Marco Masini - Caro babbo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marco Masini - Caro babbo

Caro babbo
Dear Dad
Mi sembravi alto, altissimo quando ero piccolino
You seemed so tall to me, so incredibly tall, when I was just a little boy
Eri il mio gigante buono che giocava a nascondino
You were my gentle giant who played hide-and-seek with me
Mi batteva forte il cuore mentre stavo ad aspettare
My heart would pound while I waited
Felice di nascondermi, ma anche di farmi trovare
Happy to hide, but also eager to be found
Ti sentivo forte e a volte mi facevi un po' paura
I felt your strength, and sometimes you frightened me a bit
Ma eri il mio cavallo docile, il tappeto, la pianura
But you were also my trusty steed, my carpet, and my playground
E scendevo e camminavo nelle tue scarpe pesanti
And I would step into your big shoes and walk around
Fra colline di poltrone coi miei passi da gigante
Through a landscape of armchairs, a giant in my own right
Era dolce, era dolcissimo
It was sweet, it was so very sweet
Lo ricordo e te lo dico
I remember it and I tell you now
Eri il mio più grande eroe
You were my greatest hero
Eri il primo vero amico
You were my first true friend
Sei però rimpicciolito i primi anni della scuola
But you began to shrink in my eyes when I started school
Tornavi tardi a casa e la mamma sempre sola
You came home late, and Mom was always alone
Mi svegliavo d'improvviso e vi sentivo ancora urlare
I would wake up suddenly and hear you two shouting
Eri sempre più nervoso e non mi stavi ad ascoltare
You were always more irritable, and you didn't listen to me anymore
Altre volte mi picchiavi e le tue parole dure
Sometimes you would even hit me, and your harsh words
Spalancavano soltanto una vita di paure
Only opened up a life of fear for me
Eri assente e irraggiungibile
You were absent and unreachable
Io ti odiavo e te lo dico
I hated you, and I tell you now
Eri in sogno l'uomo nero
In my dreams, you were the bogeyman
Eri a un tratto il mio nemico
You were suddenly my enemy
E ho portato come un lutto il tuo sangue nelle vene
And I carried your blood in my veins like a burden
Ma il mio cuore per dispetto ti voleva ancora bene
But my heart still loved you, in spite of everything
E ora babbo te lo scrivo come quando ero bambino
And now, Dad, I write to you like I did when I was a child
Come quando per trovarci giocavamo a nascondino
Like when we used to play hide-and-seek to find each other
E ora è freddo, anzi freddissimo
And now it's cold, so very cold
Piango mentre te lo dico
I cry as I tell you this
Cosa aspetti ad arrivare
What are you waiting for?
Babbo se mi sei amico
Come to me, Father, if you still care
Era dolce, era dolcissimo
It was sweet, it was so very sweet
L'ho capito e te lo scrivo
I've realized it and I write to you now
Quante volte io dovrò morire
How many times will I have to die
Per sentirmi ancora vivo?
To feel alive again?

Writer(s): Giancarlo Bigazzi, Giuseppe Dati, Marco Masini

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