Marcelo - Uskurativna - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marcelo - Uskurativna

Gomila ljudi, cavrljaju kojestarije kao prisni i bliski
Crowds of people, chatting nonsense like close friends
A mislim da pizdim od istih i svih tih sminki (sminki)
And I think I'm going crazy from the same old makeup and tricks (makeup)
Ovo su usrani dani k′o da govna padaju sa neba
These are shitty days, like shit is falling from the sky
Sve do krasnog kurca, pa pravim omlet od svog srca
Right up to my damn dick, so I'm making an omelet out of my heart
A sa radija svira dance
And the radio is playing dance music
Neko voli, neko pati, neko placa ceh
Someone loves, someone suffers, someone pays the price
"Ljubav uvek, ljubav svuda, ljubav, veruj mi na rec"
"Love always, love everywhere, love, trust my word"
Khm-hm, mora biti da sam namcor kad mi je to smor, e...
Khm-hm, I must be a grump if that's a drag, eh...
Namigujem sudbini iz govana do kolena
I wink at fate from knee-deep in shit
Pitam se zasto je ova planeta uopste stvorena
I wonder why this planet was even created
Moze li jedinka biti voljena
Can an individual be loved?
Jos bolje da istina bude ogoljena
It's better if the truth is laid bare
Podnecu ja - ja nemam obichaj da sminkam secanja
I'll endure it - I'm not in the habit of sugarcoating memories
Ne idem u diskoteke - tamo rade sabore za gabore
I don't go to discos - they hold gatherings for gaffers there
I fancy tabore sto tavore uz naporne zvuke mamurne
And fancy camps that linger with tiresome hungover sounds
Nemam te namere, nek' mi ne zamere kamere
I have no such intentions, let the cameras not hold it against me
Ne guram teoriju zavere, al′, bre, volim kafane i tambure
I'm not pushing a conspiracy theory, but, man, I love taverns and tambourines
Ne gledam ni TV - tamo se sprdaju s' intelektom
I don't watch TV either - they mock intellect there
Spletkom iz meksichkih serija sto obicno svrsavaju metkom
With plots from Mexican soap operas that usually end with a bullet
Hose pederas sto se rodio iz braka sa svojom tetkom
Jose, a faggot who was born from a marriage with his aunt
I Teleshop: "Pozovite odmah i cesite muda super-cetkom"
And Teleshop: "Call now and scratch your balls with a super-brush"
Ne javaljam se ni na mob, k'o fol "Mi smo poznati"
I don't answer my mobile either, like, "We're famous"
Ma, nismo, samo su ljudima, bre, zivoti dosadni
Nah, we're not, it's just that people's lives are boring, man
"Halo je l′ to Marchelo" - "Jok, to je Branko Kockasti
"Hello, is that Marchelo" - "Nope, it's Branko Kockasti
Koj′ me kurac zoves 'fonom privatno, eto ti diskovi i konceti"
Why the fuck are you calling me privately on the phone, here are the discs and concerts"
Ne trazim ni pravu ljubav, nek′ ona mene nadje
I'm not looking for true love either, let it find me
A ja cu vec nekako da se snadjem s' pravcem svoje ladje
And I'll somehow manage with the direction of my ship
Posto mladje ne znaju nista sladje od svadje
Since the younger ones don't know anything sweeter than a fight
A one starije su najcesce pusikarije - od veze samo prave havarije
And the older ones are usually sluts - they only create havoc out of relationships
Imaju bivsih jebaca za tri cele armije, pa ne pitaj sta mi je
They have enough ex-fuck buddies for three whole armies, so don't ask what's wrong with me
K′o "Stranac" Kamijev ne kontam svet sto dat mi je
Like Camus' "Stranger", I don't understand the world that was given to me
Glavu savijem ispod kapuljace, nazad u noci besane
I bow my head under the hood, back into sleepless nights
U bezdane za stvarnost vezane, ne znam sifru, Sezame.
Into abysses tied to reality, I don't know the password, Sesame.
Da imam barem harem, cilim saren, 40 ortaka
If I had at least a harem, a colorful rug, 40 buddies
Cup pun blaga, tri zelje, i sve do vraga
A cup full of treasure, three wishes, and to hell with everything
Da imam barem harem, al' nemam - u kurac krasan
If I had at least a harem, but I don't - damn it
Ust′o sam na levu nogu i sapleo se o sarkazam.
I got up on the wrong foot and tripped over sarcasm.
Da imam barem harem, cilim saren, 40 ortaka
If I had at least a harem, a colorful rug, 40 buddies
Cup pun blaga, tri zelje, i sve do vraga
A cup full of treasure, three wishes, and to hell with everything
