Marcelo - Nedodija BB - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Marcelo - Nedodija BB

Nedodija BB
Unworthy Souls
Cudis se zasto me ponovo vidis
You wonder why you see me again
To sam ipak ja tvoj pali andjeo
It's me, your fallen angel
Tvoj prognani sin onaj sa mnogo imena
Your exiled son, the one with many names
Beliog, Asterox, Belfabio, Aplexas, Mefistopulos, Satana
Beliog, Asterox, Belfabio, Aplexas, Mephistopheles, Satan
Secas se zar ne, ti i ja imamo jedan hitan razgovor starce
You remember, don't you, old man, we have an urgent conversation
Slusaj me dobro sad
Listen to me carefully now
Pa kako si stari, sta ima novo, vidim i dalje ti je duga brada
So, how are you, old man, what's new? I see your beard is still long
Vidim ti sve zvezde u ocima a pogled ne spustash do hada
I see all the stars in your eyes, but you don't lower your gaze to hell
Gadna tama tamo vlada, nedodjija bez broja
A nasty darkness reigns there, countless unworthy souls
Ljudi raznog kova i boja, sve do ognja sumpora i gnoja
People of all kinds and colors, all the way to the fire of sulfur and pus
Ceda tvoja cijih se dusa gnusas vise ne maris
You no longer care for your children whose souls you abhor
Kockari, kuvari, lake zene, spletkari, velikani, mali
Gamblers, cooks, loose women, schemers, giants, small ones
Daj stari batali ti tvoje milo za drugog
Come on, old man, give up your mercy for others
Ako su oni slike bogove bacam u djubre trozubac i rogove
If they are images of gods, I throw the trident and horns in the trash
Gledaj Danteove prepune krugove, protuve, uhode
Look at Dante's circles, full of deceivers, flatterers
Ubijaju bracu, varaju drugove, gledaju u lopove,
They kill brothers, betray friends, look at thieves,
Savest ih ne ugrize jer su oni ugrizli nju-kapis?
Conscience doesn't bite them because they bit it first, you get it?
Ne veruju u tebe a ti slepo verujes u njih
They don't believe in you, and you blindly believe in them
Tvoje oci su bez zenica, prazna su tvoja nadanja,
Your eyes are without pupils, your hopes are empty,
Covek je naopaka stvar od Adama do Sadama
Man is a perverse thing from Adam to Saddam
Pada na kolena da oprostenja budu izmoljena
He falls to his knees for forgiveness to be begged
Licemeran pod ikonom koja nikad ne bese voljena
A hypocrite under an icon that was never loved
Hirosima i Nagasaki, Sodoma i Gomora godinama i eonima
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Sodom and Gomorrah for years and eons
A ti trazis zlo u demonima
And you seek evil in demons
Tvoja deca pakosna, tvoja deca nakazna...
Your children are spiteful, your children are monstrous...
Samo je prica jalova da to naucise od djavola
It's just a useless story that they learned it from the devil
Tebi je tako lakse sve dok ti ne taknu ponos
It's so easy for you until they touch your pride
Tad ognjis po njima, potop, goli otok, il neki moderni otrov
Then you fire at them, flood, Goli otok, or some modern poison
Gde ti je stalno taj otpor zar to ne moze stroze
Where is your constant resistance, can't it be stricter
Non stop prave pizdarije, pa u crkvi kazu izvini boze
They constantly do bullshit, then in church they say sorry God
Sinoc sam tuko zenu i jebo komsijinu cerku znas,
Last night I beat my wife and fucked the neighbor's daughter, you know,
Sin mi se bode u venu pa pravim sranja dok stvari ne krenu
My son is shooting up, so I'm making a mess until things get going
Reci sta cu im onda ja, kad sami rade sva ta zla
Tell me what I should do to them when they do all that evil themselves
Hocu da kazes mi da znam
I want you to tell me so I know
Reci mi to ko je ko, sta je dobro a sta zlo
Tell me who is who, what is good and what is evil
Sta je djavo a sta Bog, sta je dno i sta tron
What is the devil and what is God, what is the bottom and what is the throne
Kazi da znam sta je stvarno a sta san
Tell me so I know what is real and what is a dream
I sta je noc a sta dan, sta je vecnost a sta tren
And what is night and what is day, what is eternity and what is a moment
Ko zver a ko plen?
Who is the beast and who is the prey?
2. Moj pali andjele, moj otrove ne proklinji proklete
2. My fallen angel, my poison, don't curse the damned
