Marika Gombitova - Cirkusový Kon - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marika Gombitova - Cirkusový Kon

Cirkusový Kon
Circus Horse
Starý je a si zvykol
He is old and he got used to it
Na zvedavých zákazníkov
To curious customers
Každý večer o pol ôsmej
Every evening at half past seven
Hopsá deťom valčík o sne
He hops a waltz about a dream for children
Starý je a v jeho hrive
He is old and in his mane
Padajú snehy clivé
The mournful snows are falling
Rozblikané svetlá slávy
The twinkling lights of fame
Nemenil by za hrsť trávy
He would not exchange for a handful of grass
Hole hej on pozná v mestách
He knows the sticks in the cities
Na lúke však nikdy nestál
But he has never stood in a meadow
Bol tak slávny krásnym behom
He was so famous for his beautiful run
Voľne sa však neprebehol
But he never ran free
Zato pozná žiale zvierat
But he knows the sorrows of animals
Nedajú sa ničím zmerať
They cannot be measured by anything
Ten plač tigra ten rev slonov
That cry of the tiger that roar of the elephants
Za domovom za domovom
For home, for home
Zato pozná dobre mreže
But he knows the bars well
žirafí pár ako veže
A giraffe couple like towers
Bič po ktorom koža bolí
A whip from which the skin hurts
Fígle opíc mačku Polly
The tricks of monkeys, the cat Polly
Ach ten koník nemá slová
Oh, that little horse has no words
Možno že by vravel znova
Perhaps he would say again
Prečo chvostom na svet máva
Why he waves his tail at the world
A ušami postriháva
And twitches his ears
Ach ten koník menom Žany
Oh, that little horse named Žany
Mám ho stále pred očami
I still have him before my eyes
Bol tak bledý bol tak biely
He was so pale, he was so white
Keď sa klaňal naposledy
When he bowed for the last time
Ach tak koník pridal číslo
Oh, so the little horse added a number
Aby sa mu ľahšie išlo
So that it would be easier for him to go
Na ten druhý koní svet
To that other horse world
Kde jak anjel bude smieť
Where like an angel he will be allowed
Bežať voľne víriť prach
To run free, to whirl up dust
Na nebeských pastvinách
In heavenly pastures
To je koniec to je všetko
That is the end, that is all
Balia cirkus zatrú štetcom
They pack up the circus, they blow the trumpet
Zožltnutý starý plagát
A yellowed old poster
A len farbe a len farbe
And only color, and only color
Chce sa plakať
I want to cry
Chce sa plakať
I want to cry

Writer(s): Kamil Peteraj, Jan Lauko

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