Marcelo - Šurda - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marcelo - Šurda

Dodje ti da propadnes u zemlju
You feel like sinking into the earth,
Kad si u propaloj zemlji
When you're in a failed country.
I propadam, imam zbirku
And I'm sinking, I have a collection
Od sedam-osam otkaza
Of seven or eight dismissals.
Juce mi je bio 60. rodjendan
Yesterday was my 60th birthday,
Penzija ocajna
My pension is pathetic.
Dakle, sad sam i
So, now I'm also
Kao covek otkazan
Cancelled, like a man.
Video sam sve kradje
I've seen all the thefts,
Ni za jednu nemam dokaza
But I have no proof for any of them.
Iz depresije se nisam
I haven't risen from depression
Dig'o zadnjih dva'es' godina
For the last twenty years.
Od depresije mi se nije
My depression hasn't lifted
Dig'o zadnjih dva'es' godina
For the last twenty years.
Zena ode s drugim, jer
My wife left with another man because
Je na vijagri copina
He's a Viagra-popping stud.
Ne razgovaram sa sinom
I don't talk to my son,
Necu da ga vidim ocima
I don't want to see him.
U stranci je kod Dinkica
He's in Dinkic's political party,
Znaci da je lopina
Which means he's a crook.
Igram sah sa jednim cicom
I play chess with an old man
Koji ne zaklapa noc i dan
Who never shuts up, day or night.
Ne uzdam se u smrt
I don't trust death,
Jer ce i ona biti dosadna
Because even that will be boring.
I onda tako zevam u TV
And so, I yawn at the TV
Kad god sam doma
Whenever I'm home.
Kursadzije, Farma, Brat
Kursadzije, Farma, Brat,
I tome slicna govna
And similar crap.
Pa prebacim na RTS
Then I switch to RTS
I tu puknem odma'
And I burst right away,
Jer idu iste serije jos
Because they're still showing the same series
Od kad sam bio momak
From when I was a young man.
Zivci igraju, pritisak
My nerves are shot, my blood pressure
Skace, grci se stomak
Jumps, my stomach cramps.
Trazili su pretplatu
They demanded a subscription fee,
Platio sam onomad
I paid it the other day.
Ali onda su javili da je
But then they announced that
Sva ta hajka lazna
The whole campaign was fake,
Da ne mogu da me tuze
That they can't sue me,
I da sam placao badava
And that I paid for nothing.
I nista mi ne vredi
And it's all pointless to me,
Sve je to pisanje uz etar
It's all just writing in the wind.
Eno ga, opet mi je
There it is, they're showing me
Pustio Vruc Vetar
Vruc Vetar again.
Cetrdesetu godinu zaredom
For the fortieth year in a row,
Damn it.
Eno, Surda plese, peva
There, Surda is dancing, singing,
Pisa na moje jade
Mocking my misery.
Pa sam najzad poludeo
So I finally went crazy,
I bez da li, bez ali
Without any ifs or buts.
Stao pred ogledalo
I stood in front of the mirror
I uzeo imalin
And took some hair dye.
Ofarbao sam kosu
I dyed my hair,
Uzeo britvu i sesir
Took a razor and a hat,
I izasao napolje u noc
And went out into the night
Da muku resim
To solve my problems.
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Poludeo sam najzad
I finally went crazy,
I sada sve je kul
And now everything is cool.
A ako pita UDBA
And if the UDBA asks,
Ja nisam suntav, ja sam Surda (Surda)
I'm not stupid, I'm Surda (Surda).
Moje ime je Surda
My name is Surda,
Potpisujem se britvom
I sign with a razor.
Recnem te u mraku
I'll cut you in the dark,
Iskrvaris u hitnoj
You'll bleed out in the emergency room.
I stvarno znas da u
And you really know that you've
Zivotu postig'o si uspeh
Achieved success in life
Kad te na Dnevniku spomene
When Vucic mentions you on the news
Vucic i ne sastavi prste
And doesn't steeple his fingers.
Jer drhte, strah i
Because they tremble, fear and
Trepet svakome - Surda
Dread everyone - Surda.
Murija za mnom jurca
The cops are chasing after me,
Slucaj vodi moj surak
My brother-in-law is leading the case.
Al' nije mnogo bistar
But he's not very bright,
Taj dobri debeljko znojavi
That good sweaty fatso.
Cenim da mu treba
I reckon it'll take him
Pet sezona da me provali
Five seasons to figure me out.
Deset preklanih grla
Ten slit throats,
To mi je trenutni saldo
That's my current tally.
Zrtve biram nasumicno
I choose my victims randomly,
Jer stoka je svako
Because everyone's a piece of cattle.
Al' jedne noci mi se
But one night it
Jasno javilo u glavi
Clearly dawned on me,
Sta je javnom servisu
What the public service's
Agenda u stvari
Agenda really is.
Tu je Sarenica i plus
There's Sarenica and plus
Sve te serije o selu
All those series about the village,
Da izgleda kao da se
To make it look like the
Drzava brine o njemu
State cares about it.
A zapravo, muceni
But in reality, the tormented
Seljaci, eno, stalno
Villagers, look, they're constantly
Blokiraju auto-puteve
Blocking highways
Traktorom i kravom
With tractors and cows.
RTS im maze oci
RTS is pulling the wool over their eyes
U skladu s necijim planom
According to someone's plan.
To garant ima veze sa
It's guaranteed to have something to do with
Onim Zikom Seljakom
That Zika Seljak guy.
Zaspao sam slatko
I fell asleep sweetly,
Sasvim spokojan iznutra
Completely at peace inside.
Odlozio sam kamu
I put away my sickle,
Za njega je kama sutra
For him, it's sickle tomorrow.
A sutra, serija se
And tomorrow, the series
Zavrsila na silu
Ended abruptly.
Pred RTS-om me sa'vatao
In front of RTS, a
Pandur u civilu
Plainclothes cop caught me.
I tako skonca Surda
And that's how Surda ended,
Ironicna sudba
An ironic fate.
Taj policajac
That police officer
Bio je sa Petlovog brda
Was from Petlovo Brdo.
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Bacio sam skota vezanog
I threw the tied-up pig
Pred policijsku stanicu
In front of the police station.
Lep dan, kuci imam
It's a nice day, I have
Cvarke i gibanicu
Cracklings and gibanica at home.
Redak je lep dan
A nice day is rare,
Redak medju gadnima
Rare among the bad ones.
Redak kao humor u
Rare as humor in
Novim Otvorenim Vratima
The new Open Doors.
Nema vise dobrih serija
There are no more good series,
Srecom, tu su reprize
Luckily, there are reruns.
Gledam Ljubisu kako je muzevan
I watch Ljubisa being charming
Dok hvata krivce
As he catches criminals.
I premda nisam pandur
And although I'm not a cop,
I premda sam lud skroz
And although I'm completely crazy,
Volim, volim da
I love, I love to
Zamisljam da sam on
Imagine that I am him.
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Poludeo sam najzad
I finally went crazy,
I serije su mi kul
And TV series are cool to me.
A ako pita suntav
And if the idiot from
S Petlovog brda ja sam murkan (murkan)
Petlovo Brdo asks, I'm a cop (cop).

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