Istine su cesto skrivene ipod maske stvarnosne
Truths are often hidden under the mask of reality
Mozda ovamo salju kamenje no ne iz zle namere
Maybe they throw stones here, but not out of malice
Nego iz zle navike, oni su pale prirode, jadne figure zemljane
But out of bad habit, they are fallen natures, miserable earthly figures
Vec su dovoljno kaznjene, nemoj uh mrzeti sine
They are already punished enough, don't hate them, my son
Imaju svoje razloge, samo slede nagone, ispod te fasade kamene
They have their reasons, they just follow instincts, under that stone facade
Sijaju decja lica cista poput Deve Marije
Children's faces shine pure like the Virgin Mary
Na kraju je ipak kajanje, svaka dusa samnom spaja se
In the end, there is repentance, every soul unites with me
Svaka dusa meni vraca se, zato prastam sve
Every soul returns to me, that's why I forgive everything
Zato sto ne znaju da su losi, lose time brise se
Because they don't know they're bad, bad things are erased with it
Zato cinim sve da jednom...
That's why I do everything to one day...
Ma daj ucuti gadim se pokreti naivnih, jadnice,
Oh, shut up, I'm disgusted by the movements of the naive, you wretch,
Mene si prognao a njih voleo, samo ih gledaj
You banished me and loved them, just look at them
Samo ih gledaj jednom u pakao, ja nista tu nisam ni takao
Just look at them in hell one day, I didn't touch anything here
Ne prastas ti jer ne znaju sta cine nego jer ne znas sta da cinis
You don't forgive because they don't know what they are doing but because you don't know what to do
Sve sto umes je da slinis za njihovim laznim izvini.
All you can do is drool over their fake apologies.
Vaznim te cini sto te stvorove samo mazis i pizdis
It makes you feel important that you just pet and piss on these creatures
Jer duboko u sebi znas da treba da ih zgazis i slistis
Because deep down you know you should crush and silence them
Priznaj to sebi nikad te nisi voleli, nikad iskusenju odoleli
Admit it to yourself, you never loved them, never resisted temptation
Samo sebicni porivi, u njihova usta stavljaju molitvu
Only selfish urges put prayer in their mouths
Kakvo kajanje, njihivo kajanje samo je tvoje mastanje
What repentance, their repentance is just your fantasy
Priznaj njihovi sveci su meci, njihova ikona je prihod
Admit it, their saints are bullets, their icon is income
Pa je slika ishod samo sarada nistavna.
So the picture is the outcome, just a worthless collaboration.
Na kraju bacanje novcica, glava ili sveto pismo
In the end, flipping a coin, heads or tails, or the Holy Scripture
I tek tada ti se vrate kad nemaju drugi izbor
And only then do they come back to you when they have no other choice
Inace im samo smetaju tvoje zapovesti sa vrha
Otherwise, your commandments from the top just bother them
Najradije bi mi oteli trozubac i proboli ti prsa
They would love to take my trident and pierce your chest
Njima je sve zdravo za gotovo, tek kada je gotovo kazu ti zdravo,
Everything is taken for granted, only when it's over they say hello to you,
A tebi to nije pravo pa kazes da kriv je djavo,
And you don't like it, so you say the devil is to blame,
Priznaj to sebi, sta je sad to, suza u ocima,
Admit it to yourself, what is that now, a tear in your eyes,
Jadni pateticni skote tamo ti je kocnica
You pathetic wretch, there's your brake
Zakoci svoj bol vec jednom, ispravi gresku kosmosa
Stop your pain once and for all, correct the mistake of the cosmos
Povuci osigurac, pokreni smak sveta skloni ga
Pull the trigger, start the apocalypse, get rid of it
Pa bar jednom po govnima prospi hajde sad vuci ga
At least once, spill it on the shit, come on, pull it now
Ne hrli ka meni rukama nisam ti ja uteha
Don't rush towards me with your hands, I'm not your comfort
Mrzim te koliko i oni sam si u mukama
I hate you as much as they do, you are in agony yourself
Ali barem imam skrupula da ti kazem sve to u lice
But at least I have the scruples to say all this to your face
Povuci osigurac, ubij ubice,
Pull the trigger, kill the killers,
Ubij ubice, prokletnice ubij ubice
Kill the killers, you damn woman, kill the killers

Writer(s): Oneya

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