Marcelo - Kavez (feat. Wikluh Sky) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marcelo - Kavez (feat. Wikluh Sky)

Kavez (feat. Wikluh Sky)
Cage (feat. Wikluh Sky)
Uvod (Wikluh Sky):
Intro (Wikluh Sky):
Ne očajavamo, zato što se ne nadamo nikom.
We don't despair, because we don't hope in anyone.
Ničemu dobrom, ničemu lošem tu ne nada se niko.
No one here hopes for anything good, anything bad.
I sa tom diplomom, i sa šljakom sam se slik'o.
I took pictures with that diploma, and with the job too.
Rintao k'o magarac, sve dok nisam rikn'o.
I slaved like a donkey, until I kicked the bucket.
I sve što nam je obećano nikad nije bilo.
And everything that was promised to us never came to be.
Ludom radovanje, ludom sledovanje to je bilo.
Fools' rejoicing, fools' inheritance that's what it was.
Ne trebaju obećanja, to su samo sranja
Promises are not needed, they are just crap
Kad obećava ti neko ko nema osećanja.
When someone who has no feelings promises you.
Ne očajavamo, zato što se ne nadamo nikom.
We don't despair, because we don't hope in anyone.
Ničemu dobrom, ničemu lošem tu ne nada se niko.
No one here hopes for anything good, anything bad.
I sa tom diplomom, i sa šljakom sam se slik'o.
I took pictures with that diploma, and with the job too.
Rintao k'o magarac, sve dok nisam rikn'o.
I slaved like a donkey, until I kicked the bucket.
Refren (Wikluh Sky):
Chorus (Wikluh Sky):
I zato nisam napet napamet. Čoveče, znam šta je to.
And that's why I'm not tense for no reason. Man, I know what that is.
Uvek sam bio mapet, a ovo je bio večiti Napet šou.
I've always been a muppet, and this has been the eternal Tense Show.
I zato nisam napet napamet. Čoveče, znam šta je to.
And that's why I'm not tense for no reason. Man, I know what that is.
Uvek sam bio mapet, a ovo je bio večiti Napet šou.
I've always been a muppet, and this has been the eternal Tense Show.
Podiže se zavesa...
The curtain rises...
Verse 1:
Kamara kamera i svetla sva se pale sad.
A bunch of cameras and lights, they all turn on now.
Zveri unezvereno zveraju iz kaveza.
Beasts stare wildly from their cages.
Gledaju sunce kroz rešetke kao dalek san.
They look at the sun through the bars like a distant dream.
Imaju pupčane vrpce umesto lanaca.
They have umbilical cords instead of chains.
Svako od njih je oko vrata čvrsto zavezan.
Each one of them is tightly bound around the neck.
I nema saveza, svako je svakom zalogaj.
And there are no alliances, everyone is everyone's prey.
Po praznoj pozornici jedni druge krive
They blame each other on the empty stage
Za sive zidove bine, dok zubi vrebaju žile.
For the gray walls of the stage, while teeth stalk veins.
I buržoazija i prosjaci po stepeništu
Both the bourgeoisie and the beggars on the stairs
Svi plešu rekvijem po ovom istom pepelištu,
Everyone dances a requiem on this same ash heap,
Gde deca više ne rastu, nego urastaju
Where children no longer grow, but grow into
U nade svojih očeva, parole i zastavu.
The hopes of their fathers, slogans and flags.
Gde nema pastira, samo predvodnici ovnovi.
Where there are no shepherds, only leading rams.
Klovnovi su heroji, jer su heroji klovnovi.
Clowns are heroes, because heroes are clowns.
I? Kako da zamisli ove zabiti razbistriš?
And? How can you imagine clearing these clogged up minds?
Ne razbijaj glavu neko će ti je već razbiti.
Don't rack your brain someone will break it for you.
I nije da se negativci ubijaju od truda:
And it's not that the villains are killing themselves with effort:
Pomrsiće ti konce naprosto mrseći muda.
They'll mess up your threads simply by scratching their balls.
Al' nije ovaj kavez samo kamenje i drvlje.
But this cage isn't just stones and wood.
Nije sve tako crno. Ponešto je još crnje.
Not everything is so black. Some things are even blacker.
Pozitiva za kraj nikakva velika reč;
Positive for the end no big deal;
Ne očajavaj, ali se ne nadaj, i to je sve.
Don't despair, but don't hope, and that's all.
Jer, ovaj šou je napet. Ovaj šou je proklet.
Because, this show is tense. This show is cursed.
Ovaj šou je danas, sutra opet.
This show is today, tomorrow again.
I zato nisam napet napamet. Čoveče, znam šta je to.
And that's why I'm not tense for no reason. Man, I know what that is.
