Mariano Mores & Enrique Santos Discépolo - Cafetin de Buenos Aires - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mariano Mores & Enrique Santos Discépolo - Cafetin de Buenos Aires

Cafetin de Buenos Aires
Cafetin de Buenos Aires
Cafetin de Bues Aires
Cafetin of Buenos Aires
Musica di: Mariano Mores
Music by: Mariano Mores
De chiquilín te miraba de afuera
As a little boy I would watch you from outside
Como a esas cosas que nunca se alcanzan...
Like some things that you can never reach...
La ñata contra el vidrio,
My little nose pressed against the glass,
En un azul de frío,
In the cold blue,
Que sólo fue después viviendo
Which only later in my life
Igual al mío...
Would be like mine...
Como una escuela de todas las cosas,
Like a school of everything,
Ya de muchacho me diste entre asombros:
Already as a young boy you gave me among the amazement:
El cigarrillo, la fe en mis sueños
My first cigarette, my faith in my dreams
Y una esperanza de amor.
And a hope of love.
Baretto di Buones Aires
Baretto of Buenos Aires
Da ragazzino ti guardavo da fuori
As a little boy I would watch you from outside
Come una di quelle cose che mai si ottengono ...
Like some things that you can never reach...
Il naso contro il vetro,
My little nose pressed against the glass,
In un azzurro freddo,
In the cold blue,
Che solo dopo aver vissuto
Which only later in my life
Fu come il mio ...
Was like mine...
Come una scuola di tutte le cose,
Like a school of everything,
Già da bambino mi diceste entra nelle meraviglie:
Already as a young boy you gave me among the amazement:
La sigaretta, la fede nei miei sogni
My first cigarette, my faith in my dreams
E una speranza di amare.
And a hope of love.
Cómo olvidarte en esta queja,
How could I forget in this lament,
Cafetín de Buenos Aires,
Cafetin of Buenos Aires,
Si sos lo único en la vida
If you are the only thing in life
Que se pareció a mi vieja...
That ever resembled my old lady...
En tu mezcla milagrosa
In your miraculous mix
De sabihondos y suicidas,
Of the wise and the suicidal,
Yo aprendí filosofía... dados... timba...
I learned philosophy... dice... gambling...
Y la poesía cruel
And the cruel poetry
De no pensar más en mí.
Of no longer thinking about myself.
Come dimenticarti in questo lamento,
How could I forget in this lament,
Baretto di Buenos Aires,
Baretto of Buenos Aires,
Se sei l'unico nella vita
If you are the only thing in life
Che assomigliò alla mia vecchia ...
That ever resembled my old lady...
In te miscela miracolosa
In your miraculous mix
Di sapientelli ed avventati,
Of the wise and the reckless,
Io appresi il valore del denaro ... i dadi ... il gioco delle carte ...
I learned the value of money... dice... card games...
E la poesia crudele
And the cruel poetry
Di non riflettere mai su me.
Of never reflecting on myself.
Me diste en oro un puñado de amigos,
You gave me a handful of golden friends,
Que son los mismos que alientan mis horas:
Who are the very ones who cheer my hours:
(José, el de la quimera...
(José, the one with the pipe dream...
Marcial, que aún cree y espera...
Marcial, who still believes and waits...
Y el flaco Abel que se nos fue
And skinny Abel who left us
Pero aún me guía...).
But who still guides me...).
Sobre tus mesas que nunca preguntan
At your tables that never ask
Lloré una tarde el primer desengaño,
I wept one evening over my first disappointment,
Nací a las penas,
I was born to sorrows,
Bebí mis años
I drank to my years
Y me entregué sin luchar.
And gave myself up without a fight.
Mi diede una manciata di amici d'oro,
You gave me a handful of golden friends,
Che sono gli stessi che allietano le mie ore:
Who are the very ones who cheer my hours:
(José, quello della chimera ...
(José, the one with the pipe dream...
Marcial, che ancora crede e spera ...
Marcial, who still believes and waits...
E il magro Abel che però per noi
And skinny Abel who left us
Fu come una guida ...)
But who still guides me...).
Sopra ai tuoi tavoli che mai domandarono
At your tables that never ask
Piansi una sera al primo disinganno,
I wept one evening over my first disappointment,
Nacqui alle pene,
I was born to sorrows,
Brindai ai miei anni
I drank to my years
E mi abbandonai senza lottare.
And gave myself up without a fight.

Writer(s): M. Mores, E. Santos Discepolo

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