Marcelo - Rekvijem (feat. Remi, Ana Đokić) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Marcelo - Rekvijem (feat. Remi, Ana Đokić)

Rekvijem (feat. Remi, Ana Đokić)
Requiem (feat. Remi, Ana Đokić)
Stara gitara bez zica, bezivotna, pokraj zida
An old guitar, stringless and lifeless, against the wall
Tiha jed, vreme je surovi ubica, pritajen
A silent plea, time is a cruel assassin, lurking
K'o prijatelj sto izda te, kad citav vek iza je
Like a friend who betrays you, when a whole century is behind
Nistavne ove koze zguzvane sto skori kraj ne priznaje.
These crumpled, insignificant skins that refuse to acknowledge the approaching end.
Mrzim ovo telo, bore, staracke pege i sede
I hate this body, wrinkles, age spots, and grays
Stare stvari u nasoj sobi sto u mom oku blede
Old things in our room that fade in my eyes
U borbi da ostanu lepe.nekako tuzno su lepe.
Struggling to remain beautiful, somehow sadly beautiful.
Kao da vape, razapete na kazaljke slepe
As if they cry out, crucified on the blind hands of the clock
Sto jedino svoj put vide ne razumeju bedne,
That only see their own path they don't understand the wretched,
Trosne komade namestaja i ljudskih osmeha k'o cerge
Worn pieces of furniture and human smiles like rugs
Dok lutaju. Stvari nisu svesne. Nisu ni glave.
As they wander. Things are not aware. Neither are minds.
Sve ce na kraju stati u te sekunde male
Everything will eventually stop in those small seconds
I ko smo tad? Otkucaji kosmosa., cujem ih nocas,
And who are we then? Heartbeats of the cosmos, I hear them tonight,
Stoperica okrutna, boje se tope, hladna postelja
A cruel stopwatch, colors melting, a cold bed
Njena kosa prosuta po jastuku, i dalje mirisna.
Her hair scattered on the pillow, still fragrant.
Spavacica tirkizna, ruka i prsten izlizan.
A turquoise nightgown, a hand, and a worn ring.
Deca su srecna, ali deca su daleko
The children are happy, but the children are far away
Imaju svoje zivote, ceka ih nekad negde neko.
They have their own lives, someone is waiting for them somewhere.
Jos uvek ne strepe pred senkom, ne boje se mraka,
They still don't fear the shadow, they aren't afraid of the dark,
Po koji nedeljni rucak koji jos dele sa nama.
The occasional Sunday lunch they still share with us.
A mi?
And us?
Dva starca, sanjali smo ovo:
Two old souls, we dreamed of this:
Da mastamo i lutamo skupa, sve do poslednjeg "zbogom",
To dream and wander together, until the very last "goodbye",
Citava srecna vecnost smestena u oko moje i njeno,
A whole happy eternity placed in an eye mine and hers,
Leto po leto, a sada drhtim pred zorom.
Summer after summer, and now I tremble before dawn.
Sta ako ona ode prva? Sta cu sa sobom?
What if she goes first? What will I do with myself?
I ovom sobom satkanom od tisine koja jeci bolno.
And this room woven from silence that echoes painfully.
Ne smem da joj taknem ruku! Ne smem ni pogledom!
I mustn't touch her hand! Not even with a glance!
Razara me sama pomisao da ce biti hladna olovna.
The mere thought of it being cold and leaden destroys me.
Mrzim ova tela! Zasto ne leprsaju ponovo?
I hate these bodies! Why don't they flutter again?
Samo jos jednom! Jednom samo! Nek zazmuri Bog!
Just once more! Just once! Let God close His eyes!
Zeljo moja. Mesece moj, budi opet moje Sunce!
My wish. My moon, be my sun again!
Samo jednom jos! Usne na usne, srce uz srce.
Just once more! Lips on lips, heart to heart.
Ne smem da te dotaknem! A sav hrlim ka tebi!
I mustn't touch you! But I yearn for you!
Grlim te i jecim, ne dam te, do oltara vodi tepih.
I embrace you and sob, I won't let you go, a carpet leads to the altar.
Ponovo! Jos jednom u belom, nek svemir drhti pred srecom!
Again! Once more in white, let the universe tremble before happiness!
Nek vecnost traje vecno, samo jos jednom!
Let eternity last forever, just once more!
Celi zivot zajedno, vise i ne primjecujemo
A whole life together, we don't even notice anymore
Kol'ko se ispunjavamo, dok misli premecemo.
How much we fulfill each other, as we turn our thoughts over.
Stopljeni u jedno, dusa uz dusu, bok uz bok.
Merged into one, soul to soul, side by side.
Oci pune secanja bulje u prazan strop.
Eyes full of memories stare at the empty ceiling.
Celi zivot trazim samocu, da budem sama sa mislima,
My whole life I've sought solitude, to be alone with my thoughts,
A kad je imam, bezim ko djavo od tamjana.
And when I have it, I run like the devil from incense.
Stisni mi ruku, u tebi ne vidim starca.
Squeeze my hand, I don't see an old man in you.
U mojim ocima jos si poput decacica.
In my eyes, you're still like a little boy.
Seti se, lepota je u ocima onog sto gleda:
Remember, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder:
Takve nas i Bog vidi sa druge strane neba.
That's how God sees us from the other side of the sky.
A mi, dva starca. Sanjali smo ovo:
And we, two old souls. We dreamed of this:
Da mastamo i sanjamo skupa do poslednjeg "zbogom".
To dream and yearn together until the very last "goodbye".
Tko bi rek'o, vreme leti, mozda nas uzme sa sobom.
Who would have thought, time flies, maybe it will take us with it.
Kako god bilo, zelim otici s tobom.
Whatever happens, I want to go with you.
Svladava me nemoc, ne daj da zaspem u snu!
Helplessness overcomes me, don't let me fall asleep in a dream!
Strah me nagriza k'o rak, sto ako sutra ne budem tu?
Fear gnaws at me like cancer, what if I'm not here tomorrow?
Barem sam volela, ma barem sam probala,
At least I loved, at least I tried,
Zivim bez zaljenja, umirem slobodna.
I live without regrets, I die free.
Vidi nas, dva starca. Sanjali smo ovo:
Look at us, two old souls. We dreamed of this:
Da mastamo i sanjamo skupa sve do poslednjeg "zbogom".
To dream and yearn together until the very last "goodbye".
Dva starca, sanjali smo ovo
Two old souls, we dreamed of this
Da sanjamo skupa zbogom.
To dream together goodbye.

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