Maria del Mar Bonet - La cadernera - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Maria del Mar Bonet - La cadernera

La cadernera
The Goldfinch
Anant cap a les hortes les bardisses
Up beyond the gardens, the hedges
Són fresques com la rosa primerenca,
Are as fresh as the early blooming rose,
Quan s′alça el sol novell de primavera
When the new sun of spring rises
S'escolten tots els cants de cadernera.
All the songs of the goldfinch are heard.
Perfum de murta tendra i de donzell
Perfume of tender myrtle and maidenhair fern,
Des d′on seguies, saltant, el verderol;
From where you followed, leaping, the greenfinch;
La fulla de llorer a l'alba clara
The bay leaf at the clear dawn
De gotetes de plata era pintada.
Was painted with silver drops.
Mai més no cantaràs la cadernera
Never again will you sing, the goldfinch
De les bardisses fresques de rosada.
Of the hedges fresh with dew.
No cantaràs mai més, no cantaràs.
You'll never sing again, you'll never sing.
Del camí l'alegria se n′és anada.
From the path, the joy has gone.
I tu cantaves cuejant alegre
And you sang, plucking the cheerful
Acaçant el pinçà de mata en mata.
Chasing the chaffinch from bush to bush.
Fins que un dia de negra malaüra
Until one day of black misfortune
De l′home en l'engany ets caiguda.
In man's deceit, you fell.
I t′ha tancat a una presó de canya.
And he has locked you in a prison made of cane.
Que canta i fa alegria, diu la mestressa,
That sings and brings joy, says the mistress,
Que no coneix el teu dolor de cor:
Who does not know your heartache:
Hi ha gent que riu on no hi ha més que plor.
There are people who laugh where there is nothing but crying.
Mai més no cantaràs la cadernera
Never again will you sing, the goldfinch
De les bardisses fresques de rosada.
Of the hedges fresh with dew.
No cantaràs mai més, no cantaràs.
You'll never sing again, you'll never sing.
Del camí l'alegria se n′és anada.
From the path, the joy has gone.

Writer(s): josep loi

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