Marika Gombitova - Malá smutná baletka - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marika Gombitova - Malá smutná baletka

Malá smutná baletka
Little Sad Ballerina
Publikum vypadlo, zatvárajú divadlo, aj šepkár došepkal.
The audience has already left, the theater is closing, the prompter has stopped prompting.
Iba jedna postava v šatni sama zostala, malá smutná baletka.
Only one person remains in the dressing room, a small, sad ballerina.
Starý pijan, vlásenkár, bohviekde sa nacengal, opäť je tu zašitý.
An old drunk, a hairstylist, who knows where he got his nose, is here again in hiding.
Za dva deci klebietky o tom, kde, s kým baletky, každý mu to závidí.
For two drinks, he gossips about where ballerinas have been with whom, everyone envies him.
Hasnú svetlá na chodbách, z tranzistora znie tu Bach, v šatni sama baletka,
The lights are going out in the hallways, Bach is playing on the radio, the ballerina is alone in the dressing room,
V kúte suchá kytica, z popolníka dymí sa, prievan ako žiletka.
In the corner, a dried bouquet, smoke coming from the ashtray, a draft like a razor blade.
A tam vnútri tichu stien, štíhlejšia než vlastný tieň, malá smutná baletka,
And there, in the quiet of the walls, thinner than her own shadow, a small, sad ballerina,
Káva v šálke bez ucha, niečo ako predtucha, čudné veci bez svedka.
Coffee in a cup without a handle, something like a premonition, strange things without a witness.
Našli ju tam zmenenú akoby šla cez stenu, za nechtami omietka,
They found her changed as if she had walked through a wall, plaster under her nails,
Zajtra bude chýbať v ňom, v tom komparze baletnom, jedna krásna baletka.
Tomorrow she will be missing, in that ballet corps, one beautiful ballerina.
Čo sa stalo nevie nik, jej smrť nie je žiadny trik, na podlahe Anetka.
What happened no one knows, her death is no trick, Anetka on the floor.
Po nešťastnej láske plyn, tajomstvá jej prázdnych skríň, malá smutná balaetka, malá smutná baletka.
After an unhappy love, gas, the secrets of her empty cabinets, a small sad ballerina, a small sad ballerina.
Všade ticho mrazivé, farby blednú na sivé, pavúk siete tká,
Everywhere there is a chilling silence, the colors fade to gray, a spider weaves a web,
Na divadlo nám sneží a na dlážke leží malá mŕtva baletka.
It is snowing on the theater, and on the floor lies a small dead ballerina.

Writer(s): Václav Patejdl

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