Maria del Mar Bonet - La rata que torna una donzella - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Maria del Mar Bonet - La rata que torna una donzella

La rata que torna una donzella
The rat that turns into a damsel
Això era un ermità
There was once a hermit
Home de Déu
Man of God
Que no tenia res seu
Who had nothing of his own
Ni un tros de pa
Not even a piece of bread
Molts de dies per dinar
Many days to dine
La boca al vent
The mouth in the wind
Obria, amb gran sentiment
Opening, with great feeling
Del ventre seu
From his belly
Tant si fa calor com neu
Whether it's hot or snowy
mira el cel
He gazed to Heaven
Per veure si un glop de mel
To see if a drop of honey
Will come down
Un dia passà un milà
One day a kite passed by
Tot engrescat
All perky
Perquè havia capturat
Because he had captured
Just aquell dia
Right that day
Una rata que corria
A rat that was running
Per la teulada
Through the roof
L'ermità en veure atrapada
The hermit seeing trapped
La criatura
The creature
Pregà a Déu que fes ventura
Prayed to God to give fortune
A l'animal
To the animal
Que l'alliberàs del mal
To deliver it from the evil
D'ésser escorxada
Of being flayed
I dins sa falda, abrigada
And in his lap, sheltered
La va guardar
He kept it
Perquè Déu volgué escoltar
Because God wished to listen
To the prayer
Que li feia amb gran fervor
That he made to him with great fervor
El seu servent
His servant
Llavors li pregà, content
Then he prayed to him, happy
Per meravella
In wonder
La fes tornar una donzella
Make it turn into a damsel
Com no se'n troben
Such as are not found
D'aquelles que al cor et roben
Those that steal from your heart
Esplais d'amor
Pleasures of love
I li digué el sant baró
And the holy man told him
Ai, bella filla
Oh, beautiful girl
Voldries que el sol que brilla
Would you like the sun that shines
Fos ton marit?
To be your husband?
Ai, que no em sembla garrit
Oh, that doesn't seem cute to me
Perquè l'emboira
Because it's fogged up
La pols de qualsevol boira
The dust of any fog
Ai, la fortuna
Oh, the fortune
Si et marides amb la lluna
If you marry the moon
La faràs teva
You'll make it yours
Ai, que la claror no és seva
Oh, that the brightness is not hers
Car sense el sol
Because without the sun
Es vestiria de sol
She would dress in sunlight
Ai, si volies
Oh, if you wanted
Els núvols, que els tendries
The clouds, surely you would have them
Ai, no, que el vent
Oh, no, because the wind
Se'ls enduu lluny de la gent
Takes them away from the people
I el vent, el vols?
And the wind, do you want it?
Les voltes dels girasols
The turns of the sunflowers
Mon cor faria
My heart would
Car la muntanya mouria
Because the mountain would move
Vent i quimeres
Wind and chimeras
Doncs molt millor del que esperes
Well, much better than you expect
N'és la muntanya
Is the mountain
No, perquè l'home s'afanya
No, because man is busy
A foradar-la
Drilling it
Com podria jo estimar-la
How could I love her
Tan rosegada?
So gnawed?
Un home, potser, t'agrada
A man, perhaps, do you like him
Bell com la plata?
Handsome as silver?
No, perquè mata la rata
No, because he kills the rat
Com una fera
Like a beast
Vull tornar a ésser tal com era
I want to go back to being the way I was
I, de bon grat
And, gladly
Per marit tindré
For a husband I will have
Per marit tindré
For a husband I will have
Per marit tindré un bell rat
For a husband I will have a handsome rat

Writer(s): Joan Bibiloni

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