Maria del Mar Bonet - Comiat a un amor adolescent - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Maria del Mar Bonet - Comiat a un amor adolescent

Comiat a un amor adolescent
Farewell to a Teenage Love
No si penso en tu
I don't know if I think of you
O si em mullen les ones d'un mar trist,
Or if I'm lost in the waves of a sad sea,
Que ja no conec el teu silenci
I no longer know your silence
Ni tinc els ulls d'infant per a mirar
Nor do I have the eyes of a child to look at
Les petites estrelles.
The little stars.
Em fa pena pensar que no era un joc
It makes me sad to think that it wasn't just a game
El que poguéssim estimar-nos
That we could fall in love
I que el que ara jo escric
And that what I write now
Poden llegir-ho uns ulls
Could be read by eyes
Travessats de tenebra,
Haunted by darkness,
Enllà del teu plor i del meu plor.
Beyond your tears and mine.
No si ens han vençut
I don't know if we have been defeated
O si l'estel és nostre
Or if the star is ours
I el combat per un amor futur
And the fight for a future love
I els plecs d'aquest silenci, una bandera.
And the folds of this silence, a flag.
Ara cerco paraules d'amor i comiat,
Now I search for words of love and farewell,
I tothom pot saber-les,
And everyone can know them,
Però serà un secret i de matí,
But it will be a secret and in the morning,
Per a tornar a estimar-nos,
To fall in love again,
Si se m'esqueixa de la vida un cant.
If I forget to sing a song of my life.

Writer(s): hilario camacho, joan verges, maria del mar bonet

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