Maria del Mar Bonet - El comte i la pastora - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Maria del Mar Bonet - El comte i la pastora

El comte i la pastora
The Count and the Shepherdess
Hi havia un gran senyor
There was a great lord
Qui habitava el seu castell
Who lived in his castle
I a la vila no lluny d'ell
And in the town not far from him
Hi havia un llaurador
There was a farmer
Una fia que tenia
A daughter he had
Era hermosa, gran i bella
She was beautiful, tall, and beautiful
I el Comte, perdut per ella
And the Count, lost for her
Sospirava nit i dia
He sighed night and day
Perquè en tots aquells entorns
Because in all those surroundings
No hi havia altra fadrina
There was no other young lady
Que tengués cara tan fina
Who had such a fine face
Ni tantes gràcies ni dons
Or so many graces or gifts
I cada pic que la veia
And every time he saw her
Son amor li declarava
He declared his love to her
I ella tot d'una tornava
And she suddenly returned
Com la grana de vermeia
As red as a pomegranate
Ell li va dir robadora
He called her a thief
Cap a ella s'acostà
He approached her
No li rep altra resposta:
He received no other answer:
-Vostè és Comte i jo pastora!
-You are a count and I am a shepherdess!
-Jo per tu pastor em faré
-For you I will become a shepherd
De riquesa n'estic fart
Of wealth I am tired
Senyor Comte, ha vengut tard
Count, you have come late
Un altre el meu cor ja en
Another already has my heart
I el Comte fora de si
And the Count out of his mind
Se'n va anar dins es torrent
He went into the stream
I, quan no veu passar gent
And, when he doesn't see anyone pass
Se planta enmig des camí
He plants himself in the middle of the road
Molt promte veu comparèixer
Very soon he sees appear
Un jovenet qui venia
A young man who was coming
I era el jove que ell volia
And he was the young man he wanted
Sa rancor li feu conèixer
His rancor made him known to him
Li diu: -Fiet, tu em fas nosa
He says to him: -Fiet, you bother me
O tu em mates o jo et mat
Either you kill me or I kill you
Un des dos, d'aquest combat
One of the two, of this fight
Quedarà davall sa llosa
Will be under the slab
S'espasa li ofereix
He offers him his sword
No la vol de cap manera
He doesn't want it at all
I el Comte no es desespera
And the Count does not despair
I amb l'espasa l'envesteix
And with the sword he attacks him
Tot va passar tant de promte
Everything happened so quickly
I aquell jove pega un crit
And that young man gives a cry
Quan se va sentir en es pit
When he felt in his chest
Que ha ficat s'espasa es Comte
That the Count has put the sword in
I el Comte la se fa neta
And the Count cleans it
Amb ses aigos des torrent
With the waters of the stream
I en es mort el du corrents
And in the dead he takes him running
A enterrar dins una pleta
To bury in a fold
I a ses quatre nits després
And four nights later
Se'n va anar a ca sa pastora
He went to the shepherdess's house
I ella s'estimat enyora
And she misses her beloved
No sap res d'aquell succés
She knows nothing of that event
L'agafa per sa blanca
He takes her by her white hand
Dins un quarto la se'n du
He takes her into a room
I el Comte per més segur
And the Count, to be safer
Sa porta des quarto tanca
He closes the door to the room
Sa pobra pastora crida:
The poor shepherdess cries:
-Oh, estimat meu, ajuda'm!
-Oh, my beloved, help me!
I cau a terra esmortida
And she falls to the ground fainting
De tot quant passa no es tem
She doesn't fear all that happens
I per espai de set anys
And for a space of seven years
Cada pic que se mirava
Every time she looked
Es mirai li presentava
The mirror showed her
I aquella taca de sang
And that bloodstain
Es mirai li presentava
The mirror showed her
I aquella taca de sang
And that bloodstain

Writer(s): Maria Del Mar Bonet -arranger

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