Mariachi Sol De Mexico De Jose Hernandez - Homenaje a Jorge Negrete - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Mariachi Sol De Mexico De Jose Hernandez - Homenaje a Jorge Negrete

Homenaje a Jorge Negrete
Tribute to Jorge Negrete
Aunque lo quieran o no
Even if they like it or not
Ser charro es ser mexicano
To be a charro is to be Mexican
Mi prietita me parece que es la hora del huapango
My dark-skinned beauty, I think it's time for the huapango
Mi prietita me parece que es la hora del huapango
My dark-skinned beauty, I think it's time for the huapango
Mientras en su hamaca se mece, yo nomás la estoy mirando
While she sways in her hammock, I can't help but watch her
Y al verla que se estremece le pregunto: "¿quihubo, cuándo?"
And when I see her shiver, I ask her: "What's up, when?"
¿Quihubo, quihubo, quihubo... quihubo, quihubo, quihubo, cuando?
What's up, what's up, what's up... what's up, what's up, what's up, when?
Ese charro y esa china nomás se están contemplando
That charro and that Chinese woman are just staring at each other
Ese charro y esa china nomás se están contemplando
That charro and that Chinese woman are just staring at each other
Dejense de hacer papeles y ya pueden irle dando
Stop playing games and get to it already
Y pa′ no ser indiscreto, les pregunto: "¿quihubo cuándo?"
And not to be rude, I ask them: "What's up, when?"
¿Quihubo, quihubo, quihubo... quihubo, quihubo, quihubo, cuándo?
What's up, what's up, what's up... what's up, what's up, what's up, when?
Mujer, abre tu ventana
Woman, open your window
Para que escuches mi voz
So that you can hear my voice
Te está cantando el que te ama
The one who loves you is singing to you
Con el permiso de Dios
With God's permission
Y aunque la noche sea obscura
And even though the night is dark
Y aquí no hay ninguna luz
And there is no light here
Con tu divina hermosura
With your divine beauty
La iluminas toda
You light it up
Con tu divina hermosura
With your divine beauty
La iluminas toda
You light it up
Yo te juro que ni el sol
I swear to you that neither the sun
La luna ni las estrellas
The moon nor the stars
Juntitas toditas ellas
All of them together
La iluminan como
Can light it up like you
iluminaste mi vida
You have lit up my life
Por eso mujer querida
That's why, my dear woman
Te canto esta noche azul
I sing to you on this blue night
Por eso vengo a robarte
That's why I've come to steal
Un rayito de tu luz
A ray of your light
Voy a cantarles un corrido muy mentado
I'm going to sing you a very well-known corrido
Lo que ha pasado allá en la Hacienda de la Flor
What happened out there at the Hacienda de la Flor
La triste historia de un ranchero enamorado
The sad story of a rancher in love
Que fue borracho, parrandero y jugador
Who was a drunkard, a party animal, and a gambler
Juan se llamaba y lo apodaban "Charrasqueado"
His name was Juan and they nicknamed him "Charrasqueado"
Era valiente y arriesgado en el amor
He was brave and daring in love
A las mujeres más bonitas se llevaba
He would take the most beautiful women with him
Y en aquellos campos no quedaba ni una flor
And in those fields, there was not a single flower left
Un día domingo que se andaba emborrachando
One Sunday while he was getting drunk
A la cantina le corrieron a avisar
They ran to the bar to warn him
"Cuídate Juan, que ya por ahí te andan buscando
"Watch out, Juan, they're after you
Son muchos hombres, no te vayan a matar"
There are a lot of men, they might kill you"
Y aquí termino de cantar este corrido
And here I finish singing this corrido
De Juan ranchero, charrasqueado y burlador
Of Juan the rancher, charrasqueado and womanizer
Que se creyó de las mujeres consentido
Who thought he was the women's favorite
Que fue borracho parrandero y jugador
Who was a drunkard, a party animal, and a gambler
Por tu culpa, mujer, por tu culpa
It's your fault, woman, it's your fault
Este amor que te tengo divaga
This love I have for you wanders
Lo rompiste por ser insoluta
You broke it by being irresponsible
Y por eso la pena me embriaga
And that's why this pain is intoxicating me
Prometiste que nada ni nadie
You promised that nothing and nobody
Este amor de los dos rompería
Would break the love between us
Fuiste puerta sin chapa ni llave
You were a door without a lock or key
A pesar que me diste la mía
Even though you took mine
Amor con amor se paga
Love is paid with love
Y algún día te cobraré
And one day I will charge you
Si hoy tu traición me amaga
If today your betrayal threatens me
Como hombre me aguantaré
As a man I will bear it
Pero anda con mucho tiento
But be very careful
Y mira por dónde vas
And watch where you step
Que las heridas que siento
Because the wounds I feel
Con otro la pagarás
You will pay for them with another
¡Eah!, ¡eah!, ¡eah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Este grito lo lanzo muy ufano
I shout this proudly
Por si alguno se quiere alebrestar
In case anyone wants to get excited
Aunque que los charros mexicanos
Even though I know that Mexican charros
Ni se rajan ni se hacen para atrás
Neither back down nor step back
¡eah!, ¡eah!, ¡eah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Hay un hombre de mi México querido
There is a man from my beloved Mexico
Que ha logrado ser tesoro nacional
Who has become a national treasure
Es el charro cantor Jorge Negrete
He is the singing charro Jorge Negrete
Nuestro orgullo que nunca morirá
Our pride that will never die

Writer(s): Felipe Gil

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