Marcelo - Gola vera (feat. X-Centar) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Marcelo - Gola vera (feat. X-Centar)

Gola vera (feat. X-Centar)
Naked Faith (feat. X-Centar)
Ne znam sta se to u meni slomilo, sad mi se ne da molitva ni ispovest
I don't know what broke inside me, now I don't feel like praying or confessing
Svaki dan je k'o test, novi mec, al kao da vise nisam vest
Every day is like a test, a new match, but it's like I'm not the news anymore
Da srokam novi text za protest na sav taj prljav ves, dajem ti rec
To slam a new text for a protest against all that dirty laundry, I give you my word
I dalje se gadim pizdarija al ne znam sta je greh
I still loathe bullshit but I don't know what sin is
A smeh nije zdrav smeh, a ne pamtim ni kad sam zadnji put plakao
And laughter isn't healthy laughter, and I don't even remember the last time I cried
Urodjeni peh da placam ceh pa kontam isto raj i pakao,
Inborn bad luck to pay the price, so I figure it's the same - heaven and hell,
Ovde za lovom vecno loviste, dusa se gnusa trazi skroviste da je ne poniste
Here, you're eternally hunted for money, the soul is disgusted, seeking refuge so it won't be annihilated
... ciljam pesnicom u ogledalo da sjebem cudoviste...
... I aim my fist at the mirror to fuck up the monster...
Vise ne znam u sta verujem. kad smo kod toga,
I don't know what I believe in anymore. while we're at it,
U ovoj kuci na promaji ljudi daleki k'o da svako ima svog Boga
In this drafty house, people are distant as if everyone has their own God
Ona iskra u dnu oka koja kazuje sta smeras,
That spark at the bottom of the eye that tells what you're aiming for,
Kad izbije na povrsinu - to se zove gola vera...
When it surfaces - that's called naked faith...
Neko ima rogatog za partnera, necija je vera karijera,
Someone has a horned one as a partner, someone's faith is a career,
Neko se moli a neko klanja, neko se prosto sklanja od sranja
Someone prays and someone bows down, someone simply hides from the shit
Neko cini sve po volji bozijoj al je i dalje sirotinja
Someone does everything according to God's will but is still poor
Neko zna celu Bibliju napamet al je i dalje zivotinja
Someone knows the whole Bible by heart but is still an animal
Neki siluju veru zbog same vere - tako im pase
Some rape faith for the sake of faith itself - that's how they like it
Ne plase se da kusaju Boga ko sto Bog kusa slabosti nase
They're not afraid to tempt God as God tempts our weaknesses
Kao da tapse po ramenu laktase, lopove, pederase - nije fer
As if patting on the shoulder elbows, thieves, faggots - it's not fair
" Ima neka tajna veza". ta tacka kad postajes zver.
"There is some secret connection". that point when you become a beast.
Refren (Roki iz X-centra)
Chorus (Roki from X-centra)
Kasno je
It's too late
Da nadjes sebe u meni, da nadjes mene u sebi
To find yourself in me, to find me in yourself
Dok nije kraj...
Until it's over...
Kasno je
It's too late
Da nadjes sebe u meni, da nadjes mene u sebi
To find yourself in me, to find me in yourself
Jer isti smo, znaj!
Because we are the same, you know!
2.strofa (Marcelo):
2nd verse (Marcelo):
Vera... cale i keva veruju sinu,
Faith... dad and mom believe in their son,
Sin veruje u silinu ideala pa se skoluje,
The son believes in the power of ideals so he gets educated,
Skola veruje u mito i skolarinu/
The school believes in bribes and tuition/
Ludi veruju u rat pa ginu, nacija veruje u svoje heroje
Crazy people believe in war so they die, the nation believes in its heroes
A vlada u senci i senka u vladi veruju u papirna govna koje broje
And the shadow government and the shadow in the government believe in the paper shit they count
Gradjani veruju policiji, policija veruje da sve zna
Citizens believe in the police, the police believe they know everything
Nisu zastitili ni njega pa verujem da nismo sigurni ti i ja
They didn't protect him either, so I believe we're not safe, you and I
Ljudi veruju crkvi, popovi se bogate rado kradom
People believe in the church, priests get rich by stealing
Ako je covek coveku vuk to je zato sto takvi paze na stado
If man is a wolf to man, it's because such people watch over the flock
A svi veruju da je ispravno, svi veruju da je sjajno
And everyone believes it's right, everyone believes it's great
Svi veruju da je bas njihova vera vera u ono pravo i glavno
Everyone believes that their faith is faith in the true and main thing
I vise ne znam sta je zdravo, niti razumem tudj krik
And I don't know what's healthy anymore, nor do I understand another's cry
Ako sam sreo Djavola, nisam ga poznao - imao je ljudski lik.
If I met the Devil, I didn't recognize him - he had a human face.
To nije trik vec prava priroda, uhoda hoda medju ljudima
It's not a trick but true nature, the snitch walks among people
Tu se odomacio pa nije cudo sto se vise ne cudim cudima.
He settled down here, so it's no wonder I don't wonder at miracles anymore.
Milost bludnima, hrana gladnima, poneka topla rec za jadnoga
Mercy to the fornicators, food to the hungry, a kind word for the poor
Nije tesko biti fin al je gadna navika sto fali ta karika
It's not hard to be nice but it's a nasty habit that that link is missing
Prepoznaj svoj bol u grudima i u drugima, ma nek se jebe sudbina
Recognize your pain in your chest and in others, let fate be damned
Moj zivot je samo moja plovidba, a evo stize i nagodba:
My life is only my journey, and here comes the bargain:
I kada cinim ruzne stvari, i kad odlepim pa preterujem
And when I do bad things, and when I lose it and overdo it
Oprosti mi to, moj Boze, jer makar verujem da verujem.
Forgive me for that, my God, because at least I believe that I believe.

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