Margarett - Causa-Efecte - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Margarett - Causa-Efecte

Tens raó, hi ha molts cops que no tinc massa cura
You're right, there are many times I'm not very careful
Em dius també que no escoltar-te que tot són dubtes
You also tell me that I don't know how to listen to you, that all I have are doubts
Encara que, els anys responen les preguntes
Although, years answer questions
I et van fent gran
And they make you grow
I et dic que encara sóc tan complicat
And I tell you that I'm still so complicated
I vaig mirant d'entendre'm, gairebé sempre em perdo
And I try to understand myself, I almost always get lost
Però aquest cop prometo, que podré canviar
But this time I promise that I can change
Vaig deixant passar mil i un camins que ja he trepitjat
I let a thousand and one paths that I have already trodden pass me by
Peces que no col·locar, cançons que no tenen final
Pieces that I don't know how to place, songs that have no end
Mira'm bé, tot això és causa-efecte dels teus llavis
Look at me, all this is cause-effect of your lips
Sense voler fan que aquesta història mai s'acabi
Without wanting to, they make this story never end
I vaig mirant d'entendre'm, gairebé sempre em perdo
And I try to understand myself, I almost always get lost
Però aquest cop prometo, que podré canviar
But this time I promise that I can change
Vaig deixant passar mil i un camins que ja he trepitjat
I let a thousand and one paths that I have already trodden pass me by
Peces que no col·locar, cançons que no tenen final
Pieces that I don't know how to place, songs that have no end
I vaig mirant d'entendre'm, gairebé sempre em perdo
And I try to understand myself, I almost always get lost
Però aquest cop prometo, prometo canviar
But this time I promise, I promise to change
Vaig deixant passar mil i un camins que ja he trepitjat
I let a thousand and one paths that I have already trodden pass me by
Peces que no col·locar, cançons que no tenen final
Pieces that I don't know how to place, songs that have no end
Vaig deixant passar mil i un camins que ja he oblidat
I let a thousand and one paths that I have already forgotten pass me by

Writer(s): Ana Serrano Van Der Laan, Carlos Ibañez Rodriguez, Ramon Jose Hernandez Moscoso, Victoria Gastelo

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