Marmotas en el bar - Feos Y Orgullosos - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marmotas en el bar - Feos Y Orgullosos

Feos Y Orgullosos
Ugly And Proud
Estereotipos vemos a traves de diferentes medios,
We see stereotypes through different media,
El juego es que luego intentes parecerte a ellos,
The game is that you then try to look like them,
Vemos bellos cuerpos según el criterio de una empresa,
We see beautiful bodies according to the criteria of a company,
Que quieren que esa idea este sujeta en tu cabeza,
Who want that idea to be subject in your head,
Un verano sin polera será tu objetivo,
A summer without a shirt will be your goal,
Juntar monedas para un nuevo auto deportivo,
Saving coins for a new sports car,
Somos testigos de como nos venden ilusiones, preocupado de lo físico,
We are witnesses of how they sell us illusions, worried about the physical,
No de las convicciones,
Not the convictions,
Ves el exito en el maquillaje vestirse de traje,
You see success in makeup dressed in a suit,
Ser sumiso y obediente siempre frente al jefe,
Be submissive and obedient always in front of the boss,
Horas estarás mirando tu reflejo en el espejo,
You will spend hours looking at your reflection in the mirror,
Borrando las yagas que te ha dejado el trabajo,
Erasing the sores that work has left you,
Rompe la ropa que impone el orden y manda al carajo al jefe con un
Break the clothes that impose order and send the boss to hell with a
Fuerte verde y grueso escupitajo, se solamente tu,
Strong green and thick spit, be only you,
No esa propaganda cuestionate la vida por favor pocos se salvan.
Not that propaganda, question life, please, few are saved.
Somos feos, no tuvimos cuerpos de modelo,
We are ugly, we didn't have model bodies,
Somos altos y pequeños, somos gordos flacuchentos,
We are tall and small, we are fat skinny,
Nos vestimos en la feria, no hay marca que represanta,
We dress at the fair, there is no brand that represents,
No hay valor que tengan esas prendas ¿para que te endeudas?
There is no value in those clothes, why do you go into debt?
Fuera prototipos,
Out prototypes,
Son pa tipos que se creen mijitos
They are for types that think they are little boys
Ricos, saben lo que es estar a la moda?
Rich, do they know what it's like to be fashionable?
Eso nunca fue ser lindo, quieres parecer pituco y si no tienen lloran,
That was never being cute, you want to look posh and if they don't have they cry,
Despues engordan comiendo hamburguesa en el mcdonal,
Then they get fat eating hamburgers at mcdonal,
Puede ser bonita y tener poco cerebro,
She can be pretty and have little brain,
Puede ser horrible teniendo tarjeta de credito,
She can be horrible having a credit card,
Pero la belleza no se compra,
But beauty is not bought,
No se mira a simple vista no es extravagante ropa,
It is not seen with the naked eye, it is not extravagant clothes,
El capitalismo, te vende la imagen
Capitalism, sells you the image
Le ponen precio a tu persona pa que se
They put a price on your person so that they
La gasten, en la sociedad de la bulimia
Spend it, in the society of bulimia
Comen de pura ansiedad hasta explotar, luego se vomitan.
They eat out of pure anxiety until they explode, then they vomit.
No importa lo que vistas, y no importa no lo que comas,
It doesn't matter what you wear, and it doesn't matter what you eat,
No puede ser original el que se ahoga entre las modas
He who drowns himself in fashion cannot be original
Mira las sed con que devoran,
Look at the thirst with which they devour,
La imagen que te ofrecen,
The image they offer you,
Ese ejercito de monos que simplemente obedecen
That army of monkeys that simply obey
Niños confundidos con deseos que enloquecen los males que te estresan
Confused children with desires that drive crazy the evils that stress you
Tantas normas que deforman
So many rules that deform
Tu verdadero yo que barreras bajo la
Your true self what barriers under the
Alfombra este imponiendo estupideces
Carpet this imposing nonsense
Y caretas que embrutecen,
And masks that brutalize,
Mira como florecen los prejuicios que alimentan,
See how the prejudices that feed flourish,
Peinados y disfraces de una generación de mierda,
Hairstyles and costumes of a shitty generation,
Que más que en su experiencia,
That more than in their experience,
Creeran lo que me cuentan al momento de escoger la pega en la que los
They will believe what they tell me when choosing the glue in which they
Revientan pero a ti que no te irrite que las masas solo imiten,
They explode but don't let it irritate you that the masses just imitate,
Y limiten su opinión a lo que la farandula repite,
And limit their opinion to what the celebrity repeats,
No nos vamos de culpables aunque algunos no lo
We're not going to blame ourselves even though some don't
Admiten, si hay tetas envasadas solo deja que te exciten
They admit, if there are packaged boobs just let them turn you on
Disfrazate de punky o de rapero,
Dress up as a punk or a rapper,
Para que nadie dude que tu eres callejero
So that no one doubts that you are a street,
Producete, lucete, busca tu modelo,
Produce yourself, shine, find your model,
Que ahora hasta los hippies compran la ropa al imperio
That now even hippies buy clothes from the empire
Ahorcate con la corbata, usa tacos y destruyete las patas,
