Maritza Horn - Tjuvarnas Konung - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Maritza Horn - Tjuvarnas Konung

Tjuvarnas Konung
King of Thieves
Se tjuvarnas konung, han hastar,
See the King of Thieves, he is pale,
Ur valsen som nyss tagit slut,
From the waltz which has just ended,
Sin kappa kring axlarna kastar,
He throws his cape around his shoulders,
Och skyndar i parken sig ut.
And hurries out into the park.
Vad var det som rörde hans sinne
What was it that stirred his mind
Och gjorde hans panna blek?
And made his forehead so pale?
Kan hända, ett fasansfullt minne,
Perhaps, a dreadful memory,
Begånget i lidelsens lek.
Committed in a game of passion.
Han ägt varken far eller moder,
He belonged to neither father nor mother,
Genom livet han gått utan stöd.
He has walked through life without support.
Som barn med en jämnårig broder,
As a child, with an equal brother,
Vid rike man svor ty sitt bröd.
By the wealthy man, he swore himself to his bread.
blev han en son utav gatan,
So he became a son out of the street,
Förförd uti ungdomens år.
Seduced in the years of his youth.
sattes hans namn uppå kartan,
So his name was put on the map,
Av Stockholms förbrytarekår.
By Stockholm's corps of criminals.
Han börjar att saknas i salen,
He begins to be missing in the hall,
Men vem utav tjuvarnas rim.
But who of the thieves' rhyme.
Kring borden går fyllda pokalen,
Around the tables goes the filled goblet,
Men tjuvarnas konung ej finns.
But the King of Thieves is not found.
Hans drottning, den fagra blondinen,
His queen, the beautiful blonde,
Av lättsinnig glädje förstörd.
Spoiled by carefree joy.
Hon blev i sin fagraste ungdom,
She became in her most beautiful youth,
Av tjuvarnas konung förförd.
Seduced by the King of Thieves.
Hon börjar att söka i salen,
She begins to search in the hall,
Med oro vacklande tung.
With worry so unsteadily heavy.
Hon frågade vem som hon möter,
She asked whom she meets,
Om de ej sett tjuvarnas kung.
If they have not seen the King of Thieves.
får hon höra av vakten,
Then she hears from the guard,
Att han uti parken flytt ut.
That he flew out into the park.
Hon gångar sig ut för att söka,
She walks out to search,
Och finner honom tillslut.
And finds him at last.
Hon gångar fram till hans sida,
She walks up to his side,
Och viskar ljuvligt hans namn.
And whispers his name so sweetly.
Men han tyckes endast förbida,
But he seems to only wait,
För honom känns livet kallt.
For life feels so cold to him.
Ett skott hördes ljuda i natten,
A gunshot was heard in the night,
Ett anskri och allt är snart slut.
A scream and everything is soon over.
marken låg tjuvarnas konung,
The King of Thieves lay on the ground,
Som blev levande antal ströks ut.
Which was crossed out as a living number.

Writer(s): Dp, Marie Bergman, Bosse Dahlman, Maritza Horn, Backa Hans Eriksson, Jan Erik Kling, Englund Lasse

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