Marcelo - Pegla - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marcelo - Pegla

The Iron
Darko ima deset godina i nema užinu za vreme odmora.
Darko is ten years old and has no snack during recess.
Njegovi nemaju posla, on ima 30 kila s knjigama.
His parents are unemployed, he carries 30 kilos with his books.
Knjige su sad van ranca, prljave u blatu i barama.
The books are now out of his backpack, dirty in the mud and puddles.
Jer, pošto nema džeparca, Darka tuku dečaci s kajlama.
Because he has no pocket money, Darko is beaten by boys with brass knuckles.
Bezdušni grohot dok vazdušnim đonom obojica gaze ga.
Heartless laughter as they both stomp on him with their shoes.
Neke cure dobacuju kikot, on se tiho grči izranjavan.
Some girls giggle, he quietly writhes, wounded.
Žali što nije ko ćale što prebija svakoga po kafanama.
He wishes he were like his dad who beats everyone up in bars.
Što je slab i mora da ćuti, jer muško ne sme da bude njanjavac.
That he were strong and could stay silent, because a man shouldn't be a crybaby.
Tog dana ga je spasao jedan debeli pegavi klinja.
That day, a fat, freckled kid saved him.
Malo stariji, verovatno iz srednje što je tu pored bila.
A little older, probably from the high school nearby.
Razjurio ona dva klinca, stao na njegovu stranu,
He chased those two kids away, stood by his side,
I to je jedini put kad je neko bio dobar prema Darku.
And that was the only time anyone was kind to Darko.
Darko ima sedamnaest, napucan je i svi sad zovu ga Pegla.
Darko is seventeen, pumped up, and everyone now calls him The Iron.
Ima treš trešu, ima naj najke i ramena široka k'o regal.
He has the coolest clothes, the best Nikes, and shoulders as wide as a shelf.
Ima bes besvesti, oči očinske, jed jednak k'o nekad.
He has the rage of unconsciousness, his father's eyes, just as lost as ever.
I zna da bije za ćirilicu, ali piše spojeno neznam.
He knows he should fight for the Cyrillic alphabet, but he writes everything together, doesn't know better.
On mrzi Hrvate, čuo da treba - u pesmi omiljenog benda.
He hates Croats, he heard he should - in the song of his favorite band.
On mrzi pedere -- rekla mu crkva i dobri pastir Kačavenda.
He hates gays -- the church and the good shepherd Kačavenda told him so.
On voli svoj narod, voli Kosovo i život bi dao za njega,
He loves his people, he loves Kosovo, and would give his life for it,
Ali zove prljavom seljačinom svakoga ko nije iz BG-a.
But he calls everyone who isn't from Belgrade a dirty peasant.
(Pegla) Pegla je spreman na sve da uđe u tim.
(The Iron) The Iron is ready to do anything to join the team.
Da ga shvate ozbiljno baš svi. Da i on bude jedan od njih, jer
For everyone to take him seriously. To be one of them, because
(Pegla) ne želi da gleda kako tone mu zemlja i da na to bude jebeno tih.
(The Iron) he doesn't want to watch his country sink and be fucking quiet about it.
Iskriviće od batina svakog ko je kriv.
He'll beat the shit out of anyone who's guilty.
ALI - moraće da dokaže koliko je odan.
BUT - he will have to prove how loyal he is.
U rancu ima baklju, zastavu, dva noža.
He has a torch, a flag, two knives in his backpack.
U parku je noć, u noći je parka,
It's night in the park, in the park's night,
U parki je tip, liči na pederaša.
There's a guy in the park, he looks like a fag.
Ako ga olomi, biće kulijana:
If he breaks him, he'll be initiated:
Primiće ga u ekipu huligana.
They'll accept him into the hooligan crew.
Vidi na šta liči, sigurno je feget!
Look at him, he's definitely a faggot!
Ma jeb'o tuču, bolje nož u bubreg.
Fuck the fight, better a knife in the kidney.
Ajmo, Pegla, to, ubodi ga!
Come on, Iron, do it, stab him!
Evo, pada! Sad! Zaskoči ga!
There, he's falling! Now! Jump him!
Ubodi opet, ubodi pedera!
Stab him again, stab the fag!
Za crkvu, za Boga... živela Srbija!
For the church, for God... long live Serbia!
Vidi kako plače, bre, pička pegava!
Look how he's crying, the freckled bitch!
... ček, stani... pa to je on... onaj iz školskoga...
... wait, stop... that's him... the one from school...
Pegli drhti usna, drhti ruka, dok momak krklja.
The Iron's lip trembles, his hand trembles, while the guy gurgles.
Te oči, sva ta pitanja u njima, taj užas...
Those eyes, all those questions in them, that horror...
Pegla ne može da gleda, Pegla muči se da diše.
The Iron can't look, The Iron struggles to breathe.
Pegla napipava rukom kamen i smrska mu lice.
The Iron finds a rock with his hand and smashes his face.
Gde je sad Bog, Pegla, kada vidiš oko što curi,
Where is God now, Iron, when you see an eye leaking,
Kada vidiš svu krv što šiklja, kada nema mase da divlja?
When you see all the blood spurting, when there's no crowd to go wild?
KO je tvoj bog, Pegla, za koga radiš to sve?
WHO is your god, Iron, who are you doing all this for?
Jel' sad bolje tvojoj zemlji? Kako to da si sam i nem?
Is your country better off now? How come you're alone and silent?
Kako to sada nikog nema? Samo ti i komadići mesa
How come there's no one around now? Just you and pieces of flesh
Na dlanu, obrazu, čelu. Na duši, koju više nemaš.
On your palm, cheek, forehead. On your soul, which you no longer have.
Gledaj ga, gledaj, Pegla. Znaj, i on tebe gleda
Look at him, look, Iron. Know, he's looking at you too
Mrtvim okom s druge strane, da znaš, da pamtiš,
With a dead eye from the other side, so you know, so you remember,
šta god misliš sad da si -- to oko, taj vir,
whatever you think you are now -- that eye, that vortex,
To si ti.
That's you.

Writer(s): rade raid sklopić

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