Choke yourself with the tie, wear heels and destroy your legs,
Peinate con laca, comprate perfumes como imbecil, gasta plata
Style your hair with hairspray, buy perfumes like a fool, spend money
Compra la belleza operate la cara que nosotros seguiremos siendo ratas
Buy beauty, operate on your face, we will continue to be rats
Y es que te inculcan prototipos de belleza,
And it is that they instill in you prototypes of beauty,
Ser presentable para el gusto de la empresa,
Being presentable for the taste of the company,
Mujeres bien delgadas con vaginas afeitadas como si fuesen mas ricas,
Very thin women with shaved vaginas as if they were richer,
Carretiando maquilladas,
Carting made up,
La burguesía y sus clínicas privadas,
The bourgeoisie and their private clinics,
Las niñas recibiendo unas tetas de mesada
The girls receiving allowance boobs
Y es el criterio de belleza occidental,
And it is the Western beauty criterion,
Que se mete en nuestras mentes como pauta cultural y es el mercado el
That gets into our minds as a cultural guideline and it is the market the
Mayor beneficiado ropa cara que fabrican puros niños explotados,
Most benefited expensive clothes made by pure exploited children,
El pobre aburguesado comprando ropa de marca,
The bourgeois poor buying brand name clothes,
Sometido por la moda y el sistema del patriarca,
Subdued by fashion and the patriarch's system,
Romper el molde estético de la moral,
Break the aesthetic mold of morality,
A ser pollo del sistema yo prefiero verme mal
I'd rather look bad than be a chicken of the system.
Ni ahi con ser bonito
Not there to be pretty
Camino fumando pito
I walk smoking a joint
Y si me porto como el pico
And if I act like a beak
Es pa romper estereotipos
It's to break stereotypes
Debes ser exitoso, el cerdo mas jugoso,
You must be successful, the juiciest pig,
Viajar por el Caribe en crucero es asombroso, leproso,
Traveling the Caribbean by cruise is amazing, leper,
Te mirarán como un marciano,
They will look at you like a Martian,
La mierda mas hedionda que circula el pantano,
The smelliest shit circulating the swamp,
Debes perforarte el ano, pintarte los labios,
You must pierce your anus, paint your lips,
Las cuicas de las condes ya vacilan el mohicano, anarco cristiano,
The cuicas of the condes are already hesitating the Mohican, anarchist Christian,
Neonazi pacifista juntos de la mano posaran en la revista,
Neonazi pacifist holding hands will pose in the magazine,
Mientras las vacas se comen el planeta por la compra de ese pollo
While the cows eat the planet for the purchase of that chicken
Gratis, operate las tetas,
Free, operate on your tits,
Deberias ser atleta que paso con la dieta,
You should be an athlete what happened to the diet,
Internet dejo cesante a un millon de proxenetas
The Internet put a million pimps out of work
Los prototipos directo a la papelera,
Prototypes straight to the trash,
La moda y la tv te mantienen con la pera,
Fashion and TV keep you with the pear,
Auténtico del pensamiento libre,
Authentic free thought,
Cultiva tu actitud, mantente incorrompible,
Cultivate your attitude, stay incorruptible,
Nacen estereotipos del absurdo cada segundo en este mundo nació budas
Absurd stereotypes are born every second in this world, buddhas were born
Haciendo dieta, obsesionados para balancear el peso maquillado,
Dieting, obsessed with balancing weight made up,
Disfrazados en exceso las vitrinas te preguntan; cuál es tu precio,
Overdressed the windows ask you; what is your price,
Wacho, el comercio en ti ya encontró el queso para derrochar esfuerzo,
Wacho, commerce in you has already found the cheese to waste effort,
Aparentando frente al resto, seres al perfecto,
Pretending in front of the rest, beings to the perfect,
Pero nuestra existencia ya es un defecto,
But our existence is already a defect,
Mira tu reflejo en el espejo, asume todos tus complejos,
Look at your reflection in the mirror, assume all your complexes,
Te adoctrinan desde burocra la familia y el colegio,
They indoctrinate you from the bureaucracy, the family and the school,
Egocéntrico soberbio preocupado de lo estético sintético mientras el
Egocentric superb worried about the aesthetic synthetic while
Consumismo te consume por completo, eres enfermo,
Consumerism consumes you completely, you are sick,
Nadas en tu baba alimentado tu alter ego tapizado en
You swim in your drool feeding your alter ego covered in
Mosca obispo ser un accesorio del sistema y de tu cuento
Fly bishop be an accessory to the system and your story
Mantente despierto
Stay awake
Disfrazate de punky o de rapero,
Dress up as a punk or a rapper,
Para que nadie dude que tu eres callejero
So that no one doubts that you are a street,
Producete, lucete, busca tu modelo,
Produce yourself, shine, find your model,
Que ahora hasta los hippies compran la ropa al imperio,
That now even hippies buy clothes from the empire,
Ahorcate con la corbata, usa tacos y destruyete las patas,
Choke yourself with the tie, wear heels and destroy your legs,
Peinate con laca, comprate perfumes como imbecil, gasta plata,
Style your hair with hairspray, buy perfumes like a fool, spend money,
Compra la belleza operate la cara
Buy beauty, operate on your face
Que nosotros seguiremos siendo ratas
That we will continue to be rats

Writer(s): marmotas en el bar

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