Uvek sam bio mapet, a ovo je bio večiti Napet šou.
I've always been a muppet, and this has been the eternal Tense Show.
I zato nisam napet napamet. Čoveče, znam šta je to.
And that's why I'm not tense for no reason. Man, I know what that is.
Uvek sam bio mapet, a ovo je bio večiti Napet šou.
I've always been a muppet, and this has been the eternal Tense Show.
Podiže se zavesa...
The curtain rises...
Hah... i podiže se pritisak.
Hah... and the pressure rises.
Kavez nasred klizišta, prognoza izlišna.
A cage in the middle of a landslide, the forecast is superfluous.
Vidiš, ja imam sasvim jednostavnu definiciju stresa:
You see, I have a very simple definition of stress:
Jebe me šta nisam i jebe me šta jesam.
I don't give a damn what I'm not and I don't give a damn what I am.
Retko pravio pare, retko pario prave.
Rarely made money, rarely made the right ones.
I prezirao svakog u kom poznam larvu marve.
And despised everyone in whom I recognize the larva of cattle.
I vazda prezirao potrošačku korpu veću
And I always despised the bigger consumer basket
Ako da kupim šta hoću moram da prodam šta neću.
If I want to buy what I want, I have to sell what I don't want.
I tako držim se principa i time zasmejavam boga.
And so I stick to principles and make God laugh.
Čega ovde da se držiš pijan, priča nema plota.
What to hold on to here drunk, the story has no plot.
Pa plutam. Premda davi ovaj opšti plićak,
So I float. Although this general shallow water is drowning,
I ispada presmešno kojim god stilom da plivaš.
And it turns out funny no matter what style you swim.
Bilans je ovaj šou i ova torba s glavom,
The balance is this show and this bag with a head,
Gde svi pijemo galon da izdržimo galop i slalom.
Where we all drink a gallon to endure the gallop and slalom.
I možemo do sutra o pogrešnom i ispravnom,
And we can go on until tomorrow about what's wrong and what's right,
Al' čemu, kad sutra nikom ništa nije izvesno.
But what's the point, when tomorrow nothing is certain for anyone.
Svi zevamo kroz rešetke, svi sanjamo smisao.
We all yawn through the bars, we all dream of meaning.
Nek bezgrešni baci kamen, al' da nije Sizifov.
Let the sinless one throw a stone, but let it not be Sisyphus's.
Rutina je jedino za šta je ovde svako savestan.
Routine is the only thing everyone here is conscientious about.
Pada ti klapna. Svejedno, podiže se zavesa.
Your flap falls. Anyway, the curtain rises.
Uvod i refren
Intro and chorus
Ne očajavamo, zato što se ne nadamo nikom.
We don't despair, because we don't hope in anyone.
Ničemu dobrom, ničemu lošem tu ne nada se niko.
No one here hopes for anything good, anything bad.
I sa tom diplomom, i sa šljakom sam se slik'o.
I took pictures with that diploma, and with the job too.
Rintao k'o magarac, sve dok nisam rikn'o.
I slaved like a donkey, until I kicked the bucket.
I sve što nam je obećano nikad nije bilo.
And everything that was promised to us never came to be.
Ludom radovanje, ludom sledovanje to je bilo.
Fools' rejoicing, fools' inheritance that's what it was.
Ne trebaju obećanja, to su samo sranja
Promises are not needed, they are just crap
Kad obećava ti neko ko nema osećanja.
When someone who has no feelings promises you.
Ne očajavamo, zato što se ne nadamo nikom.
We don't despair, because we don't hope in anyone.
Ničemu dobrom, ničemu lošem tu ne nada se niko.
No one here hopes for anything good, anything bad.
I sa tom diplomom, i sa šljakom sam se slik'o.
I took pictures with that diploma, and with the job too.
Rintao k'o magarac, sve dok nisam rikn'o.
I slaved like a donkey, until I kicked the bucket.
I zato nisam napet napamet. Čoveče, znam šta je to.
And that's why I'm not tense for no reason. Man, I know what that is.
Uvek sam bio mapet, a ovo je bio večiti Napet šou.
I've always been a muppet, and this has been the eternal Tense Show.
I zato nisam napet napamet. Čoveče, znam šta je to.
And that's why I'm not tense for no reason. Man, I know what that is.
Uvek sam bio mapet, a ovo je bio večiti Napet šou.
I've always been a muppet, and this has been the eternal Tense Show.
Podiže se zavesa...
The curtain rises...

Writer(s): đorđe Miljenović, Marko šelić

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