Marcelo - Novi vavilon (feat. Miljana Džunić) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Marcelo - Novi vavilon (feat. Miljana Džunić)

Novi vavilon (feat. Miljana Džunić)
New Babylon (feat. Miljana Džunić)
Bila jednom zemlja bez glave i repa, zbunjena ćeka
There once was a land without head or tail, confused, waiting
Nekad sve je probala, al' sebi nije našla leka.
It had tried everything, but found no cure for itself.
Senka nad njome stajaše, nadri - doktori bajaše, u nadi dokoni lajaše.
A shadow stood over it, quack doctors boasted, idle barkers yapped in hope.
U stvari, zlokobni tajac je dozivao kišu bez dodola,
In truth, an ominous silence called for rain without a downpour,
Svaki ondašnji znalac je obmana, skorašnji talas, bez korena
Every then-expert was a deception, a coming wave, rootless.
Trči kao Forest Gamp, a nema promena, era otrova,
Running like Forrest Gump, but with no change, an era of poison,
I smena zlotvora, a stada cela pokorna, i opet krah.
And a change of villains, while the whole herd remains submissive, and again, a crash.
Kad sevaše nebom, jedan pijanac je sedeo. pio, pušio,
As lightning flashed across the sky, a drunkard sat, drinking, smoking,
Gorko psovao sve redom, došao na ideju odjednom zbog čega se živi bedno,
Bitterly cursing everything, suddenly struck by the idea of why life is miserable,
Lupio rukom o astal, ustao i glasno rek'o svima:
He slammed his hand on the table, stood up, and loudly declared to all:
Boli nas taj eho secanja što drobi spas!
The echo of memories that crushes salvation pains us!
Svi mrtvi spremni su za krajnji rat: ljudi od zemlje na zemlji-
All the dead are ready for the final war: people of the earth on the earth-
A gore vajni sprat (nama pripada raj!)
And above, a wretched floor (paradise belongs to us!)
Naš pali tron je temelj za novi Vavilon - pa gradimo! (josh uvek čeka nas taj)
Our fallen throne is the foundation for a new Babylon - so let's build! (that one still awaits us)
Raspali most, da spaja nas sa nebom što nam pripada svo! (odozgo gleda nas On)
Burn the bridge that connects us to the heaven that is entirely ours! (He watches us from above)
Zaspali Bog - slep i gluv za bol što trpi sav njegov rod. (šta ovde imamo to?)
A sleeping God - blind and deaf to the pain suffered by all his kin. (what do we have here?)
Raspad i zlo - mi smo siročad, gledamo leđa tvorca svog. (necemo više dno!)
Decay and evil - we are orphans, watching the back of our creator. (we won't have the bottom anymore!)
... gradimo kulu do neba, na vrhu je šiljak:
... let's build a tower to the heavens, with a spire at the top:
Probodi Boga kroz srce, da narod bude miran!
Pierce God's heart, so the people can be at peace!
A frula pastira nek svira za neko novo stado.
And let the shepherd's flute play for a new flock.
Ovo je obavio jadom, ovo je ostavio samo.
He has enveloped this in misery, He has left this alone.
Ljudi od plastelina, praznih ochiju, ludi od naftalina iz kojeg secanja potiču...
People of plasticine, with empty eyes, mad from the mothballs of their memories...
.A On? Pije ambroziju od krvi naših zivota!
.And Him? He drinks ambrosia made from the blood of our lives!
Svi zajedno, braćo, gradimo kulu, ubijmo skota!"
All together, brothers, let's build the tower, let's kill the bastard!"
Moje oči gluve su za mirise.
My eyes are deaf to scents.
Ti govoriš mi sve sne - ja ne vidim te...
You tell me everything's a dream - I don't see you...
Pokazuješ mi lice - ja ne chujem te...
You show me your face - I don't hear you...
...stavljam katance na kazaljke...
...I put padlocks on the clock hands...
(...a to boli ga...!)
(...and that hurts him...!)
Ljudi prazni, prozirni, bez smeha, bez suza...
Empty people, transparent, without laughter, without tears...
U pohodu na bolje sutra zgužvala se svrha,
In the pursuit of a better tomorrow, the purpose has been crumpled,
A i dalje gradi se kula - svakoga dana, u svakom pogledu.
And the tower is still being built - every day, in every gaze.
Ka bozijem srcu zaoka je u svakom našem delu!
The curve toward God's heart is in every one of our actions!
I svaka reč - cigla, svaki čovek - stub, brze i brze.
And every word is a brick, every person a pillar, faster and faster.
...najjače vezani kad zajedno mrze...
... most strongly bound when they hate together...
A mesija nije najmudriji, vec ko viče najglasnije
And the messiah is not the wisest, but the one who shouts the loudest
Onog pijanca niko nije ni pamtio kasnije...
No one even remembered that drunkard later...
Ostade navika da sledimo vodeceg
The habit of following the leader remained
Kad vreme odvede vodeceg - sledimo sledeceg.
When time takes the leader away - we follow the next one.
Slepih armija za njega se lepi, spremna da gine
Armies of the blind cling to him, ready to die
Samo pokazi krivca - eto koride!
Just point out the culprit - here comes the bullfight!
Grešni grešku ne vide pa im grešno nije preselo.
The sinful don't see their sin, so sinning hasn't bothered them.
Sinovi Adama i Eve Zmiju slede nesvesno.
The sons of Adam and Eve unconsciously follow the Serpent.
Milenijum u kom vileni um, otrovnim zarom.
A millennium in which elves die, with poisonous fire.
Bezbrizni novi Vavilon zaboravlja priču o starom...
The carefree new Babylon forgets the story of the old one...
Vaviloncima se jezici vezaše u čvorove
The tongues of the Babylonians were tied into knots
Da ne razumeju bliznje kad govore.
So they wouldn't understand their neighbors when they spoke.
Nikad takli oblake, nikad makli poroke,
They never touched the clouds, never removed vices,
Zalivajuci svoje korove, otrovaše svoje korene.
Watering their weeds, they poisoned their roots.
. Sad evo nove bozje porote! Proglasismo ga grešnim!
. Now here comes a new God's jury! We declared Him guilty!
I dobismo istu kaznu. hajde, prichaj sa nekim.
And we received the same punishment. Go on, talk to someone.
Uzalud šapućeš mi snove, oči za mirise gluve.
You whisper dreams to me in vain, my eyes are deaf to scents.
Deo smo armature kule, tu je sve što znam i umem,
We are part of the tower's reinforcement, that's all I know and can do,
Pa ne pruzaj ruke, odavno te ne razumem!
So don't reach out, I haven't understood you for a long time!
Ljudi ljudima tudji, ka večnosti hrle.
People are strangers to people, rushing towards eternity.
LJudi s bar kodom na čelu, neosetljivi na bol...
People with barcodes on their foreheads, insensitive to pain...
Ljudi tako mali da im prašta probodeni Bog!
People so small that the pierced God forgives them!

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