lowered your guard
Na klinch, jer tata deli sad shamarchine - sledi pad za
To a clinch, because daddy is handing out slaps now - a fall follows for
Shamanchine trendi faca, bez tiraza, bledi pazar!
Shamanchine trendy face, no circulation, pale market!
Ne seri vazdan pricha prazna o choshku na kojem vileni bagra:
Don't bullshit, the story is always empty about the pig on which the rabble hangs:
"Tebra prosh'o sam svashta, na licu geto brazda"
"Bro, I've been through everything, a ghetto scar on my face"
...koga za sve to zabole kurac krasan?
...who the fuck cares, handsome?
Farsa sarkazma vlada: gengsta-dens, fiesta-tresh, svi "so clean, so fresh",
The farce of sarcasm reigns: gangsta-dance, fiesta-trash, everyone "so clean, so fresh",
Al' sinko, ti to sve vasljash za kesh mitove koje sanjash zar ne?
But buddy, you're selling all that for cash, myths you dream of, right?
Glup si ko kurac, buraz, furash zon usran!
You're dumb as fuck, bro, you're driving a shitty zone!
Hirurshki precizno deremo, peremo sve to nechisto s puta!
We tear surgically precisely, we wash all that dirt off the road!
Plus, moj majk je moj rat - tvoj start je tvoj falsh,
Plus, my mic is my war - your start is your fake,
Plus imash pozdrav od Minje Subote - kaze da mikrofon je nash, bich!
Plus you have greetings from Minja Subota - he says the microphone is ours, bitch!
Ne mrdam ni inch - linch za tvoj rep-kich kapish?
I'm not moving an inch - lynching for your rap-dick, get it?
Zato je switch, sad si - dim!
That's why it's a switch, now you're - smoke!
(Ministar Lingvista):
(Minister Lingvist):
Jesi slavan - al' si slepac kao autor "Troje", sine!
You're famous - but you're blind as the author of "Troje", son!
Kad te sjebem, slepe ulice nosice tvoje ime,
When I fuck you, blind alleys will bear your name,
To je za pojedine chije veshtine pljujem,
This is for individuals whose skills I spit on,
Sushtina rime - tu je, pa ne moram da imenujem
The essence of rhyme - it's here, so I don't have to name names
Mca chija poezija prija samo deci:
Pussy whose poetry only pleases children:
'Vamo "rija-gija", "rija-gija" tamo. Seci!
'Here "rija-gija", "rija-gija" there. Cut it!
I reci, i ti i tvoja "vadimo gije posada",
And tell me, you and your "we're pulling out guns" crew,
Da li ste ikad ubili neshto shto nije dosada?
Have you ever killed anything that isn't boredom?
"Ma jebesh cenzuru" Fond rechi ti je sjajan,
"Fuck censorship" Your vocabulary fund is brilliant,
Al' na jeziku nemash dlake zato shto brijem jaja!
But you have no hair on your tongue because I shave my balls!
Dechko, ti mislish da si vesht? Optimist si...
Boy, you think you're skilled? You're an optimist...
A ja - kontraverzan, jer sam sve shto ti nisi:
And I - controversial, because I'm everything you're not:
Neukrotiv, strashan, pa mi je motiv snazan
Indomitable, scary, so my motive is strong
Kol'ko i fakat da ti je svakog jutra frotir vlazan,
As much as the fact that your towel is wet every morning,
Jer sanjash kesh od tiraza... rushim ti san k'o pirati!
Because you dream of cash from circulation... I'm breaking your dream like pirates!
...ako je vreme novac, uskoro cesh bankrotirati!:
...if time is money, you'll soon go bankrupt!:
U novoj shkoli budi marljivo dete spremni da spalimo sve te
In the new school, be a diligent child, ready to burn all those
Jebene marionete, pazljivo, 'de cesh?
Fucking puppets, carefully, where are you going?
A shalu na stranu, skidam ti kapu, izd'o si album,
And jokes aside, I take my hat off to you, you released an album,
Taj tiraz ti je visok, care, jeb'o si mu mamu...