Da imam barem harem, al' nemam - u kurac krasan
If I had at least a harem, but I don't - damn it
Ust'o sam na levu nogu...
I got up on the wrong foot...
A vi, zelite li da postanete milioner, ili istinu k′o Molder
And you, do you want to become a millionaire, or the truth like Mulder
Ja bih da heftam dve cice i da me boli za obe
I'd like to nail two chicks and not give a damn about either
Dok neko roka neko je feler, necija rola su rolna i dim
While someone rocks, someone is a dud, someone's role is a roll and smoke
Neko tripuje da je Mister, a uglavnom je Recycle Bin
Someone trips that he's Mister, but mostly he's Recycle Bin
Pa pazi dobro gde gazis, pobro svet je u fazi modroj
So watch your step, bro, the world is in a blue phase
Djilkosi sa kvazi-modom, nakazni k′o Kvazimodo
Jerks with quasi-fashion, as ugly as Quasimodo
Sada su na snazi, otrov je svuda po stazi tvojoj
Now they're in power, poison is everywhere on your path
Pa se pitam je l' nas Bog vajao blatom il′ je koristio govno
So I wonder if God sculpted us with mud or used shit
Bas je paradoks - ljudi puni govana seru cim zinu
It's quite a paradox - people full of shit, shit as soon as they open their mouths
A ostaju puni govana, dzabe deru tisinu
And they remain full of shit, tearing the silence in vain
Al' sad je maloumnost u trendu - bar tako to propoveda Dakicka
But now stupidity is trendy - at least that's what Dakicka preaches
Imam predlog za grb i himnu na oba Sinana Sakica
I have a suggestion for the coat of arms and anthem on both Sinan Sakic
A posle svake kupovine uzmite radzu da savest manje grebe
And after each purchase, take a joint so your conscience scratches less
Otkud nam pad nataliteta kad non-stop karamo sami sebe
Where does our declining birth rate come from when we keep fucking ourselves
Danas bi ti samo gej cuvao ledja, preko vatre nas vodaju
Today, only a gay would have your back, they lead us over fire
Otvorili prozore u svet, al′ nam kuca ima promaju
They opened windows to the world, but our house has a draft
I cini mi se paranormalno kada imam para normalno
And it seems paranormal to me when I have money normally
Nije platinasta ploca, al' samo nek′ plati nas ta ploca formalno
It's not a platinum record, but just let that record pay us formally
Kao baraba, barem barim u baru ribu na ocajno
Like a scoundrel, at least I'm hitting on a fish in a bar desperately
Providan dribling recima, pa da pocnemo
A transparent dribbling with words, so let's begin
Ni srce, ni sisa - kroz prazan halter brusim odmazdu
Neither heart, nor tit - through an empty halter I sharpen my revenge
Sminka k'o malter - moz' prstom da lupis tag po obrazu
Makeup like plaster - I can tap a tag on her cheek with my finger
Rek′o "Vodim te na mesec za medeni mesec i pisem ti pesme"
I said, "I'll take you to the moon for our honeymoon and write you poems"
I serem sve u 16 ako ima sanse da kresnem
And I'm bullshitting everything in 16 if there's a chance to fuck
Al′ opet paradoks - rasrafljena je da jedva moze sedne
But again, a paradox - she's so unscrewed she can barely sit
Ipak u nedogled mi deklamuje kodeks neke casne sestre
Yet she endlessly recites to me the code of some nun
Rek'o "Aj batali, palim gajbi, pa ti javi da l′ bi 'rac:
I said, "Come on, forget it, I'm lighting a joint, so tell me if you'd like some:
Mozda sam i ja nekad zazobzo pszovo sap.
Maybe I too once whispered a sweet nothing in your ear.
Da imam barem harem, cilim saren, 40 ortaka
If I had at least a harem, a colorful rug, 40 buddies
Cup pun blaga, tri zelje, i sve do vraga
A cup full of treasure, three wishes, and to hell with everything
Da imam barem harem, al′ nemam - u kurac krasan
If I had at least a harem, but I don't - damn it
Ust'o sam na levu nogu i sapleo se o sarkazam.
I got up on the wrong foot and tripped over sarcasm.
Da imam barem harem, cilim saren, 40 ortaka
If I had at least a harem, a colorful rug, 40 buddies
Cup pun blaga, tri zelje, i sve do vraga
A cup full of treasure, three wishes, and to hell with everything
Da imam barem harem, al′ nemam - u kurac krasan
If I had at least a harem, but I don't - damn it
Ust'o sam na levu nogu...
I got up on the wrong foot...

Writer(s): marvel

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