That circulation is high, man, you fucked his mom...
A marketing pravi ti saveti, sve cave i gotovi spotovi,
And marketing makes you advice, all ready-made and finished videos,
Krimi likovi, zlotvori, sine.
Criminal characters, villains, son.
Shta josh treba da bi, eto, danas prodao taj album?
What else is needed to, well, sell that album today?
Jeb'o mater, jel' to beshe stvarno ono sve shto znate?
Fuck, was that really all you know?
A flow ti je nesnosan - ti si nervozan i nepoznat,
And your flow is unbearable - you're nervous and unknown,
Ti jesi reper-bog, jer za tebe samo nebo zna.
You are a rapper-god, because only the sky knows about you.
Ekstremna postava? Vi ste nezrela postava!
Extreme lineup? You're an immature lineup!
Epitet shmekera postavljash ispred repera-kloshara.
You put the epithet of a dude in front of a rapper-bum.
Od izlizanih rima - sve do glupavih freestyle-ova,
From worn-out rhymes - all the way to stupid freestyles,
Do ortaka koji dodju da bi urlali bez razloga.
To buddies who come to scream for no reason.
Na tu prichu dize se masa ko meni, bato, kurac na Bozen
The crowd rises to that story like my dick, bro, on Bozen
-Joj kakva utvara, Boze.
-Oh what a ghost, God.
Al' kad vidim kako zivimo - meni bude do jaja!
But when I see how we live - I don't give a fuck!
Vidim kom se divimo... spremi uvek svoj barjak!
I see who we admire... always prepare your flag!
Spreman za napad, nemiran sada, dresiram stada!
Ready for attack, restless now, I train herds!
De si sad, batac? Zar se, brate, nervirash danas?
Where are you now, tough guy? Are you getting nervous today, bro?
Sve za ljubitelje trafika i krimi likova:
Everything for lovers of newsstands and criminal characters:
Posle toliko zajebanih, da i publika zajebe im koncert!
After so many fucked up ones, let the audience fuck up their concert too!
... a na majku uvek redovan, negovan repertoar,
... and on mom, always a regular, well-groomed repertoire,
Jebemajku preko redova, sjeb'o vas reper ovaj!
Fuck your mother over the lines, this rapper fucked you up!
(Timjah da Sensei):
(Timjah da Sensei):
Obrishite bulje kada ustanete s noshe!
Wipe your mugs when you get up from the night!
Svi ste poznate face. al ja stvarno ne znam ko ste,
You're all familiar faces, but I really don't know who you are,
Jer nosite maske, dok sanjate porshe,
Because you wear masks, while you dream of Porsches,
I gde ste bili, s kim i kad me ne zanima uopshte!
And where you were, with whom and when I don't care at all!
Realnost iz mashte. malo sakrijte kompleks.
Reality from imagination, hide your complex a little.
Hteli bi da ste kul? Insistirate na tome??
You wish you were cool? You insist on that??
Dirate mi rep, i tu nastaje problem!
You touch my rap, and that's where the problem arises! sam dosh'o da vas malo spustim dole (tako radim!) I came to bring you down a little (that's how I do it!)
Nemoguca misija, jer ste toliko nisko samim tim
Mission impossible, because you're so low by that very fact
Shto ne cenite sebe, pa se poredite s nekim drugim.
That you don't value yourselves, so you compare yourselves to someone else.
Ovo sranje nije battle, jer vasha pricha gubi!
This shit is not a battle, because your story loses!
I rech-dve o kinti: skill ne mozesh da kupish!
And a word or two about money: you can't buy skill!
Pa ti skapiraj i crkni, mozesh samo da me mrzish
So get it and die, you can only hate me
-Kad chujesh bit da prshti, Dzutima da grmi.
-When you hear the beat crackle, Juicy J to thunder.
.I za nanet dushevni bol mozesh samo da me tuzish,
.And for mental pain you can only sue me,
Al' prvo obrishi bulju sveskom 'de su ti tekstovi otuzni!
But first wipe your mug with the notebook where your pathetic lyrics are!

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